HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 04 07 Village Council Reorganizational Minutes
~2~~&lI~MtL ~~ETI.G
APRIL 7, 1909
The Reorganizational Heeting of the Village Council ot Worth
Orlan'o, Flori'a vas calle' to or'er at 7:40 P.M. b'T Mayor Jor'an.
A Ple'ge ot Allegiance val given to the Flag.
Etoll Call:
Ma'Tor, Clittor' Jor.an
Vice-Ka'Tor, Charles Kovell
.Attorney, Tom Freeman
Granville Brown
Allen Cronk
Julian Keller
Davi' Tilson
The Oaths ot ottice, for their respective groups, vas given by
JIr. Freelllan to;
Charle 8 Etovell, Group 1, Two Year Tera
Julian Keller, Group 5, Two Year Term
Davi. Tilson, Group 4, One Year Term
Albert Marshall'lGroup 3, Two Year Tera
Committees appointe' by Mayor Jor'an:
Co_issioner of Finano. , Granville Brown
Caaaissioner of' Police an' Fire, Davi. Tilson
Commissioner ot Roa. an. Bri'ge, Al_ert Marshall
Commi.sioner ot Becreation an. Zoning, Charle. Rowell
Commia.ioner of ~ealth, Beautification an. Election, Julian Keller
A Special Thanks>vas given to Mr. Cronk for a job well .one.
Mayor Jor.an reeommen'e' to the Oouncil, the re-appointmenta of
the tollowing, :to their respeotive otfices:
Belen Green, Village Olerk an. Treasurer
Hilton An'erson, Ohiet ot Police
Si. Vihlen, Jr. Buil'ing Inspector
City Attortley,fhoaa. G. Freeman, Jr.
Tem.pora17 Ju'ge, !homa. G. Preeman, Jr.
Motion vaa lIla.. ~y Hr. Brown to a.oept the reoo..en'ations ot Kayor
Jor..n tor the re.ppointment ot the above personnel to "heir
respe..ive ottic..... . S.oon... by lIr.Cronk an. unan11ll0usly approve.
by Council. lIr. Brown thanke' all peraons tor their aervi.e..
Motion vaa .... by Hr. Tilson an. secon'e' b'1 Hr. Etovell that the
meeting a.journ at 7:59 P.M. Unanimoualy approve. by Council.
Ilea eot vely a itts.,
Helen Gre.n, Village Clerk