HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 07 07 Village Council Regular Minutes
JULY 7, 1969
The 1\egu1ar Session of the Village Council of the Village of
North Orlando was ca11ei to oriel' at 7 :40 P.M. b,. Ma,.or Joro.an.
A P1e'ge of Allegiance to the Flag was giTen, ani lei b,. Mr.
Davia. Tilson.
lto11 Call:
Julian Keller
Albert Marshall
Mr. Brown appeared long enough
to give his approval to the
Sub-Division Or<<inance.
Minutes of the 1\egu1ar Session, June 2, 1969.
Motion was maa.. b,. Mr. Tilson that the minutes ot the 1\egu1ar
meeting be acceptei as presenteei. Seconied b,. Mr.. Marshall. Discussion.
Majorit,. carrieei.
Special Meeting, June 5, 1969.
Motion was maie b,. Mr. Tilson that the minutes or the Special
meeting of June 5th be accepteei as presente.. Secon.ed b,. Mr. Marshall.
Discussion. Majorit,. carrie..
Ma,.or, C1iffor. Jor.an
Vice-Mayor, David Tilson
Attorne,., Tom Freeman
Mr. 1\owa11 was absent.
Special Meeting, June 9, 1969.
Motion was ma.. b,. Mr. Tilson that the minutes
meeting of June 9th, 1969 be accepted as presente..
Mr. Marshall. Discussion. Majority carrie..
Special Meeting, June 25th, 1969.
Motion was ma.e by Mr. Tilson that the minutes of Special
meeting of June 25th be accepted as presenteei. Seconie' b,. Mr.
Marshall. Discussion. Majorit,. carried.
Treasurer's lteport:
Ea1ance, General Fun<<, 6/1/69
C'hecks Drawn
Ea1ance, General Fun<<, 6/30/69
Balance, &Aai ani Brieige Funci,6/1/69
Checks Drawn
Balance, 1\oa. ani Bridge Funei, .t30/69
Police 1\eport, Mr. Tilson reporting:
Complaints receiTea, 14
Traffic Accieients, 1
Larcen,. 1
Disturbance Calls 6
Prowler 2
Dog Complaints 7
Summons issue. 3
Oral Warnings,Tratric 8
Oral Warnings,Dogs 7
House Checks 2
Man Hours tor the month ot June.
Chief Coller
Sgt. L,.ons (Acting Chiet,Sa1a1"1>
of the Special
Seconded by
95! Hours
139 Rours
JULY 7, 1969
Sgt. L,.ons 71 Hours
Aux. Pt1. Eagar Smart, Jr. (No Pay) 3 Hours
Aux. Pt1. Allen Cronk (No Pay) 4 Hours
Fire 1\eport, Mr. Tilson reporting:
Fires, 1; Drills 8; Training schools, 2; Business meetings,12;
Count,. meeting, 5; Total man hours, 28, Total active members, 17.
Tank on #2 truck has been we1aea. Truck grease., carburator
aijusteei, fan belt tightenei.
Total Hours 312l Hours.
Health, ~eautification ani Election, Mr. Keller reporting:
Iew Garbale collector. Di4 not see contract. Will not accept
an,. complaints. No comments.
Beautitication, No comments.
E1eotions, No E1eotions.
1\oad anei Briige, Mr. Marshall reporting:
The 1\oaeis are too eiry to graeie. 1\ailator on Graeier has to be
fixe. so it won't over-heat. Tractor is in gooei shape. Mr. Anaerson
moweei part of the 1\eoreation area anei will finish the rest of it later.
1\ecreation ani Zoning, Mr. 1l0\le11 reporting:
Mr. 1\owe11 was absent so there was no report.
Ma,.or's 1\eport, Mr. Jordan reporting:
Has atteniei several Chamber of Commerce luncheons.
East Central F1ori<<a 1\egiona1 meeting.
Meetings with Gulf American officials
Zoning Boarei work shops
Fourth of July paraie.
The Po1iee Force functioning w'll.
Conso1ieiation of Cities still being consiiered.
All cities haven't consieierej the Cit,. eiog pouni ,.et.
Thanks to the Press on the happenings in the Village.
Bills presentei for approTa1:
Lash Motors
Superior Oil Co.
American Tire Service
F10rieia League of Municipalities
Lynn L,.on, Jr.
'$5 ts.13
The Sales tax will be ieiuctei from Lashts bill. Motion was
mace b,. Mr. Tilson that these bills be paiei. Secondei b,. Mr. Marshall.
~. Discussion. Majorit,. carrie<<.
JULY 7, 1969
Chiet Hahn, of the North Or1aneio Fi~e Department, requeste<<
that the Fire Department st~~ as it is. Elect their own officers,
inc1ueiing the Chief, but with the approval of the 00unci1 on the
Chiet. The Village Council take OYer ownership of all Fire Department
equipment ani the North Or1anio Fire Department remain incorporated.
The Fire Department is to submit, in writing, extract of minutes,
for this request, with signature of otticers, to the Vi111.ge Council.
Chief Coller spoke of the.anser ot Mini-bikes. Motion was
maie b,. Mr. Tilson torbieiiing the use ot mini-bikes in the 1\ecreation
Area. Secondeei by Mr. Keller anei Majorit,. carriei.
No Finance 1\eport this month, CUe to Mr. Brown not being able
to sta,..
Mr. Dan Oooper ani Mr. Curt Bacier,trom Gulf American an. Mr.
Charles Moehle attendei the meeting.
The Sub-DiTision Ordinance was on the Agenda.
If there were no ameniments to the Document, as written, Mr.
Tilson mOTe<< that Sub-Division Ordinance #49 be reai tor first
reaeiing, as submitted b,. the Zoning Boari. Seconieei b7 Mr. Marshall.
Mr. Mars'ha11 ani Mr. Tilson voted, fIlES" Mr. Keller "NO".
Mr. Freeman, read Sab-Division Orcinanee #49 in its entiret,..
Motion was made b7 Mr. Tilson to accept Oriinance #49 tor first
aeaiing. Seconded b,. Mr. Marshall. Discussion. Mr. Tilson and Mr.
Marshall ~S". Mr. Keller "NO". Majority carried.
Second ana Thiri ~ea.ing of Ordinance #49 will be placed on
the Agend. tor July 21, 8 P.M. There will, also, be a Public
Hearing. The Councilmen are to bring their tigures to work
out some sort of a buiget.
The Bus stops have been fixei some ani will have to be fixed
better ani painte<< before school starts. .
Letters are to be sent out about Junk cars ani c1utterei carports.
A letter from the F10riia League of Municipalities announcing the
annual convention, Octover 26, 27, 28. A copy ot a letter that was
sent to each member of the Zoning Board.
Motion was maie b,. Mr. Tilson that the Clerk will be a110teci up
to 30.00 tor stationer,. ani envelopes. Seconeied b,. Mr. Keller.
Discussion. Majority carried.
Motion was made b,. Mr. Tilson that the meeting recess until 8:00 P.M.
Ju1,. 21; secon<<e_ by Mr. Keller ani majority carried.
<<.,IPii'CIU5 J'Cft:DkIf
1'111 1 ~
Kalen Green, Clerk