HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 08 23 Village Council Regular MinutesCONTINUED MEETING
AUGUST 23, 1971
The Continued Meeting of August 23, 1971, of the Village Council of
the Village of North Orlando, Florida was called to order by Mayor
Brown at 7:34 p.m. A pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by
Mayor Brown.
Roll Call: Charles Kelley, present
Mayor Granville Brown, present Herbert Fox, present
Vice -Mayor, Charles Rowell, absent Winton Hurt, present
.Attorney, Thomas Freeman, present Troy Piland, present
Hacienda Village:
Mr. Beason was here as representative for Land Engineering Ccapany.
Mr. Kelley read the recommendation from the Zoning Board as follows:
"The Village Zoning and Planning Board held a Special Meeting August 19,
1971, with three members present and recommends the following:
Hacienda Village (Trailer Park Development) plans are in accordance
with Ordinance No. 51 and the Board by unanimous action recommends
to the Council acceptance and approval of the plans. S/James Palmer,
A motion was made by Councilman Kelley to accept the plans as noted
to be approved north of Gee Creek area as shown on page 2 of Hacienda
Village plans. Seconded by Councilman Fox. Discussion. Motion
A check in the amount of $100.00 was received from Michael S. Alexatos
and Clifford D. Jordan for payment to cover cost of handling, review,
and engineering inspections of Meadowlark Unit One Subdivision.
Winter Springs:
No representative of Mr. Bill Goodman was present at the meeting.
In discussion of the Petition for Annexation, the question was asked
how do we give them (Winter Springs) a 40-year franchise. The answer
was since the charter says no one can have a franchise for more than
30 years, and since we have a valid franchise, another one cannot be
The entire Winter Springs area can be annexed as Planned Unit Develop-
ment if all plans are submitted at time of annexation.
Mr. Reed of Florida Land. Company stated it is best for the Village
to have the Water & Sewer under one company, and they have their
planners studying this whole situation, and if it turns out that it
would be unfeasible, then Florida Land Company will consider giving
their consent to another franchise.. If it turns out unfeasible, then
Winter Springs can be issued another franchise at the discretion of
the Village. It would be good to open thi[t area to utilities with
the construction of the mobile home park there.
Page 2
August 23, cont.:
Mr. Deed said Florida Land Co. would build a larger facility out
there then they presently are going to build, but they have to
consider going to a lot of pains to plan for village effluent.
Florida Land has a permit to perate the present facility from the
Air and Wategr Pollution Control Board. Prior to getting this permit
they had to satisfy the Board that they had proper treatment of the
effluent. Florida Land Company will work with the Village and if it
turns out that it is not feasible, then they will have to work with
Winter Springs.
As Winter Springa would be annexed as a Planned Unit Development,
then Ordinance 0 would not apply to this area.
A motion was made by Councilman Hurt that we table this item
(Winter Springs) until further notice. Seconded by Councilman Piland.
Discussion. Motion carries.
Mayor Brown read the letter from North Orlando Water and Sewer Corp.
regarding Ordinance #10 revisions. This letter states that franchise
ordinances usually relate only to the issuance of a franchise and
rate schedules and connection fees are covered by tariffs that are
placed on file by the utility company with the municipality. A copy
of these tariffs are to be given to the Zoning Board for their review
and study.
A motion was made by Councilman Kelley to instruct Mr. Freeman to
.., amend Ordinance #10 to include fire hydrants not to exceed 1,000 feet
along the street right of way. Seconded by Councilman Hurt. Discussion.
Motion carries.
A letter was received from the Orange Seminole Legislative Delegation
regardip,g hearings they are going to hold of any legislative matters
that you may wish, and the first hearing will be September 16th at 7 p.m.
at the County Courthouse. Mayor Brown is to cobtact them about whether
they will accept our request for a charter at this time. Our charter
that we are operating under presently is a company charter. The North
Orlando Company got the legislature to adopt our charter. We should
change it so that we dan.gear up for the complicated problems as time
goes by.
If and when this new charter is drawn up, a special election would.
have to be held to have this charter ratified by the people.
Final Form for proposed local legislation must be in by December 2,
P age 3
August 23, 1971 coat:
Mayor Brown paid Bob Endicott Pontiac -Buick a check in the amount
of $455.00 for the truck, and $956.04 is to be financed at the
rate of 6T9.67 for twelve months. Pro-rata premium on the truck
will be 134.00, for 100/300 property liability, with $50.00
deductible, comprehensive fire and theft. The fogger was insured
for $800.00 and the premium will be $25.00.
To increase accidental death policy on police officers will be an
additional $12.00 per person.
A motion was made by Councilman Piland to authorize the Mayor to
increase the insurance with Cass -Knoblock of the three police
officers. Seconded by Councilman.Fox. Discussion. Motion carries.
Mr. Kelley said that a Mr. Pierce has donated a 110 gallon fuel
oil tank to the village. It was suggested that it be put next to
the fence so that it would be easy to refill.
Mayor Brown announced that he had bought a fire engine today. It
would be about six weeks for delivery.
Police Chief Bachelor discussed the need for tires for the police
A motion was made by Councilman Piland that we authorize the
,�. expenditure of $115.00 for tires and -balancing. Seconded by
Councilman Hurt. Discussion. Motion carries.
A motion was made by Councilman Piland that we pay H&Y Refuse Co.
the amount of $123.00 for the July bill. Seconded by Councilman
Hurt. Discussion. Motion carries by majority.
A motion was made by Councilman Kelley that we adjourn the meeting.
Seconded by Councilman Fox. Discussion. Motion carries.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton, Clerk
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