HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 11 03 Village Council Regular Minutes
JrOVEHBER 3, 1969
ib8Regal~ Sesa1GB ot the Village Council ot the Village ot"
lforth Orlando_as called to order at 7:40 P.X.
.l Pledge ot Allegiance to the nag Was ledb,. H&7or Jordan.
(l.r....1II. Brown
€I1arlea Rewell
Julia Ire ller (.lb aen t )
Albert Marshall (.&.bsent)
lI&,.or ,Cllr:rord Jordan
Vice-lI.,.o:p, Dartd filson
Attorne,., !b.OlIIas Freeman
r' Page 2, 5th paragraph, 1st sentence 8111.ended to read: .A ..tion
was made 'B,. Ifr. Br01m denying the chance from RU' to BU. !lhe motion
was seconded by Mr.!ilson and it carried.
Page 2, 5th parag;pap}1, 3rd sentence. A motion waa made b,. Kr.
filson to strike the 3rd sentence in ita entiret,.. !lhe motion was
seconded b7 Jr. Rowell. Wotion carried.
hge 2, 5th paragraph, 4th sentence. Strike the senteDc. with
lfta. Bowell's eo_e.t and leave tlie motion to read: Mr. Rowell made
a motl~ to re.scind motion made laat aonth allowing open ditches.
JIbt. IraII.I- seconded the .,tion.Hotion carried.
!he minutes ot the Regular Session on October 6, 1969 were
read and the rol1.wing change s were made:
Page 2, 2nd sentence amended to read: H.taa1 jail tacilities with
Longvood vas brougit up. A mot10n waa aade b,. Jfr. filson tor the
COlUlcl1 to i.atract the AttorDe,. to dralf up a prop04led agreement tor
the use'ot the Longwood Jail tacilities. The motion Ifaa seconded and
it carried.
Page ~, 3rd paragraph, 2nd sentence amended to read: Jfr. Rowell
moved regrettu11,. to accept the resignation.
Page 2, 6th paragraph. Strike the sentence with Hr. Freemants
Page 2, 7th paragraph amended to read: Jfr. Cooper said Gu1t
A1Ileric~ ,ad not had cooperation and 1t withdraws all requests tor
soning ehpge and plats waieh have not been accepted. !he Ha,.or
requested that the Tillage be paid the $100 for each pla'~
A motion was made b,. Hr. ~i1son to accept the minutes as
corrected. !he motion was seconded b,. Hr. Br:oown. Motion passes.
NOVEMBER 3, 1969
Pablic Keethg, October 6, 1969.
.A motion 1Ias aade b7 Hr.Tl1soD that the a1nutea
lIeetiDg of Octeber 6, 1969, 'be" aooepted as presented.
JIr. Bi-on. Bfa.usalon. Xotion carried.
of the PublIc
Seconded b7
SpecIaI"Keeting, October 13, I969~
A motion was aade by Kr. BrOWD that the minute s ot the Speeial
Xeeting of October 13, 1969, be accepted aa presented. Seconded by
lb'. !l18on. Discusaion. )fotion carried.
Special Keetins, October 20, 1969.
Ai .otlon vaa made 87 Hr. Rove11 that the ainutea ot the Workshop
Xeetias of October 20, 1969, be accepted as presented. Seconded by
)fit. SPow. Discussion. Botion carried.
~e"a8Urert s. Report:
Balance, General J'und, 10/1/69
.ecka ]')ran
Depo.~t8 .. .'
Balance, General Fund 10/31/69
Balance, Road Dd BL-idge Pund 10/1/69
e&.eeks Drawn
B_lanee, Road and Bridge Ptmd 10/31/69
)f one
Pia,e., Jbt. :arovn reper1;inat
Kr.1"own reviewed tb.e Bu..ce Sheet and State.ent of Operations
for the 'l.\8.1'ter~.ly I,. 1969 tuu ~pt-fiJIlber 30, 1969. (!he total
revenue was" t4,5.$7"~"78"'" ad the total" expe.aea were $3~868.$9.)
lIe.15&.I,Beall;liltl.atiolil~d E1eeti~D,. Xr. Keller reporting:
JIr.lte.:IIe:Jt. waa al!)QD't ao'there was DO report.
F1:reItt9~1"t~ _.. 1'11"8 reportlD~:
me melep._..", haa no reapoDiibility to provide a report
to the Tillage aa It 1. a .eparate eorpo1"atlol'1 and therefore the'1
dId"not 81ibiD.1t a month!,. report.
POliceR.port, Mr. ~llaon rt,ortlDJ:
601lp1aint8 reoelTea 15
e~p1alDt.a Iuve atiga'ted J.5
>>08 Cemp1aints 12
lfoase eheeks 1
SWfDIlons Iasuea (!'raffie) 8
01'al Yami. a (fra.f'fie) 7
"eciaetDts 11IT8 at Isate a . 1
J)eteotlve, Eq,uip. Ya!'D.il1g 6
YarraRts SeJI'Ted 3
ot October:
Xu Hours worked tor the month
ahietr.,nD L70n 370
Pa't1"o1aan DaTe Tilson 19
A.ux. Pa'trolllu EdCflr a.ar't 43
.lux. Patrolmaa .lllen Cronk l'
Total Ho... m
BOVIOlBBR 3, 1969
. PolIce Report, oOlltlDued~
XiIe. Panelled
Gas 1~.5 gals.
Oil 1 tt.
starter for ,.k-01
IIi so . repaira
1,503 .11ea
ou $28.20
- 20.07
,Road and Brid.ge, lI1'. 'i1808 reportlng:.
80ath .Edgemon is In bad Shape. 1Ie had a bUl1drozer for a day
and ala$ hired the .ae of a grader to .work OD the roada. The rains
kaYe cau.aed 'the. roads t. rellain 1n bad shape . !rile pader 1s due
back in operatloD and when w&get .'.1a back the. road. will be redone.
me Zoning Board dld Dot meet.
'''01'1 a Report,. lIayor Jordan. re:por"in~:
me 11.701' has talked toth& COlmtr eGIIIala.lemerfa 01'1'10& aboat
the leaaugofr..taJ.ect1l1paent. !b..yare d1.aeuaalag elbinating
the prop_. .. e~led oar c-1881ener and atated that we weu1d
111ee to haye the rental progrUl ooatiDued.
me aehool buaes have been reroated out Tradewinds to Ha,.ea.
Attended a banquet ot the Semlnole County Par.. .~eaQ.
Vat-lous CoumcllD1en and resldents put a lot 01' time In working
on the reads in the ranchlands.
The Guests at the meeting were introduced:
fom Eberl,. - Galt AaerIcanrepresentatlTe
BIll Roberts - Gu1t Araerlcan Representative
Chu1e a lIcenle - Brevard EJifglneer1ng Repre aentati ve
John Yogt - BreTard EngineerI..g Repreaeatatlve
JOhDPekar -Breyard IDgineering Repre___*atIYe
Bl11a~re8eDted1'or 8Plroval:
Gener li'Imd: .
Yeung'. Well DrIllIng Co. (Repair or tIre hydrant)
JJIoaell'8 !'exaco
David !rIlsen
Antobody (Repair bumper on police cruiser)
Total to be paId from General FUnd
i60 2~
:,. 2:0
Boad and BrIdlePUDd:
nien ptl.e tanaclear1ng
Fern Park Aat,oPart,
Nichol1t. !exaco
~ota1 to be paid 1'rom Road and Bridge
Total DlOunt of bills a:pp;VOTed tor pa:YJllent
IOVEEER 3, 1969
A motion vas made by Br. Brown to pay the bills. Seconded by
Hr.~i18on and UDaUloui1y approved by the Counoi1.
aorre~endence read:
.l letter trom the Orlando Area ahBll1ber of eOlllllerce invitiDg
the aeabera or tke Oouncil t(l) a 'barbecue on Ifoveaber 12, 1969.
.l letter tr_ the ~vernort a Highvay Safety Ooa:f'erence on
I'oveaber " od7, 1969.
.l letter :tJ.tGllD. J!Carahall.
.4 letter :f"rea SaafQrd--Sea1ao1e Jayceea inviting the Council
to participate in the Qh,rlatmas parade in 8u:f'ord.
A letter :t'.Pom !H OOJlDl1Ul1icatioDa which vaa tUrDed over to Hr.
XeI1e7 of theZoming Board.
Kr. Brow reported 011 the expense otthe bus service provided
bJ" the 6rlando !fraJ1s1t OompaDJ" and .aed b,. Oasse1berry, Longvood
and Borth Orlando to treaport residents to the 1f1nter Park lIa11,
downtown Orlando aDd Oolonia1 Plaza.
A .otton was made by Hr. BrotRl that the Village of Borth
Orlando participate in this seniee tor expedit.ltre ot $150.00 tor
Ulother three ..nth period. !he motion was seconded by Hr. Rowell.
Discussion te>lloved. The motion carries.
!he Revised Plats tor Borth Or1811do, !oWDsite,s, 4th Addition,
vere tabled on the agenda until :t\1rther study b,. the PloBing and
Zoning Soard.
liew Ba.sineS8
The Ir1surmee bonding tor the Police Chief' ad Village Clerk
vas 4iae.ssed.
Amotion vaa. aade by Hr. fi.laon to have the CUerk call the
IDauraD.ce Co. ad have the necease,. chaDgea made tor the bODding
otthe Poliee &1&1' and the Village Clerk. Seconded BY :Mr. Brown.
1I0ti$1'1 caI'"1"ied~
lfr. Rowell stated that the Zoning Board needed 5 members that
could attend theae~t1ng;a aDd thtltBob Guth1'ie Was working; Oat night and
f'ound it taposaible to attend the acheduled meetings. He auggested
the D..e or BaSh Xennedy to peplaee Bob Guthrie.
The Ka70r recommended that Robert Guthrie be re!ROved fro. the
Pluming and 20ning Board.
Amotion vas made by Kr. Rowell to remove Robert Guthrie ~
the P1a:nning and Zoning Board. Seconded by Mr. i'i1son and the _1;i.on
NOVEMBER 3, 1969
P"GE .
The Mayor recommended the appointment ot NaSh Kennedy to the
Planning and Zoning Board under recommendations trom. Hr. Kelley and
Mr. Rowell.
Br.Rdwe11 made a motion to acoept the appointment of Hr.
Hash Kellnedl on the P1uning andZon1Dg Board. SeCDDded by Hr.
Brown and ,the motion carried.
Jbo. Tilson read a letter from Chief of Police Lynn I.yon
recomaendingPat De1vi11aggio and Jordan PaddoCk for Auxiliary
A mot.1on waa made by Hr. ~ilaon to accept Pat DelYll1aggio and
Jordan Paddocka. Auxiliary patrol1ll.en aubjeetto the ret.:rn of
theIr fingerprints trom the Federal a.reaa of InvestigatIon betore
being hired. !he motion was seconded by 1Ir. Brolm. andC it carr1ed.
A. Resol.tlon for the approval ot the Village Clerk, Frances
Watson, to sip cheeks was read by the Attorney, mdmas Freeman.
A motion was made by Hr. ~otm to give the Bank Re,~oI.tion
to the South S..inole Bank autliCirlsing the Village Clerk, Frances
Watson, to sign checks.. Seconded by Xl'. Rowell. Discussion followed.
li'i-ances Watsonts signature will I'eplace that of Helen Green on the
Bamk S1pature.carda and it is stil:J. theprooedal'e tor two authorIzed
~ aigaatures to be on the checks before iSSUe.
Xayol' Jordan read a letter from himself regarding the Sub-Division
Regulations JIlenCbae:nt. and suggested 5 recomaendations to the Council.
(Letter enclosed with the m1nutes.~
A IlQtIon was made by Hr. BroWB to take Hr. Kelley's letter on
SUb-DIvi~ion Regulations Aaemdment_, oft, the taBle and put it into
dIscussion. Seconded by Hr. liowell. Discusaien. !lotieD carried.
Open discuss10n followed I'egarding the Sub-DivIsion Regulation
Amendaen t s.
A ..otion Ifas made by Kr.filson to instruct the Village Attorney
to ...,d the 8u.b-J>1vis1on Ordiance ineor,porati;Qg thell,pproved
Ulenaments as race_ended b,. the Zon1ag Board 8:&1d !nclllding the
ZOn1ng Board's new recOJlDlendation ot al1.willS 18" swales in one to
fiTe acre Iota 1n the Ranchlands. Seconded by Hr. Brown. !'he
motion carried.
Hr. ftlson made a motion to adjourn at 9:40 P.M. ,"Seconded b,.
Hr. Brown. Hotlon oarried.
R~~~ecttullY .S.Ubmltted,
-fZ;A-a~ .-t'~~
Frances Watson, Clerk