HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 07 06 Village Council Regular Minutesr
JULY 6, 1970
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North
Orlando, Florida was called to order by Mayor Jordan at 7:35 P.M.
A Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Rowell.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Mayor, Clifford Jordan Councilmen:
Vice -Mayor, Pasquale DelVillaggio Charles Rowell
Attorney, Thomas Freeman, Jr. Richard. Allen
Wayne Miller
Charles Kelley
The Regular Session was adjourned at 7:50 P.M.
The Public Hearing was called to order.
Mr. Conklin discussed Article XVI, Amendment to Ordinance #".
Several changes were to be made. Mr. Land also discussed the
few changes to be made.
The Public Hearing was adjourned at 9:08 p.m.
The Regular Session was called to order.
A motion was made by Mr. Allen to approve the minutes, as corrected,
of June 1, 1970. Seconded by Mr. DelVillaggio. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Allen to approve the minutes of June 11,
1970. Seconded by Mr. Rowell. Discussion. Motion carried.
Treasurerts Report:
Balance, enera nd 5/31/70 $2,522.62
Checks Drawn 1,345.49
Deposits 1,890.51
Balance, General Fund 6/30/70 3,067.64
Balance, Road & Bridge Fund 5/31/70 958.38
Checks Drawn 229.63
Balance, Road & Bridge Fund 6/30/70 728.75
A letter was received from Southern Bell Telephone Company regarding
toll-free telephone service to Orlando, which is not available at
the present time.
A notice from the Department of Revenue stating a recent law had
been passed which provided for a refund of five cents per gallon of
the tax paid on purchases of gas for use in motor vehicles operated
by the municipalities. Copies of rules will be forthcoming.
A letter was received from GAC relating to payment of plats in the
amount of $400.00.
JULY 61 1970
Correspondence, cont.:
A letter was sent to Camilla Bruce authorizing her to purchase -the
binder and index sheets totalling $93.20.
.A letter of resignation was received from Mayor Jordan, effective
January 4, 1971.
A motion Was made by Mr. Rowell that we accept Mr. Jordants
resignation, effective January 4, 1971. Seconded by Mr. Allen.
Discussion. Motion carried.
Finance Report, Mr. Allen reporting:
motion was made by Mr. Allen to pay the Village Clerk $2.00 per
hour for overtime, effective July 1, 1970. Seconded by Mr. Del-
Villaggio. Discussion. Motion carries.
Zoning & Election Report - No report.
Police & Fire Re ort Mr. Rowell re ortin :
Mme.Rowell read e monthly police and fire reports.
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell that a raise of $25.00 per month
by given to Attorney Thomas Freeman and Police Chief Lynn Lyon, Jr.,
effective July 1, 1970. Seconded by Mr. Allen. Discussion. Motion
Road & Bridge Report, Mr. Miller reporting:
Yr. Miller thanked Mr. Allen., Mr. Keirer and Mr. Hurt for help in
repairing the roads. Mr. Miller stated that the roads in the ranch
lands are in better shape now than they have ever been. Both
tractors are in running condition.
Health, Beautification &Recreation Deport, Mr. DelVillaggio reporting:
The building at the recreation area Is in very bad condition and
signs should be put up at the bus shelters to stop the damage that
is being done.
A motion was made by Mr. DelVillaggio to destroy the building at
the recreation area. Seconded by Mr. Kelley. Discussion. Motion
Mayor's Report, Mayor Jordan reporting:
Florida Gas has completed the purchase of undeveloped land in the
village and this is a Very big purchase.
Two building permits were issued on the Sapp Development this
past month.
A motion was made by Mr. Allen instructing the Attorney to prepare
a change to the Dog Ordinance giving a special permit to owners of
more than two dogs. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Discussion. Motion
�^• The Continuance will be in effect until this new amendment becomes
a law.
JULY 6, 1970
Mr. Conklin recommended changes to the Council of Amendment XVI.
A motion was made by Mr. DelVillaggio to table the Public Hearing
of Article XVI -Amendment to Ordinance 44 until our next meeting.
Seconded by Mr. Allen. Discussion. Motion carried.
Mr. Conklin is to rewrite the amendment and give it to Mr. Freeman
to be put in legal form.
Regular meeting now in recess.
A motion was made by Mr. Kelley that we continue the Public Hearing
which calls for rezoning North Orlando Zoning District T-1 to
North Orlando Zoning District R -T until July 16, 1970 until the
adoption of the amendment to Ordinance 44 -Article XVI. Seconded
by Mr. DelVillaggio. Discussion. Motion carried.
Mr. Myron Green, and Mrs. Gerstung, and Mr. Chester Cyska were
present to speak about the trailer park.
Back in the meeting.
A letter of resignation was received from Mr. Sidney Vihlen, Jr.
as Building Inspector.
A motion was made by Mr. DelVillaggio to accept Mr. Vihlents
letter of resignation as Building Inspector, with regrets..
Seconded by Mr. Allen. Discussion. Motion carries.
A motion was made by Mr. Allen to hire Mr. Sidney Vihlen, Sr.
as Building Inspector on a temporary basis of 30 days until a
permanent appointment can be made. Seconded by Mr. Miller.
Discussion. Motion carries.
A motion was mdde by Mr. Kelley to accept Mr. Apgarts letter of
resignation from the Zoning & Planning Board. Seconded by
Mr. Rowell. Discussion. Motion carries.
A motion was made by Mr. Allen to accept Mr. Kelleyts letter of
resignation from the Zoning & Planning Board. Seconded by Mr.
Miller. Discussion. Motion carried.
The Mayor thanked Mr. Kelley for all the work that he has done on
the Zoning & Planning Board.
A motion was made to accept Mr. DelVillaggiots letter of resignation.
Seconded by Mr. Allen. Discussion. Motion carried.
A vote was taken for the new members of the Zoning & Planning
Board. Five votes were received for Mr. Fox, five votes for
Mr. Campbell and five votes for Mr. Bramlett.
JULY 6, 1970
,,.. A motion was made by Mr. Rowell to appoint these three gentle-
men to the Zoning & Planning Board for a term of two years.
Seconded by Mr. DelVillaggio. Discussion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Kelley that we ask our attorney to
draft an intent to annex from the intersection of US 17-92 east
along SR 434 to junction of SR 419; intersection of 17-92 north
on east side to Ridge Road; east side of 17.-92 north from Oak
Lane to the intersection 17192 with SR 419 at five point; south
side of SR 419 from five points to the junction of SR 434 and
continuing to the point where SR 419 meets Howell Creek east.
Seconded by Mr. DelVillaggio. Discussion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Kelley to adjourn the meeting at 10:45
p.m. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton
Village Clerk
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