HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 02 01 Village Council Regular MinutesR. GULARVI7S.` SaIOT
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Tie R gulp r & ssicr of thVi llag-' Ccu-ccil of the Village of
Ivort?i. Crlando, Florida. was call-d to ordc,r by i' ayor Tilsor at
t 7:40 p.m.
A 71 r V-e of All-giar.ce tc th-, Flag was �t i_r TTurt .
Councilmen :
Roll Call: Richard. Allen, present
ayer David Tilson, present W. R. Hurt, present
;lice -Mayor Pasquale DelVillaggio, absent Charles Kelley, present
Attorney, Thomas Freeman, present Charles Rowell, present
A motion was made, by Councilman Rowell to approve the minutes of
January#., 1971. Seconded by Councilman Hurt. Discussion. Motion
carries. Minutes stand approved.
A motion was rude by Councilman Hurt to pay the bills. Seconded by
Councilman Allen. Discussion. Motion. carries.
Treasurer's Report:
General -Fund:`
General Fund,
Chec?as Drawn
3, 39b-. 82
General Fund,
Road & Brl
dg Fund:
Road & Bridge
Fund, 12/31/70
Charge for Dec.
Chucks Drawn
Road & Bridge
Fund, 1/31/71
111 1 -50
Building Fund,
Building Fund.,
Finance Report, Mr. Allen reporting:
Mr. "Tlenaa the fin ancia�statements for the last quarter of
1970 from Mr. Kramer.
Zoning &Election Report _Mr. Kelley ry�e ortan.:
No zoning report was rreceived rrom the Chairman of the Zoning and
Planning Board.
On election, the election will be held March 16, 1971. To be
elected. is Mayor, 1 year unexpired term; Councilmen Groups 1,3,4 & 5.
Candidates must file last 10 days of February beginning Feb. 19th and
qualifying period ends )! p.m.. March 1, 1971. Candidates must fill out
Page 2
Feb. 1, 1971 cont.
pre -qualifying forms this year. Notice of Gen. Election to appear
in the Sanford Herald en Feb. 5, 12, 19 & 26th. All persons must be
registered. with the County. Registrations close 5 p.m. Feb. 12, 1971.
Police & Fire Report, Mr. Rowell rortin :
1�r-'- owe . read e mon F"Ty o Zce ire Reports. Bids were received
for the Fire Dept. as follows: Central Fire Equip. Co.$465.00;.
Approved Fire Protection Co. 443.46; ABC Fire Equip. Inc. $433.80;
Seminole Fire Equip. Inc. W1.04.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell that we accept the low bid. of
Seminole Fire Equipment Inc. ($381.04) and purchase the equipment
for the Fire Department. Seconded by Councilman Allen. Discussion.
Motion carries.
Mr. Rowell read Lynn Lyon's letter of resignation, effective Feb. 15,
1971. A motion was made by Mr. Rowell that we accept the Chief of
Police, Lynn Lyon's resignation with regrets. Seconded by Mr. Allen.
Discussion. Motion carries. Ma' or Tilson said it is with deep regret
that we accept this resignation.
A motion was made by Richard Allen that we advertise in the Orlando
Sentinel and the Sanford Herald to fill the vacancy of the Chief of.
Police, Lynn Lyon's resignation. Seconded by Charles Rowell. Discussion.
Motion carries.
Road & Bridge Report, Mr. Hurt re ortin
A matron was made by Mr Hurt that we hf37re Stephen Kenneth as
Maintenance Man for approximately 16 to 20 hours per week at the
rate of $2.00 per hour. Seconded by Mr. Allen. Discussion. Motion
Mr. Allen suggested that Mr. Kenneth keep a journal of all the work
that he does, and the hours he works.
Recreation, Health & Beautification Report held in abeyance due to
Mr. DelVillaggio's absence.
Mayor's Report Mayor Tilson re ortin
Mayor Tilson repor e�'Tc that
ahHas had a lot of homework trying to
catch up on what has been happening. A letter from. City Engineer,
Cal Conklin was received in regard to drainage of 1st, 5th & 8th
Addn. and will be read later on the agenda.
Recess was called, and the Public Hearing called to order.
The Public Hearing was called by Linda Dowell for a Special Permit
to allow her to have three dogs. Linda Dowell was present for the
Hearing. No one spoke for or against the permit.
A motion was made by Councilman Allen to grant the Special Permit
allowing her to have three dogs. Seconded by Mr. Rowell. Discussion.
Motion carries.
5 Minute Recess.
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Feb. 1, 1971 cont,
The meeting was called back to order.
A motion was made by Councilman Allen to advertise in the Sanford
Herald giving notice that insurance bids are open and. specifications
are available to interested persons desiring to bid. on same. Seconded
by Mr. Hurt. Discussion. Motion carries.
Visitors cemments:
o comments.
Florida Land. Co. - 1st, 5th & 8th Additions:
Rr 7=3 son rea r: ion in s letter or February 1, 1971 regarding
the drainage in that area.
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell that the engineering plans for
North, Orlando lst, 5th & 8th Addns. be approved by the Council as
submitted to the Village Engineer, subject to receipt of a letter of
guarantee from Florida Lan d.Company that they would meet with the
recommendations that Mr. Conklin, had.. Seconded by Mr. Hurt.
Discussion. Motion carries.
Annexation Ordinance
T-m'o on was mace 57
proposed annexation
Allen. Discussion.
#55 of Jack Rossman
r. Roweil to have
Ordinance #55 at this
Motion carries.
Jack's Mini Mart):
e first reading of the
time. Seconded by Mr.
A motion was made by Mr. Hurt that we accept Ordinance #55 on the
first reading. Seconded by Mr. Kelley. Discussion. Motion carries.
P. U. D. Ordinance:
There was much discussion on the U. D. Ordinance. Mayor Tilson
suggested. that the Council instruct the Attorney and the City Engineer
to get together to decide what is necessary in the P. U. D. Ordinance.
Then instruct the engineer to get together with the engineers of
Florida Land Company and work out any solutions with them. Then take
the recommendations, and instruct the Attorney to redraft this for
some sort of action.
A motion was made by Mr. Allen that we accept Mayor Tilson's proposals
with regard to the P.U.D. Ordinance. Mr. Freeman get together with
the City Engineer. Then collaborate with the engineers of Florida
Land Company, find solutions to the problem; draft up a final draft
for the next meeting. Seconded by Mr. Kelley. Discussion. Motion
Charter Board:
7r-.-7'I7son aBolished.
a special election to
Provision in order to
the Charter Board. At
elect a Charter Board.
get whatever action is
a later date we may have
under the Home Rule
Mr. Rowell announced that he will again run for Councilman in the
March election.
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Feb. 1, 1971 cont.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Mr. Kelley. Seconded
by Mr. Hurt. The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary. Norton,
Village Clerk
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