HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 04 28 Village Council Public Hearing Minutes
APIlIL 28, 1969
The Public Hearinl tor the Tillale ot Borth Orlan'o waa calle'
to or'er at 1:25 P.H. b7 Ma70r Jor'an.
A Ple'ee ot Allelian.. waa liTen to the Flag.
Mr. Jor'an atate' that he woul' neither enter in the 'iaouaaion
or TO!.e it there waa a tie, ainee Laurel Bealt7 ia oonne.te' with
thiaale ot,ropert7 in the Corona'o aeotion ot )forth Orlan'o, an'
he.i not want the 80uneil to teel there waa a .onfliet ot intereat.
Mr. H.B.Fetter, ot TGa1in Bealt7, waa intre.ueej. Mr. Fetter'a
olient ia Wa7De San'era, tru,tee tor J. Hilbert Sa"., who ia -
nocotiatine the .ale ot thi-.l,ro,ert7. The7 toum' eyerJ1;hinl
a.tiataotor7 aa water an' aewer, roa'. .ta., but the7 .i. not haTe
kDowl.'Ce that the lota ha' b.e. re,late' an' their ,lana .i. not
80.p17 with the Tillale Or'inance.
It eTerrthiBg 1s fult1ll.' it will be a three .1ll10B 'ollar
,roj..t, with fro. 175 'to 193.boaes. There will be P.R.A. an'
T.A. t1nancinc.
Hr. Pl07' Green, re,reaentincthe Zoninl Boar', rea' a lette:r
tr.. the Plann1n1 an' Zonal 'oar., reo._en'inl aD .e._ent to
the Zoninl Or'inane.. !'he ehanle vill be tro. 6600 square teet to
~. '000 .quare teet('O toot tro.tale~,lOO toot 'e,th).
!he plana prea.nte' tor this aeation are just ,roapeetiTe
plana an' the .e...nt will nota"l,. to an,. other pie.. ot
,ro,ert7 in the Tillale.
!he ..enaaent will be preaente', tor tirat rea'inc, at the
aext r8plar17 s.he.ule' .eetinl. It there ia a unanimous Tote
an' it i8 aipe' D7 all 5 ele.te' eounci11len, the Ma70r an' the
Clerk, then the _..- an' thir' rea.inlaa7 be rea' the aUle nient.
Otherwi.e, it will be postel. tor 15 'a,.. an' a Special .e8tinl hell.
tor the .eoon' an' thir' rea.inl.
Motion waa a.'e \)7 Hr. Brown tor Mr. Free.an to 'r.w up the
Aaen"ent to the Zoninl Or.inap.. to incor,orate the re.o...n'ation
ot the Zoning Co...1a.ion. Be60n'e<< b7 Hr. K.ller an' unanilloualy
a"poTe' 87 Con.oil.
Boll Call:
GranT1lle Brew
Charle. llowell
Julian Keller
Albert Harahall
1Iotiol1 waa aa'. Dr :Mr. K,lieJ." ..I. .eoon'.'-b7 Mr. B;'Owell that
the aeetine a<<jeurD at 8:25 P~M. Unan~ou.l,. ap,roT.. D7 COUDe1l.
Belen Greem, Tillace al~
4;\, L
Ha7or, Clittor' Jor'an
Tiee-Xa70r, DaTi' Tilaon;
Attorne.,., ~o. Free.an