HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 05 26 Village Council Special Minutes
MAY 26, 1969
The Speeial Ses.ion ot the Tillaee Couneil, Villjee ot North
Orlan.o, Flori.a, was oalle. to or.er at 8:10 P.M. by Ma~or Jor.an.
A Ple.ee ot Allel1an" to the Flae was Ie. b~ Mr. GranT111e BrGWn.
lloll Call:
Ha~or, Clittor. Jor...
V1.e-Ha~or, DaT1. Tilson
Attorne~, T_ Freeman an. CouneilmaJ1,
GranT1lle Brown
Julian Keller
Albert Harshall
Charles llowell were abaent.
The SPel1al .eet1ne was .alle., .pee1ti.all~, torPo11ee De,artment
business. .
Mr. Tilson reai a letter ot rea1cnation, .ate. Ha~ 22ni, trom
Hilton Anierson, who has serTei as Chiet ot Po11ee tor the ,ast 10
motllths. Hr. .AD.erson sai. he was resill1inc tor personal reasons.
There Was no ,ressure, what"....er, toro1nl Mr. An.erson to resicn.
All equ1,.ent has been.turDe<< in, but the T.T.antenna ani that will
be p1.kei u, later. A ...,lete 1nTentor~ w1~1 be taken, 11stine all
equipm.ent ani unit01"llS or the Polioe De,artaent.
Mr. Anier"b w1ll 'e a lleserTe in the She~itt.s Department.
lleserTe ofti.er, Elmer Lane, realpei, Terball~, on the 22ni,too.
A motien waa .ai. b~ Mr. Til.en t. a.oept the resicnation ot Mr.
Anierson. BeGoni.i D~ Mr. Keller. Dis.uss10n Was heli.
A motion was maia b~ Mr. Brown to ..eni the tirst lIot10n to raa
"WITH ftBGftETS". 8,eonie. b~ Hr. Tilson ani major1t~ carr1ei.
Hajor1t~.arr1ei on the first motion.
A lIot10n was .aie b~ Hr. Tilson to ...apt the Terbal resicnat10n
of' Elmer Lane. Se.o.ie. D~ Hr. Brown. loth the tirst ani se.oni of'
the motion was w1th-irawn.
A lIotion was maie b~ Hr. T11son to a..ept the Terbal resicnation
of Elmer Lane, w1th recrets, Seconie' b~ Hr. Brown. Diseuasion
vas heli. Majorit~ earriei.
A motion WaS maie b~ Hr. T1l.on to .i..rt1se tor a Poliee Chiet,
1n the Santor. Beral. ani th. Orlan.o Sentinel. Seeon.e. b,. Mr.
Marshall ani m.jorit~ carr1e..
Ma,.or Jorian appointe. S~ Lynn L"o!1, ..aot1ne Chiet, unt11 the
~ ,081t10n of' Chief', 1s fille'.
A motion vasma.e b,. Hr. 'fllson ani ae.onied b,. Hr. Brown to
accept the app01ntment of L,-nn Lyon, as aet1ne ehiet. Hajorit~
Ma,.or Jorian reporte. th.t ro.i,e~~~eDt owne. b7 BreTara.
Engineerinl, parke. on South Eicemoft. "a. sabotagei, OTer tbe week-eni.
MAY 2&, 1969
The Ma'1or, JUle ana the Commi_1.Oner will set u, Polieies for
the Pollee De,artment.
The Poliee Chief an. an'1 other em,lo'1ee of the Tillale, ia hirei
with full a"roTal ot the Couneil.
For insurance pur,oses no unauthorize. ,eraonnel will operate a
munici"l Y$hlcle., There will be aUlea, Beaulationa an. a Co.e ot
Ethica,The onl'1 J.uxilia17 Police a"tearing on the Boster are Allen
Cronk an. Bo Smart.
D.C. Sauniera ani Harry Van Duesen were neTer lecall'1 a"ointei
D'1 th.. Counoil to aerYe as Auxiliary Poliee. The'1 are not now nor
were the'1 eTer, legall'1, members of the Auxiliar'1 Police in the Tillale
ot Korth Orlan.o.
A motion was maie 0'1 Mr. Tilson to notlty both Sauniera ani Van
Duesen of their stan.ine as ot this iate. Seconie. D'1 Mr. Keller.
Diacussion was hel.. Majorlt'1 carrie..
Mr. Tilson ha. been asal.t~ng in inTe.tieations ot breakine an.
enterinc tor the Police Department.
A motion was mI... l:q Hr. Brown to appoint Mr. Tilson, Chief c'.
InTe.ticator tor the po3..i.. Department, Tillage ot Borth Orlanio.
S.eonied. b'1 Mr. Keller In<< majorit'1 carriei.
A motion was .ai. 8'1 Mr. Tilson to otter the new Chiet a aalar,.
ot up to ani inelu.in& the present aalar'1. Discus. his t~e ott,
tele~ho.., "1ate. Seeon.'f)i lr1 Hr. Harsh..ll ani majori t'1 carriei.
H.lOr Jar.an.llowei Mrs. Waie, Mrs. Sasser ani ){re. Cantrell
three minutes each to air their grieTancea.
A motion vas maie b'1 Mr. Til.on ani seeon.e" D'1 _. "own to
.tjourn at 9:25 P.M.
Helen Green
Villale Clerk
Villace ot Korth Orlan.., Fla.