HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 08 03 Village Council Regular Minutes~ REGULAR SESSION
AUGUST 3, 1970
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of
North Orlando, Florida was called to order by Mayor Jordan at
7:30 p.m.
A Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Kelley.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Mayor, Clifford Jordan Charles Kelley
Vice -Mayor, Pasquale DelVillaggio Charles Rowell
Attorney, Thomas Freeman, Jr. Wayne Miller
Richard Allen
A motion was made by Councilman DelVillaggio to approve the minutes
of July 6, 1970 as written. Seconded by Councilman Allen.
Discussion. Motion carried. Minutes stand approved.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell to approve the minutes of
July 16, 1970. Seconded by Councilman Allen. Discussion. Motion
Treasurerls Report:
a ante General Fund 6/30/70 $3,067.64
Checks Drawn 1,846.23
Deposits 2,578.55
r-- Balance, General Fund 7/31/70 3,799.96
Balance, Road & Bridge Fund 6/30/70 728.75
Checks Drawn 81.94
Bank Charge .13
Balance, Road & Bridge Fund 7/31/70 646.68
Finance Re ort, Mr. Allen reporting:
r. en discussed the financial statements from Mr. Kramer.
Zonina & Election Report, Mr. Kelley re orting:
The Zoning Board hada meeting k1riday, July 31, 1970. Mr. Fox
was elected the new chairman. Mr. Green and Mr. Kennedy have
resigned. The Mayor requested recommendations for those two
vacancies be given at the next meeting.
Police & Fire Re ort Mr. Rowell re ortin .
R—K—Ro—well read e Police Report ror July. No fire report for
Road & Bridge Report, Mr. Miller reporting:
ne complaintwas received. A drain was stopped on North Edgemon
but Mr. Miller needs the help of the Fire Department to correct
this. All equipment is in working condition.
Page, 2
,Augu st 3, 1970
Health Recr. & Beautification Fie ort Mr. DelVillagaio reporting:
umerous complaints about ras pick-ups were received. e
building at the Recreation area is in very bad condition..
Ma orfs Re ort, Mayor Jordan re ortin :
Me South Seminole Jaycees are interested in worlfing with North
Orlando at the Recreation area.
The Second reading of Ordinance No. 51, (Article XVII R -T Trailer
Park District of Ordinance No. 44) by title only was read by
Mr. Freeman.
A motion was made by Mr. DelVillaggio to accept Ordinance No. 51
on the second reading. Seconded by Mr. Kelley. Discussion.
Motion carries.
The third reading of Ordinance No. 51 was made by Mr. Freeman, by
title only.
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell to accept Ordinance No. 51 on the
third reading by title only. Seconded by Mr.' Allen. Discussion.
Motion carries.
Ordinance No. 51 is adopted.
The Second reading of Ordinance No. 52 (allowing a special permit
to allow for more than two dogs in a single residence) was made
�., by M r. Freeman.
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell to accept Ordinance No. 52 on the
second reading. Seconded by Mr. DelVillaggio. Discussion.
Motion carries.
The third reading of Ordinance No. 52, by title only, was made by
Mr. Freeman.
A motion was made by Mr. DelVillaggio to accept Ordinance No. 52 on
the third reading by title only. Seconded by Mr. Kelley. Discussion.
Motion carries.
The Regular Session was recessed and the Public Hearing on Rezoning
was called to order.
Mr. Al band representing Gerstung Construction Company presented
plans and read covenants and restrictions of the proposed trailer
park. Mr. Land and Mr. Gerstung spoke in favor of the rezoning. No
residents showed up to oppose the rezoning.
The Public Hearing was adjourndd and the Regular Session called back
to order.
A motion was made by Mr. DelVillaggio to approve the request for re-
zoning from Gerstung Construction Co. from T-1 to R -T. Seconded
by Mr. Kelley. Discussion. Motion carries.
P ager,, 3
August 3, 1970
Mr. Al Gaede, representing Florida Public Utilities Company gave
.. proposals for a natural gas franchise to all the Councilmen for
their study.
Mr. John Durney of Suburban Propane spoke for Suburban Propane Co.
about their present franchise with North Orlando. They have served
our Village since its inception and they would like to continue to
do so. They oppose the natural gas franchise due to possible shortage
of natural gas.
No action was taken due to lack of time.
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell to instruct the Village Attorney to
check our present franchise with Suburban Propane. Seconded by Mr.
Allen. Discussion. Motion carries.
Our next regular meeting will be postponed until September 14 due
to the Labor Day Holiday.
Mr. Sidney Vihlen, Sr. will be continued as building inspector
on a temporary basis until a permanent appointment can be made.
A motion was made by Mr. Allen to allow up to $200.00 to clean out
the ditch on South Devon. Seconded by Mr. DelVillaggio. Discussion.
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Mr. Kelley to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 p.m.
Seconded by Mr. DelVillaggio. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton
Village Clerk
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