HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 12 01 Village Council Regular Minutes
DECEMBER 1, 1969
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of
North Orlando was called to order at 7:40 P.M.
A Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Tilson.
Roll Call:
Mayor, Clifford Jordan
Vice-Mayor, David Tilson
Attorney, Thomas Freeman
Granville Brown
Charles Rowell
Julian Keller
Albert Marshall
The minutes of the Regular Session of November 3, 1969, were
A motion was made by Mr. Tilson that the minutes of the Regular
Session of November 3, 1969, be accepted as presented. Seconded by
Mr. Rowell. Discussion. Motion carried.
The minutes of the Special Session on November 17, 1969 were
A motion was made by Mr. Tilson that the minutes of the Special
Session of November 17, 1969, be accepted as presented. Seconded by
Mr. Keller. Discussion. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report:
Balance, General Fund, 11/1/69
Checks Drawn
Balance, General Fund, 11/30/69
Balance, Road and Bridge Fund 11/1/69
Checks Drawn
Balance, Road and Bridge Fund 11/30/69
Finance, Mr. Brown reportin~:
Mr. Brown sxa~ed ~hat we have paid out approximately $278.00
more than we have received for the month November in the General Fund.
The Road and Bridge Fund is about gone. After the outstanding bills
are paid we will have only $464.31 left in the Road and Bridge Fund.
Recreation and zon~ Mr. Rowell reporting:
Kr. Rowell stated a the Recreation area is still the same.
There was not a Zoning Board meeting in the month of November. Mr.
Rowell also mentioned that we ~i11 need people to serve on the
Adjustment Board.
DECEMBER 1, 1969
Health, Beautification and Election, Mr. Keller reporting:
There were two complaints on garbage serv1ce reported. We
are going to order dog tags and set up a day for a veterinarian
to come and vaccinate the dogs in the Village and to issue new
dog licenses to the owners.
The Registration Book for theE1ectionto be held on March 17,
1970, officially opens tonight, December 1, 1969. The Mayor and
Councilmen in groups 2 and 4 are to be elected for 2 year terms.
Canditiates must file the last 10 days of February, 1970; February
19th up to and including February 28th. The closing time for
candidates to file is 4:00 P.M. on February 28, 1970. The filing
fee is $5.00. The Registration Book will be open during all regular
office hours and on Wednesday evening, February 25, 1970 from 7:00
P.M. to 9:00 P.M., and on Satuna,y, February 21st from 10:00 A.M. to
3:00 P.M. and February 28th from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The
Registration Book will close at 4:00 P.M. on March 2, 1970.
Police Report, Mr. Tilson
"Complaint s Rece! ved
Complaints Investigated
Dog Complaints
House Checks
20 Summons Issued (Traffic)
20 Oral Warnings (Traffic)
10 Defective Equip. Warnings
Hours worked by North
Chief Lynn Lyon
Patrolman Dave Tilson
Aux. Patrolman Edgar
Smart 26
Aux. Patrolman Cronk 14
Aux. Patrolman De1Villaggi09
Aux. Patrolman Paddock 5
Total Man Hours ~
Orlando Police Department:
Miles Patro1ed
Gas 145.8 gals.
Oil 1 qt.
Muffler for Patrol
Misc. repairs
1,266 miles
Car 17.38
Mr. Tilson stated that we have had some recent thefts. The
grader was parked on S. Edgemon for the driver to go to lunch and
someone ran it into the woods. It aas damaged, the new chain stolen
and 2 qts. of oil taken.
Fire Report, Mr. Tilson reforting:
Mr. Tilson read a oeIated ire report for the month of October.
Drills, 4 manhours; Fires and other emergencies, None; Training/Schools,
4! manhours; Business meetings, 10 manhours; Community Projects, 10
manhours; Maintenance check, 5 manhours. Total active membership 12,
total manhours, 33~. The Fire Department helped the Police Department
on Halloween. ~
DECEMBER 1, 1969
Road and Bridge Report Mr. Marshall reporting:
Mr. Marshall repor~~hat the equipment has been moved to the
field behind the building. He also reported that signs and smudge
pots have been stolen from S. Edgemon. You can pass over the
drainage pipe on S. Edgemon but it is not in good shape. We are
going to have it repaired properly and as soon as possible.
Mayor's Report, Mayor Jordan reporting:
~ayor Jordan and ~ranvi11e Brown represented the Village in the
Annual Christmas parade in Sanford on November 29, 1969.
Plans are moving ahead for the opening of the Horse track.
There is a meeting scheduled of the South Seminole County Mayors
to discuss City Police and Fire Co-operation.
A Workshop Session was held on Wednesday night, November 26, 196~.
The Mayor, Mr. Brown, Mr. Marshall and Mr. Davis of Davis Garbage
Service attended.
Have not heard from the County Commissioner about the use of
the County grader.
The insurance bonds have been received for the Police Chief
and Village Clerk.
Bills presented for approval:
Cass-Knob10ck Insurance
George Stuart, Inc.
National League of Cities
Nicholls Texaco
David Tilson
Road and Bridge Fund:
Nicholls Texaco --
Dave's Garagw
Fern Park Auto Parts Co.
Calvin Relter
Scott's Garage
Petty Cash (paid to Bill Parker for
bolts for mower and fuses used on
road s. )
Certffied Slings, Inc.
Allen R. Pyle Trucking
Total to be paid from
Road and Bridge Fund $492.24
Total amount of bills to be paid $791.95
Total to be paid from
General Fund
A motion was made by Mr. Keller that the bills be paid. Seconded
by Mr. Tilson. Motion carried.
corre~endence read:
A let er from Mr. MacKintosh thanking the Council for their efforts
in removing the fire truck and Village equipment from behind his home.
A thank you note from Mrs. Green, thanking the Village for the flowers
sent to her in the hospital.
DEC:EMBER 1, 1969
Mr. Brown reported that Mr. Davis of Davis Garbage Service
attended the Workshop Meeting on November 26, 1969, and that he
said he was having trouble with de1iquent payments. He has had
some problems with his truck and that is why he failed to pick up
trash and garbage on several occasions. He now has a new truck.
He would like to pick up in the Ranchlands only once a week as he
only has 1 customers there and they are scattered throughout the
ranchlands. There was no action taken on the garbage service.
Maintenance jobs was placed on the agenda because of the lack
of funds left in the Road and Bridge Fund. The Council recommended
that the job started on So. Edgemon bB completed. The drainage
pipe left as it is, is a hazard to traffic.
The proposed Sub-Division Ordinance was read and discussed by
the Council and change s made.
A motion was made by Mr. Brown to have the Attorney, Thomas
Freeman, draft the proposed Sub-Division Ordinance with the changes
made by the Council. Seconded by Mr. Rowell. Discussion. Motion
A motion was made by Mr. Brown to have a resolution from the
00unci1 to have the Mayor of North Orlando negotiate with the Mayor
of Casselberry for the use of their jail facilities. Seconded by
Mr. Keller. Discussion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Keller that we purchase 500 dog tags
at a cost of ~~ a piece. Seconded by Mr. Brown. Motion carried.
Mr. Tilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 P.M.
Seconded by Mr. Rowell. The meeting was adjourned subject to call.
Respectfully submitted,
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Frances Watson, Clerk
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