HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 06 02 Regular
H A R R I~ I'.A.R.A.
2546 Sout~ Prench Avenue
Sanford, Plorida 32771.
May' 1, 1969
Mayor of
North OrlaI1do
P. O. Box 845
Pern Park, Plorida.
Dear Cliff:
The Specifications are under way, It's a slow process, and
takes a lot of "digging."
Here are some items for yourintormation and consideration:
(1) ... After studying the situation I find that it will be simpler -- and less
expensive -- to place the necessary fill, and to compact it, before the Town.
Hall is built. In this way the building will be built on the fill, but have
no fears , it will be entirely stable. It will r~quire uP '0 about five teet
of till -- finish height -- over the south two-thirds of the site and on "
the Moss Road area adjacent. This includes the :parking area to thewest of
the Building. All of this is below highway level at present, which is not
sO good. If you ever had a flood your building would be under water: And
that we don't want. .
(2) ... The State Road Department has approved two culverts along SR-434
... one at the driveway entrance to the parking area ... the other across
Moss Road at the junction with SR/434. But we will need a third culvert,
which, I gather, is not within the SIm Jurisdiction -- this for the en~rance
to the Police-J'ire door and. the two large garage doors -- which will be on
the west side of Moss Road. All of these are above highway level.
Here are some additional items which will require answers from you:
(3) ... Do you want to advertis~, for bids for the construction? ... This will
cost you money for the advertising. It will also leave you "wide open" as
to who bids.
(4) ... Do you want the bidders to furnish a Bid Bond? ... This will also ",dd
a little to your cost. A Bid Bond guarantees that the bidder will not wi th~
draw his bid within a stated period, and that he will sig:n;a contract!!. he
is awarded the job.
(5) ... Do you want the successful bidder to furnish So performance Bond?..
.J:.t will also cost you money -- about l~ of the bid cost. It will guarantee
,~that he will fulfill the terms of the contract -- or the bonding company will
ahve to make good if he doesntt.
Cliff Jordan ... 2.
(6) ... Do you want the Contractor to furnish a Payment Bond? ... This will
guarantee that he will pay all his pillsU'or labor and materials. It will
also be added to the cost.
(7) ... Do you want to handle the bidding? ... and answer the questions that are
bound to come up along the line? ... or ...
(8) ... Do you want me to handle the bidding, and turn the results over to you
for the final answer! This way I can answer the technical questionsand fend
off any un-answerables. 'rhis is-the usual praetice.
(9). .. Do you want the bidding to be "wide open "1__ it will be a little diffi-
cult to do this on an advertising-for-bids basis, and will also quite likely
require extra print-sets and spec-sets. ... or ... shallwe do it in an "invi-
tation" basis -- that is, ''hand pick"severalcontractors, say 5, and let them
be the only bidders. ~is can also be done by me:,.,- if you like, same as 8.
I will need these answers shortly -- to include in the specifications.
H A R R ~ F.A.R.A.
2546 South J'rench Avenue
Sa.n:ford, :rlorida 32771
May 19 1969
Mayor of
North Orlando
P. o. :Box 845
Fern Park, Florida
Dear Cliff:
Just a couple small ithems for your consideration:
(10) ... The St.ate Road Department ioes NOT supply the culverts, or the
fill or the labor.. Only the sl.1]tervision.... and, in my experisnce, very
little of that 1 -
(11) ... We will neA. A LOT 01' WATER for processing that area of fill, so
I hope and trust"there is a fire-hydrant close by that water
can be drawn from for flooding that fill. Yes? No? . ..
(12) ... I proceeding on the assumption that you will want Supervision of
Construction for the building -- and the Spec's are being written
accordingly. Supervision, as you know, was NOT included in my contract,
however. :But we'll go into that later, when you are ready to build. J'rom
what you sa!d the other night, at the Garden Club GOP meeting, about the
financing, I assume you will go ahead with the building. Yes? NoT...