HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 07 06 Village Council Regular MinutesW
JULY , 1971
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North
Orlando, Florida was called to order by Mayor Brown at 7:32 p.m.
A pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Councilman Fox.
Roll Call: Councilmen:
Mayor, Granville Brown, present Troy Piland, present
Vice -Mayor, Charles Rowell, present W. R. Hurt, present
Attorney, Thomas Freeman, present Herbert Fox, present
A motion was made by 66uncilman Fox that we approve the minutes of
the Regular Session of June 21, 1971. Seconded by Councilman Piland.
Discussion. Motion carri s.
A motion was made by Councilman Fox that we accept the minutes of the
Workshop Session of July 2, 1971• Seconded by Councilman Piland..
Discussion. Motion carries.
Finance Report, Mr. Fox reporting:
Bala—nce, General Fund, June 21,
,0 0
Checks Drawn
Balance, General Fund, June
_ ), 6
Road & Bridge Fund., Balance,June
Checks Drawn
Balance, Road. & Bridge Fund,June
Building Fund:
Certificate of Deposit
No report on Health & Recreation.
Road & Bridge Report, Mr. Hurt reporting:
TR-ere ave been no compia n s on condition of the roads, but the
roads should be graded. Mr. Pyle would grade all roads for approximately
No Zoning & Industrial Report.
Police & Fire Report, Mr. Rowell reporting:
Mr. Rowe read the-h-o-n-thly Police & Fire Reports. The pump for
the fire truck is on order and should be in in about two more weeks.
Police Chief Bachelor's family has now arrived and Mr. Rowell wanted
to extend a welcome to them. Additional hours were worked. by
Patrolmen Smart and Kenneth while Mr. Bachelor was moving his family
down here, and Mayor Brown wanted to pay thr patrolmen for this. This
was brought up later in the meeting.
Jul , 1971 cont.
Mayor`'s epor--Rayor Brown reporting:
Rr,.-7o`F_ en o Southern Bell Company contacted Mr. Brown
"* last week and stated. there would be an increase in rates if it is
approved. A letter was received in regard to TOPICS. A letter
was received from Mr. Hall of Fla. Land Company regarding street
lighting for North Orlando Terrace. Two names for the Zoning
Board have been recommended, Mr. Ed Ferguson and Mr. Frank Sutera.
Mayor Brown nominated Frank Sutera, Ed Ferguson, Scott Schaffer,
Mr. Palmer and Mrs. Etta Harville to the Planning & Zoning Board
effective July 1, 1971.
A motion was made by Mr. Fox to appoint Etta Harville, Scott Schaffer
and Jim Palmer for a two year term on the Planning & Zoning Board and
Mr. Frank Sutera dnd Mr. Ed Ferguson for a one year term on th
Planning & Zoning Board. Seconded by Mr. Piland. Discussion. Motion
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell to appoint Charles Kelley as
Councilman. Seconded. by Councilman Fox. Discussion. Motion carries.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell to appoint Councilman Kelley
for a on- year term on the Board of Adjustment, Nouncilman Fox for
a two year term on the Board of Adjustment, and Councilman Piland
for a three year term on the Board of Adjustment. Seconded, by
Councilman Hurt. Discussion. Motion carries.
Mr. Rossman is to notify all residents within 500 feet of his
property of his intention to put & trailer on his property. If
there is no objection within a reasonable time, then the Board of
Adjustment can grant the Variance.
Mr. Charles Kelley was sworn in as Councilman by Attorney Thomas
Florida Land Company presented a revised land -use plan of the P.U.D.
area. Village Engineer, Cal Conklin, will have to be notified of
these changes and he will have to give us his recommendations. The
Zoning & Planning Board will discuss these changes and notify the
Council of their recommendations.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell to have the Zoning Board
review the changes in the land -use plan and pass on their recommendation
to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Hurt. Discussion. Motion carries
A motion was made by Councilman Fox to make Moss Road the center
line street for issuing numbers east and west. Seconded by
Councilman Hurt. Discussion. Motion carries.
A motion was made by Councilman Fox that concrete poles be in-
stalled and. also one additional light be added to the park area
of North Orlando Terrace, Unit 1, Sections One and. Two. Seconded
by Councilman Kelley. Discussion. Motion carries.
Page 3
July 1971_cont.
motion was made by Councilman Rowell that four additional fire
lq, hydrants be added to the North Orlando Terrace, Unit 1, Section
One and Two, as indicated by X on the submitted plat,provided.
however, all fire mains will be six inches.
A motion was made by Councilman Piland that we instruct the attorney
to draw up an ordinance to change our utility tax to eight per cent
and remove the cap to a straight across the board eight per cent.
Seconded by Councilman Rowell. Discussion. Councilman Hurt, Rowell
Fox and Piland voted yes; Councilman Kelley voted no. Motion
carries by majority.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell that we empower the Mayor to
negotiate a lease agreement with Kustom Signal Corporation for one
radar set. Seconded by Councilman Hurt. Discussion. Councilmen
Hurt, Rowell, Fox and Piland voted yes; Councilman Kelley voted. no.
Motion carries by majority.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell that we pay Patrolman Ed
Smart for fifty hours work and Patrolman F. Scott Kenneth for forty
hours work while Chief Bachelor was in New York. Seconded by
Councilman Fox. Discussion. Motion carries.
A motion was made by Councilman Fox that we give the Mayor permiksion
to find us a maintenance man for a five-day, 40-hour week, at two
dollars per hour. Seconded by Councilman Hurt. Discussion. Motion
The subject of TOPICS will be taken up at a later date.
A motion was made by Councilman Kelley to adjourn the meeting at
10:35 p.m. Seconded by Councilman Fox. Motion carries.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton, Cl, rk
44anv!noBrown', Mayor�