HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 10 05 Village Council Regular MinutesREGULAR SESSION
OCTOBER 5, 1970
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of
North Orlando, Florida was called to order by Mayor Jordan at
7:38 p.m.
A Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Freeman.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Mayor, Clifford Jordan Councilmen:
Vice -Mayor, Pasquale DelVillaggio Charles Kelley
Attorney, Thomas Freeman, Jr. Charles Rowell
Richard Allen
A motion was made by Councilman Allen to approve the minutes of
September 14, 1970 as written. Seconded by Councilman DelVillaggio.
Discussion. Motion carries. Minutes stand approved.
A motion was made by Councilman Allen to approve the minutes of
September 28, 1970. Seconded by Councilman Rowell. Discussion.
Motion carries. Minutes stand approved.
Treasurers s Report:
Balance,' General Fund 8/31/70
Checks Drawn
Balance, General Fund. 9/30/70
Road & Bridge Fund.:
Balance, Road & Bridge Fund 8/31/70
Checks Drawn
Balance, Road & Bridge Fund 9/30/70
Building Fund Balance 8/31/70
Interest June & September 1970
Balance Building Fund 9/30/70
19x.L4.3 8
71 letter'—ti�ad been sent to Mr. Muse, Supt. of Transportation, of the
Seminole County School Board, asking him to please reroute the
buses via the bus shelter on North Devon Ave.
A cover letter was sent to the County Commissioner with an executed
copy of the agreement for use of the County Pound.
Finance Report, Mr. Allen reporting:
e nven ory report, is -not correc� as it shows equipment which
we no longer have. We should discuss budgets at a workshop meeting.
,Page 2
October 5, 1970
Zoning & PlanninZ Board, Mr. Kelley reporting:
TheZoning anning board held a mee ng ctober 2, 1970 to
discuss the annexation as per the petition of Jack H. Rossman.
Police & Fire Report, Mr. Rowell reporting:
Mr. Rowell Fe -ad the moon"thiy Folice & Fire Reports. He also
read. a letter from Police Chief Lynn Lyon, Jr. recommending James
Dallas Smith be placed on the Auxiliary Police Department.
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell to accept James Dallas Smith
to the Auxiliary Police Department of North Orlando, subject to
FBI approval. Seconded by Mr. Allen. Discussion. Motion carries.
Mr. Rowell read a letter from Police Chief Lynn Lyon, Jr.
requesting Edgar E. Smart, Jr. be made a paid part time patrolman.
A motion was mad.e by Mr. Rowell that we make Edgar E. Smart
patrolman and hire him at the rate of two dollars per hour as
assigned by the Police Chief. Second.ed by Mr. Allen. Discussion.
Motion carries.
Road & Bridge Report, -Assistant Comm. Mr. Kelley re ortin
No rep ort.
Health, Beautification & Recr. Report, Mr. DelVillaggio re ortin
Mr. agg o had nothing to report except, s concern over
what should be done with the Recreation Building and area.
Mayor's Report, Mayor Jordan reporting:
'Thirteen homes are now under construction in Meadowlark.
Visitor's Comments:
evera .vis ors attended the meeting concerned over annexation,
but as their property is not involved, they departed.
Mr. Sanders, of Sanders, McEwa.n, Mims & McDonald, attorneys and
counsellors at law, representing Mr. J.Hilbert Sapp, Inc., reported
on the streets of North Orlando Townsite 4th Add., Plat Bk. 14,
pages 5 & 6, and presented a letter requesting that the Village
accept the streets for maintenance. (Said letter is attached).
A motion was made by Councilman Kelley to accept Replat No. 3
of a Portion of North Orlando Townsite Fourth Addition, Seminole
County, Florida, Village of North Orlando. Seconded by Councilman
DelVillaggio. Discussion. Motion carries.
A motion was made by Councilman DelVillaggio that we should accept
Bennett Street, Charles Street and parts of David Street as out-
lined in the working drawing in Unit 1 of the As Built Plan of
J. Hilbert Sapp, Inc., Profit Sharing Trust, for maintenance by
the Village of North Orlando. Seconded by Mr. Rowell. Discussion.
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Councilman DelVillaggio that the Council
interprets the Subdivision regulation to require a minimum of 101,
stabilization subbase on all future streets before approval for
maintenance. Seconded by Councilman Allen. Discussion. Motion
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October 5, 1970
Mr. Kelley read the recommendation from the Zoning & Planning
• Board in reference to the Petition for Annexation of Jack H.
Rossman .
A motion was made by Mr. DelVillaggio to instruct the Attorney
to draft a notice of intent to annex the property of Jack H.
Rossman. Seconded by Mr. Kelley. Discussion. Motion carries.
Mr. Freeman reported that Mrs. Dampier has not yet forwarded
her report.
A motion was made by Mr. Kelley to instruct the Attorney to
prepare a franchise with Florida Public Utilities Company.
Seconded by Mr. DelVillaggio. Discussion. Motion carries.
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell that the Mayor sign the agree-
ment with the City of Casselberry in regard to the coordination
of radio equipment. Seconded by Mr. Kelley. Discussion. Motion
A motion was made by Mr. Kelley to continue the meeting next
Monday night, October 12, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Allen.
Discussion. Motion carries.
C1 Jo an, Mayor
Village of orth Orlando
Respectfully submitted.,
Mary T. Norton
Village Clerk