HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 09 14 Village Council Regular Minutesr
SEPTEMBER 14, 1970
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of
North Orlando, Florida was called to order by Mayor Jordan at
7:35 p.m.
A Pledge of Allegianee to the Flag was led by Mr. Allen.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Mayor, Clifford Jordan Councilmen:
Vice -Mayor, Pasquale DelVillaggio Charles Kelley
,Attorney, Thomas Freeman, Jr. Charles Rowell
Richard Allen
Absent - Wayne Miller
A motion was made by Mr. DelVillaggio to approve the minutes of
August 3, 1970 as written. Seconded by Mr. Allen. Discussion.
Motion carried.. Minutes stand approved.
The Public Hearing on the Special Permit for Mr. & Mrs. Honeycutt
was called to order. No resident appeared to speak for or against
the permit. A motion was made by Mr. Rowell to grant this special
permit to Mr. & Mrs. Honeycutt. Seconded by Mr. Allen. Discussion.
Motion carries. Hearing Adjourned.
The Public Hearing on the Special Permit for Mr. & Mrs. Bramlett
was called to order. No resident appeared to speak for or against
the permit. A motion was made by Mr. Allen to grant this special
permit to Mr. & Mrs. Bramlett. Seconded by Mr. DelVillaggio.
Discussion. Motion carries. Hearing Adjourned.
Treasurerts Report:
Balance,- enera und, 7/31/70 3,799.96
Checks Drawn 1,396.85
Deposits 1,838-77
Balance General Fund, 8/31/70 4,241.88
Road & Bridge Fund:
Balance, Road. & Bridge Fund, 7/31/70 646.68
Less Bank Charge for July 353
Checks Drawn 55.39
Less Bank Charge for August .33
Balance, Road & Bridge Fund, 8/31/70 590.61
Building Fund, 8/31/70 1,764.78
A utility permit had been received from the Winter Park Telephone
Co. notifying the Village of work they will be doing, and if we
have any complaints to notify them.
'Page 2
SeptQmber 14, 1970.
Correeu continued:
Flordaa League or municipalities Convention letter was received
regarding tie Convention which will be held. October 25-27 in Miami
Beach. Letter was sent to Mr. Rupp notifying him of the Zoning
Ordinance pertaining to parking of tractor -trailers.
Letters were sent to property owners to have their lots mowed and
Occupational License Renewal letters were sent out.
Finance Report_, Mr. Allen reporting.
Mr. Allen requested a e oun—_men get together to make a sight
inventory of all Village Equipment.
Only one budget had been submitted. and. that was Road & Bridge. It
is up to each department to submit a budget.
Zoning & Election Re ort- Mr. Kelley reporting:
Nothing to report other an the two vacancies.
Police & Fire Re ort Mr. Rowell re ortin :
Mr. Rowell gave the monthly poilce & fire reports. The fire truck
and tanker have been painted, and Mayor Jordan thanked the Fire
Department for all the work they have done in painting these trucks.
Health, Beautification, & Recr. Report, Mr. DelVillag&io reporting:
Mr. Anderson has stared mowing the lots, but repairs on t he
tractor have held him up. As soon as the tractor is repaired he
will get back to the mowing.
A Dog Pound Agreement was received from the County, which is to
be filled out and mailed in. This Agreement states the boarding
fee will be $1.50 per day or fraction thereof and $3.00, per dog
for disposal.
The Village will still use the facilities at Dr. DeVoreis ,Animal
Hospital until this becomes available.
Someone started a fire in the building at the Recreation Area, and.
there is not much left of the building now.
A motion was made by Mr. DelVillaggio that the Council send a letter
to the Superintendent of Schools and the Transportation Department
asking them to route their buses to the bus shelter on N.Devon Ave.
for the health and protection of the children of the Village.
Seconded by Mr. Rowell. Discussion. Motion carried..
A motion was made by Mr. Allen to accept the Agreement for use of
the County Dog Pound. Seconded. by Mr. Rowell. Discussion. Motion
Mayor's Report, Ma or Jordan re ortin :
Two building permits were issuedeast week for Spacecoast
Builders, developers of Meadowlark.
The roads in Meadowlark need inspecting, and the Village Engineer
is to be notified to do this.
Mr. Rowell is opposed to leasing the Recreation Building if and
when it is repaired, as he feels the building is for the residents
of the Village only.
Page 3
September 14, 1970
Mayor Is re ort, cont.:
ietter or resIgnatigna on was received. from Councilman Miller. A
motion was made by Mr. Allen to accept the resignation of Wayne
Miller as submitted, with regrets. Seconded by Mr. DelVillaggio.
Discussion. Motion carries.
The Mayor asked the Councilmen to submit names at the next .meeting
to try and fill the position of Road & Bridge Commissioner.
Visitors comments:
Mr. Robert Winka was present, concerned over annexation.
Mr. Hodge, Mr. Tilson, and Mr. Fox were present.
Mr. Freeman reported on the annexation report. Mrs. Dampier is
having a very difficult time drawing up the legal description
because of lack of records. She will try to have some report
within the next thirty days.
Zoning Board appointments:
Mrs. Ann De a der and Mr. W. Hurt
and both expressed an interest in
were introduced to the Council
working on the Zoning and Planning
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell to accept the recommendations of
the Mayor of Mrs. DeVelder and Mr. Hurt to the Zoning and Planning
Board. Seconded by Mr. DelVillaggio. Discussion. Motion carries.
The Gas Franchise is to be discussed. at our Workshop Meeting on
September 28, 1970.
The Election Ordinance is also to be discussed at our Workshop
Meeting on September 28, 1970•
Applications are available in the Village Hall for the position of
Building Inspector. An ad will be placed in the newspaper to
advertise for a Building Inspector. This will be discussed at our
next regular Council Meeting.
No one came to the meeting to discuss Mr. Rupp's violation of his
parking of tractor trailer. This regulation will have to be enforced.
Mention was made that weight limit signs should be posted on our streets.
Florida League of Municipalities Convention was discussed. The
Council pays the registration fee, mileage and room and board. No
Councilmen said he would be able to attend.
Mr. Allen brought up the idea that job descriptions should be made
up so that each official would know what is required in the different
A motion was made by Mr. DelVillaggio to adjourn the meeting at 9:20.
Seconded by Mr. Kelley. Motion carries. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Approve : * �aZ
Mary T. Norton, Village Clerk
Cliff r Jor a ayor
Village of North Orlando