HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 01 05 Village Council Regular MinutesREGULAR MEETING
JANUARY 5: 1970
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of
North.Orlando was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Magor Jordan.
A Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Marshall.
Roll Call: Councilmen:
a1�yor., C'I3fford Jordan Charrles� well
Vice -Mayor, David Tilson Granville Brown
Attorney, Thomas Freeman Julian Keller
Albert Marshall
The minutes of the Regular Session of December 1, 1969, were
reviewed by the Council and corrections made.
A motion was made by Mr. Brawn to approve the minutes of the
Regular Session on December 1, 1969 as corrected. Seconded by
Mr. Marshall. Discussion. Motion carried.
The minutes of the Special Session of December 22, 1969 were reviewed
by the Council.
A motion was made by Mr'. Brown to approve the minutes of the
Special Session on December 22.:, 1969 as presented. Seconded by
Mr. Marshall. Discussion. Motion carried.
Treasurerts Report:
r r
Balance, General Fund, 12/1/69 $20259.55
Checks Drawn 1,593.82
Deposits l 07 1.60
Balance, General Fund, 12/31/69 1,737.33
Balance, Road and Bridge Fund, 12/1/69 956.55
Checks Drawn 520.81
Deposits done
Balance, Road and Bridge Fund, 12/31/69 435.74
Finance., Mr. Brown reporting:
Brown stated tha we are threading on thin ice. $522.22
was spent above deposits for the month of December, 1969, in the
General Fund.
Recreation and Z onin Mr. Rowell re ortin :
The Recreation area s s e same, a onin g Board did not
meet in the month of December.
Health Beautification and Election Mr. Keller re ortin :
e garbage sere ce fs very poor. We have had numerous complaints
from the residents regarding the service of Davis Garbage Service.
The dog tags have been ordered from Southern Trading Co. They
are expected to arrive the middle of January.
JANUARY 5, 1970
Health. Beautification and Election (continued
20 people have registered -f—or—the election o e held March
17, 1970. The Candidates may file the last 10 days of February, 1970;
February 19th up to and including February 28, 1970. The seatsfor
Mayor and Councilmen in groups 2 and 4 are going to be open. The
filing fee is $5.00 and the closing time for candidates to file is
4:00 P.M. on February 28, 1970. The Registration Book will be open
during all regular office hours and on Wednesday evening, February
25, 1970 from 7#000 P.M. to 9:00 P.M., and on Saturday, February 21st
from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M., and February 28th from 10:00 A.M. to
4:00 P.M. The Registration Book will close at 4:00 P.M. on March 2,
Police Report, Mr. Tilson reportiag:
Complaints Received
Complaints Investigated
Dog Complaints
Summons Issued (Traffic)
15 Juvenile Summons (Traffic)
15 Oral Warnings (Traffic)
17 Warrants Served,
12 Defective Equip. Warnings
Hours worked by North Orlando Police Department:
Chief Lynn Lyon
Patrolman David Tilson
Sgt. Edgar Smart
Patrolman Allen Cront
Patrolman Bob Paddock
Patrolman Pat DelVillaggio
Total Man Hours
Miles Patroled 1,211 miles
Gas 148.2 gals. 54.71
Oil 3 qts. 1.95
Battery for Patrol Car 23.10
Misc. repairs 122.68
Total 4T 02-W
Fire Report, Mr. Tilson reporting:
Mr. Tilson read the fire report for the Month of December, 1969.
Fires and.Other Emergencies, 132 manhours, brush fire off Hayes Road;
Drills, 16 manhours; Training/Schools, none; Business Meetings, 12;
Community Projects, none; truck repair, 10 manhours (repaired pump
shaft); Christmas Parade, 10 manhours; Maintenance check, 9 manhours.
Total,manhours, 702. Total active membership, 16. Chiefts remarks:
New Officers for the year 1970:
Chief - Robert LaFollett
Asst. Chief - Allen Cronk
Capt. George Hahn
Lt. - Don Straughan
Mr. Tilson stated that the old Ford fire truck had been repainted and
looked very good.
Mayor Jordan expressed the thanks of the Village to Mr. Hahn for
a good job done in 1969 as Fire Chief.
JANUARY 52 1970
Road and Bridge Report, Mr. Marshall re orting:
Work has been done on a - Ragemon and Traaewinds Road. Calvin
Reiter Landelearing Co. pulled the pipe out of the road and opened
the culvert below the road and water is now draining on So. Edgemon.
We need to do the same at No. Edgemon and S. R. 419. Calvin
Reiter Landelearing Co. is cowing out to check it this week. The
grader has been changed from a 6 volt system to a 12 volt system.
Ma ort s Report, Mayor Jordan re , ortin :
Attended wo meetIngAr on behalf or the Village.
Looking forward to the challenge of the new year.
The Police Department has been functioning very well.
The Office has been open on schedule except for holidays.
I have received numerous dog and garbage complaints.
Bills Presented for approval:
cass..xnoblook insurance Center - additional premium
due to endorsement (police auxiliary) $1..88
Nicholls Texaco - maintenance and gas for Police
Department 102:44
David Tilson - hours worked for Police Department L�2.00
Total to be paid from. General Fund ,
Road and Bridge Fund:
Xioholls '"eaaco - gas and oil for equipment 10.07
Scotts Garage - oil for tractor. 1.56
Total to be paid from Road and T 11.13
. Bridge Fund
Total amount of bills presented for approval $180.95
A motion was made by Mr. Brown to pay the bills. Seconded by
Mr. Rowell. Discussion. Motion carried.
Corres ondence read:
A letter `or m the Florida League of Municipalities stating that
the Municipal Data Handbook for -1968-1969 is being sent. A copy
was received by our.office.
A letter from the Florida League of Municipalities announcing the
Ninth Annual Conference for City Officials and City Attorneys at
Curtis Hixon Convention Center in Tampa, Florida, on March 1, 2 and 3,
A letter from the Treasurerts Office, State of Florida announcing
that Maryland National Life Insurance Co. has surrendered their
Certificate of Authority to do business in Florida,.
A letter from Outlaw, Tucker, Garman and Sanders, Inc., an
Engineering firm in Eau Gallie, Floridan wishing to provide the
Village of North Orlando with engineering service.
A letter of resignation from Frances Watson, Village Clerk.
Introduction of Visitors:
Mayor Jordan Introduc6d Mrs. Mary Norton, 30 N. Edgemon, an
applicant for the job of Village Clerk.
JANUARY 5, 1970
The Attorney, Thomas Freeman, read Subdivision Ordinance #50,
by title only, for the second reading.
A motion was made by Mr. Brown to accept Subdivision Ordinance
#50 for the second reading, by title only. Seconded by Mr. Tilson.
Discussion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Brown to put Subdivision Ordinance #50
on the Agenda for the third and final reading, by title only.
Seconded by Mr. Tilson. Discussion. Motion carried.
The Attorney, Thomas Freeman, read Subdivision Ordinance #50,
by title only, for the third reading.
A motion was made by Mr. Brown that we pass and adopt Sub-
division Ordinance #50 for the. third and final reading, by title
only. Seconded by Mr. Keller. Discussion. Motion carried.
A lenghty discussion was held on the garbage service.' Mr. Keller
stated he would contact Mr. Davis of Davis Garbage Service regarding
the poor service and also find out his intentions and report back to
the Council.
The Agreement fo* Mutual Aid for Police was read by Mr. Tilson.
This Agreement would provide mutual police assistance for the.
Muncipalities of North Orlando, Longwood, Altamonte Springs, and
Mr. Brown made a motion that we turn the matter over to the
Mayor to report back to the South Seminole League of Mayors that
North Orlando is in favor of the Resolution. Seconded by Mr.
Marshall. Discussion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Tilson that we raise the salary of
the Chief of Felice, Lynn Lyon, Jr., 6 per cent, effective January
1, 1970. Seconded by Mr. Marshall. Discussion. Motion Carried.
The raise for the Police Chief would amount to $24.00 a month.
Mr. Tilson made a motion to adjourn at 10:00 P.M. Seconded by
Mr. Marshall. The meeting was adjourned subject to call.
Respectfully submitted,
Frances Watson., Clerk