HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 12 07 Village Council Regular MinutesREGULAR SESSION
,. DECEMBER 7, 1970
The Regular Session of th Village Council of the. Village of
Yorth Orlando, Florida was called. to order by Mayor Jordan at
7:35 P.M.
A Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilman .Hurt.
Roll Call;
Mayor Clifford Jordan councilmen:
Vice Mayor, Pasquale DelVillaggio Charles Rowell
Attorney Thomas Freeman, Jr. Richard Allen
Wintmore Hurt
Charles Kelley, absent
The meeting was adjourned and the Public Hearing called to order.
Mr. Fred Strohm, 570 Tradewinds Road applied for a Special Permit
for his five dogs. He spoke for the permit. No other resident
appeared to speak for the applicant.
Mrs. Williamson spoke against the permit, claiming the dogs'
barking annoyed her.
A motion was made by Councilman DelVillaggio that we approve
Mr. Strohm's request for a Special Permit for his five dogs.
,�.., Seconded by Councilman Rowell. Discussion. Motion carries.
Mr. Strohm. is granted the Special Permit for a o,.-riod of one
year at which time. he, may submit another request.
The Public Hearing was adjourned at 8 P.M. and the Regular
Session was called back to order.
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes o e Regular Session of November 2, page 3, the
last motion was amended to read, "Seconded by Ex. Rowell".
A motion was madw by Mr. DelVillaggio to approve the minutes of
November 2, 1970 as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Hurt. Discussion.
Motion carries. Minutes stand approved.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell. to approve the minutes of
the Special Session of November 9, 1970 as written. Seconded by
Councilman Allen. Discussion. Motion carries.
The minutes of the Special Session of November 13, the motion
was amended to read, ""A motion was made by Councilman DelVillaggio
that we accept the engineering on North Orlando Townsite, 4th
Addition, Unit 2 as submitted. Mr. Sapp agreed that Sherry
Road will be put through to SR 419 within one year. "Seconded
by Councilman Hurt. Discussion. Motion carries."
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December 7, 1970, cont.
A motion was made by Councilman DelVillaggio to approve the
minutes of Yovember 13, 1970 as corrected.. Seconded. by
Councilman Aller. Motion carries. Minutes stand approv"d
as corrected.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell to pay th bills.
Seconded by Councilman D:1Villaggio. Discussion. Motion
Treasurer's Report:
Balance, General—Fund, 10/31/70 4,680.06
Checks Drawn 1,808.45
Deposits 1,797.74
Balance, General Fund 11/30/70 4,669.35
Road & Bridge Fund:
Balance, Road & Bridge Fund, 10/31/70 420.03
Service Charge for October .53
Checks Drawn 30.00
Deposits None
Service Charge for November .51
Balance, Road & Bridge Fund. 11/30/70 388.Q9
Building Fund Balance, 10/31/70 2,262.48
Checks Drawn None
Deposits None
10" Balance, Building Fund 11/30/70 2,262.48
A Iter hadbeen sent to the State Road Dept. to move the Resume
Speed Sign 1 mile west on SR434-
A letter had been sent to Gilbert Artman for theFire Department's
request for a Power Wagon on 1_ -:ase.
A letter was received. from Florida League of Municipalities
stating that dues would. be increased. next year.
A litter was received from Florida Land Co. regarding general
engineering information on their Planned Unit Development.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell that our Attorney draw
up a standard performance bond. foam to be used by all contractors
in the Village. Seconded by Councilman Hurt. Discussion.
Motion carries.
Meeting adjourned. for five minutes smoking recess.
Meeting was called back to order.
Finance Report, Mr. Allen reporting:
Mr. en _ a . a questioninren�rence to Florida Statute,
Chapter 166, a Home Rule Statute which refers to procedures of
authorizing a Charter Committee, and also has reference to how
a Council can have a. Charter vrganize.d. Mr. Freeman is to
research this subject.
Zoning& .Flection Report, Mr. Kelley reporting:
No report--aue to Mr. =eyabsence.
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December 7, 1970, cont.
Police & Fire Report, Mr. Rowell reporting:
e official e cp one number `or e or Orlando Police
Department is 831-2123. The Fire Department is to distribute
the numbers to all residents. Tht_Ladies Auxiliary of the
N.O.F.D. purchased the stickers. Mr. Rowell gave the monthly
Police & Fire Reports. A letter was received from Lynn Lyon,
Police Chief, that Frederick S. K_nneth has been promoted. to
the rank of Auxiliary Sgt.
The annual Christmas Parade and Party, sponsored by the North
Orlando Fire Dpartment will be held on December 20, 1970,
starting at 2:30 p.m.
Congratulations were given to Police Chief Lynn Lyon who will
be graduating from Seminole Junior College in December with an
associate degree in Police Science.
Road & Bridge Report, Mr. Hurt -reporting:
All the roads have been graded n the Ranchlands. Speed signs
are needed for Meadowlark, approximately in the amount of 1219.00.
Health, Beautification & Recr., Mr. DelVillaggio reporting:
Tftere is about�uu.uu worm or recreation equipment tf.at is
missing. Something should. be done about the Recreation Building.
Trash complaints are numerous. A letter is to be sent to
Mr. Sam Hodge regarding Mr. Mitchell, who has a haavy-type trash
can, but it is 20 -gallons. Mr. Hodge refuses to collect the
trash, as he claims it is too haavy. Mr. Hodge is to be asked
to attend our next Council meeting to ssttle this matter.
A letter is to be sent to the Fire Department asking them to
burn the building at the recreation area th next time they burn
the grass. This should be done as soon as possible as the-
building constitutes a hazard, and. someone could get hurt in
Ma ort s Report, Mayor Jordan re ort in :
ayor -Jor an represented the Vi lage in the Sanford Christmas
The money was collected from the North Orlando Co. for mowing
lots in the amount of *378.00.
Mr. George Fuller has been elected Chairman of the Charter Board.
The Village has made their first application for five -cent per
gallon refund on gas used by city vehicles.
Mr. Hurt has submitted his letter of resignation from the Zoning
Board as soon as a replacement can be found. Mr. Freeman is to
research if there is any violation having a man serve on two
official capacities.
Visitors Comments:
To comments.
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December 7, 1970, cont.
Reguest for funds for Charter Board:
motion was made by ounc'�Tman_Se"-Villaggio to appropriate
$50.00 for use of the Charter Board for miscellaneous expendi-
tures. Seconded. by Councilman Allen. Discussion. Motion
A motion was made by Councilman Allen to authorize the Clerk
to pay the monthly statements of Mr. Freeman and Mrs. Dampier
for extra work in connection with the Charter Board. Seconded
by Councilman Hurt. Discussion. Motion carries.
A motion was made by Councilman DelVillaggio to donate 25.00 to
the North Orlando Garden Club for the Christmas Lighting Project.
Seconded by Councilman Allen. Discussion. Motion carries.
A motion was made by Councilman Allen to donate $25.00 to the
Fire Department for expenses for the Christmas Parade and. Party.
Seconded by Councilman Rowell. Discussion. Motion carries.
The second reading of Ordinance -�53 (Intent to Annex) was made
by Mr. Freeman, by title only.
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell that we approve Ordinance #53
for the second reading by title only. Seconded. by Mr. Hurt.
Discussion. Motion carries.
The third reading of Ordinance ho. 53 was made by Mr. Freeman
by title only.
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell that we approve Ordinance No. 53
for the third. reading by title only. Seconded by Mr. Hurt.
Discussion. Motion carri<:s.
The first reading of Ordinance No. 54 (Granting Fla. Publ- Utilities
a Gas Franchise) was read. by Mr. Freeman.
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell to accept Ordinance No. 54 on
the first reading. Seconded by Mr. Allen. Discussion. Motion
A motion was made by Councilman DelVillaggio to continue the
meeting on December 21, 1970. Seconded by Councilman Rowell.
Discussion. Motion carries.
ayou r
f ort
Respectfully submitted,
9� 7 -
Mary T. Norton
Village Cl< rk