HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 02 02 Village Council Regular MinutesREGULAR MEETING
FEBRUARY 2, 1970
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North
Orlando was called. to order at 7:35 P.M., by Mayor Jordan.
A Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Keller:
Roll Call: Councilmen:
Mayor, 71ifford Jordan Zf'arles Rowell
Vice -Mayor, David Tilson Granville Brown
Attorney, Thomas Freeman Julian Keller
Albert Marshall
The minutes of the Regular Session of January 5, 1970 were reviewed
by the Council.
A motion was made by Mr. Brown to approve the minutes of the Regular
Session on January 5, 1970. Seconded by Mr. Keller. Discussion. Motion
The minutes of the Special Session of January 12, 1970 were reviewed.
by the Council.
A motion was made by Mr. Brown to approve the minutes of the Special
Session on January 12, 1970 as presented. Seconded by Mr. Tilson.
'Discussion. Motion carried.
The minutes of the Special Session of January 22, 1970 were reviewed
by the Council.
A motion was made by Mr. Brown to approve the minutes of the Special
Session on January 22, 1970 as presented. Seconded by Mr. Rowell.
Discussion. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report:
Balance, General Fund., 1/1/70 $ 1,737.33
Checks Drawn 1,465.27
Deposits 2,303.99
Balance, General Fund, 1/31/70 2,576.05
Balance, Road and Bridge Fund, 1/1/70 435.74
Checks Drawn 79.13
December Bank Chg. .75
No Deposits
Balance, Road and Bridge Fund., 1/31/70 $ 355.86
Finance, Mr. Brown reporting:
Mr. Brown stated a rom July thru December, 1969, $8,121.00 was
FEBRUARY 2, 1970
. PAGE 2
brought in in revenues and expenditures amounted to $8,700.00. There
''"was a t900.00 loss between July and December. During the month the
franchise checks had come in, which had brought up the balance.
Recreation and Zoning 'Mr. Rowell re orting:
The Zoning Board me n
oJanuary 29, 19YU. Due to sickness there
was no quorum. Nothing to report. The Recreation area is still the
same. Nothing new to report.
Health Beautification and Election, Mr.. Keller reporting:
There have been no garbage comp ain s 711s montook over
the contract during the month of January and they have done a very good
Mr. Keller brought in two steel stamps for the dog tags. 0 for 1970
and 1 for 1971• They were purchased from Harry P. Leu Inc.
Mr. Keller stated that election will be 17th of March. So far we
have 46 registered voters. The books will close at 4 P.M. on March 2, 1970.
Police Report, Mr. Tilson reporting:
Accident or ed
Complaints Received.
Complaints Investigated
Dog Complaints
Summons Issued (Traffic')
Oral Warnings (Traffic)
Warrants served
Defective Equip. Warnings
Hours worked by North Orlando Police Department:
Chief Lynn Lyon
Patrolman David Tilson
Aux. Sgt. Edgar Smart
Aux. Sgt. Allen Cronk
Aux. Patrolman Bob Paddock
Aux. Patrolman Pat DelVillagio 0
Total Man Hours
Miles Patrolled
1,002 miles
Gas 122.6 gals.
Heavy Duty Shocks
Misc. Repairs
Total $
A motion was made by Mr. Tilson that we appoint Mr. Frederick Scott
Kenneth as an aux. policeman. Seconded by Mr. Brown.
FEBRUARY 2, 1970
Police Chief Lynn Lyon promoted Allen Cronk and Edgar mart Jr. to
the rank of auxiliary Sgt. effective February 1, 1970.
Fire Report, North Orlando Fire Dept.,Inc. for month of January 1970:
Total Active Membeilship 15
Associate Members 2
Equipment Status: Purchases, Losses, Repairs, etc.)
Truck #1 Muffler System has been repaired
Truck #2 Suction Hose has been replaced on pump system.
Road. and Bridge Report Mr. Marshall rruoortin :
Mr. Marshall Marshaleported a a drain had 'ween `opened on North Edgemon
but still more fill was needed. Repairs were still needed on Moss and
Hays Roads. 3rd & Edgemon had a bad hole which should also be repaired..
Mayor Jordan suggested putting warning devices at these bad holes.
Mayort s Report Mayor Jordan repor��t__�ing.
Mayor Jordan stated that we would. -bill property owners for grass
Wowed on their property last year. No report had been received from
the other municipalities regarding the Mutual Aid Agreement.
Bills resented. for approval:
General Fund:
Enge s - Balance due -Police Dept. 8.50
Southern Trading Co.,Dog Tags 34.70
Nicholls Texaco 102.83
David Tilson 46.00
Total to be paid from
General Fund 192.03
Road and Bridge Fund:
Nicholls exaco 5.13
Davets Garage 13.00
Calvin Reiter 100.00
Action Auto Parts, Inc. 12.00
Total to be paid from
Road and Bridge Fund 130.13
Hal Harriss, Architect, to be paid from
Municipal Bldg. Fund 50.00
Total Amount of7Bills to be paid.
Man hours
Fires & Other Emergencies
--'1 Brush Fire
Business Meetings
Work Sessions
Community Projects
Total Manhour s
Total Active Membeilship 15
Associate Members 2
Equipment Status: Purchases, Losses, Repairs, etc.)
Truck #1 Muffler System has been repaired
Truck #2 Suction Hose has been replaced on pump system.
Road. and Bridge Report Mr. Marshall rruoortin :
Mr. Marshall Marshaleported a a drain had 'ween `opened on North Edgemon
but still more fill was needed. Repairs were still needed on Moss and
Hays Roads. 3rd & Edgemon had a bad hole which should also be repaired..
Mayor Jordan suggested putting warning devices at these bad holes.
Mayort s Report Mayor Jordan repor��t__�ing.
Mayor Jordan stated that we would. -bill property owners for grass
Wowed on their property last year. No report had been received from
the other municipalities regarding the Mutual Aid Agreement.
Bills resented. for approval:
General Fund:
Enge s - Balance due -Police Dept. 8.50
Southern Trading Co.,Dog Tags 34.70
Nicholls Texaco 102.83
David Tilson 46.00
Total to be paid from
General Fund 192.03
Road and Bridge Fund:
Nicholls exaco 5.13
Davets Garage 13.00
Calvin Reiter 100.00
Action Auto Parts, Inc. 12.00
Total to be paid from
Road and Bridge Fund 130.13
Hal Harriss, Architect, to be paid from
Municipal Bldg. Fund 50.00
Total Amount of7Bills to be paid.
FEBRUARY 2, 1970
Mr. Tilson made a motion that the bills be paid and that the bill
'mor Hal Harriss, Architect be paid from the Municipal Building Fund.
Seconded by Mr. Keller. Discussion. Motion carries.
A Resolution for the approval of the Village Clerk, Mary T. Norton,
to sign.checks was presented by the Attorney, Thomas Freeman.
A motion was made by Mr. Brown to give the Bank Resolution to the
South Seminole Bank authorizing the Village Clerk, Mary T. Norton, to
sign checks. Seconded by Mr. Tilson. Discussion followed. Mary T.
Nortonts signature will replace that of Frances Watson on the Bank
Signature cards and it is still the procedure for two authorized sig-
natures to be on the checks before issue.
Mayor Jordan read Mr. Keller t s letter of resignation. Mayor Jordan
said it is with regret that the Village of North Orlando receives his
resignation. Mr. Tilson made a motion to accept Mr. Kellerts resigna-
tion. Seconded by Mr. Marshall. Discussion. Motion carries. Mr.
Kellerts resignation became effective February 2, 1970.
Garbage Bids:
Mr. Keller reported that bids had been sent to six contractors but
only two proposals had been received. One proposal was from H&W Refuse
Service and the other from American Refuse Service. Mr. Keller reported
that H&W Refuse had given very satisfactory service. A Motion was made
by Mr. Keller that we submit the contract to H&W Disposal. Mr. Brown
,, oseconded the motion. Discussion. Motion carries.
Introduction of Visitors:
Mr. Hodge o sposal spoke about his service. He stated that a
large percentage of people did not have sanitary type garbage cans. Many
people had paid in advance and that he had. contacted Mr. Davis about this
but Mr. Davis as yet had not presented his records. Mr. Hodge said he has
an itemized list of people who have paid in advance, who have not paid, etc.,
which he is to bring into the office. Mr. Tilson suggested that the names
of all people who do not pay should be given either to the policemen or to
the Village Clerk.
Mr. Bill Roberts from -LM Communications was introduced. Mr. Frank
Pierce and Mr. Henry Langley of TM Communications were also introduced.
Mr. Roberts gave a very interesting and informative talk on the beginning
of cable TV, its advantages and. its uses. He presented the Councilmen
with proposals for their information. Discussion followed.
Mr. Rowell made a. motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 P.M.
Mr. Tilson seconded the motion.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary 'f . Norton, Clerk