HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 03 03 Village Council Regular Minutes
HARCR 3, 1969
The Regular Session of the Village Council, Village of North
Orlando, Florida, was called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Mayor Jordan.
A Pledge of Allegiance was made to the Flag.
Roll Call:
Mayor, Clifford Jordan
Vice-Mayor, Charles Rowell
Attorney, Tom Freeman, absent
Granville Brown
Allen Cronk
Julian Keller
David Ti1son,late
The minutes were presented to Council.
Corre ctions:
Page 2, first paragraph,' last line, s'bould read "further in-
Page 3, 10th paragraph, line 1-should read lIwork as a
maintenance man II not run the machinery.
Page ], paragraph 15, line 1, s'''1ould read "corporate" not
Notion was made by Mr. Rowell to accept the minutes as corrected.
~ Seconded by Mr. Keller and majority carried.
Treasurerts Report::
Balance General Fund 2/1/69
Checks Drawn
J:Aa1ance General Fund 2/28/69
Balance, Road and Bridge Fund 2/1/69
Checks Drawn
Balance, Road and Bridge 2/28/69
1.1 019.77
Finance, Mr. Brown reporting:
No report for this month other than the Treasurer's Renort.
Recreation and Zoning, Mr. Rowell rsnortlng:
No recreation report for the month.
The Zoning Board had e illE,eting on the 27t'h of f'ebruary. Und or
new business t'here will be more to report.
Road and Bridge, Mr. Cronk reporting:
Mr. Priest gradod the roads.
serviced. There is a wire burned
be replaced. eil will have to be
2 batteries recrarged.
Bot,., t:L?uck and grader have been
on the grader, whic'h will nave to
changed in the tractor aDd the
IvIAR c:F.! 3, 1969
Health, Beautification and Elect:i.on, Mr. Keller reporting:
No report on Health
No report on Beautification
~lection: Re~istered voters, 77 out of possible 357.
Electees for t~e March 18th Election are:
Group 1, Cbarles Rowell, incumbent, 2 years
Group 3, Albert Marshall, 2 years
Group 4, David Tilson, 1 year, unexpired term
Group 5, Julian Keller, incumbent and Donald Taft, 2 years.
Police and Fire, 1~. Tilson reporting:
Police: Complaints answered 51, amount spent for gas $69.74.
There is an open road from SR 419 to our city dump that sbould
be closed off. Also, one of the roads leading to the dump from
Edgemon Avenue is open and traffic is going to and from the dump.
The East end of Panama Road should
This road is not passable.
Chief Andersons hours in service
Sgt. Lyons hours in service
Auxiliany Police, Allen Cronk
Auxiliary Police, Bo Smart
be closed off due to deep sand.
40 patrolled hours
Is hours donated.
Total man hours-------405
Fire: Fires, 1, 3 man 1:1ours; Drills, IllJlan hours; Training
SChools, 10 man hours; Business Meetings, 14 man hours; Community
Projects, 13 man hours; Truck maintenance, 5 man hours; Total man
hours 56. Received new band light and 15 lb. extinguisher for
ones that had been stolen off of truck.
Chief's rem.arks; Held school on plan in case of house fire.
How to place trucks; how to attack the fire; how to cover other
houses. How to best use hydrant and still have room for movement
of equipment and how to place equipment from other Fire Departments
in ca. se of 7ilutual aid.
Mayor's Report, Mr. Jordan reporting:
1. Attended Seminole Junior College ground breaking ceromon ies.
2. Attended tho Mayor's luncheon Central Florida Fair. Made
it known that North Orlando was in Seminole County.
3. There are quite a few Zoning Violations in the Village and
t'hese people will be notified.
4. Will be having clean-up week in April.
5. Was disappointed there was so little interest in registering
for the Election.
6. A letter in the Sanford Herald editorials regarding garbage
being dumped in the Ranchlands.
7. The South Seminole Jaycees will be contacted about fixing
the Bus Shelters. They will take care of everything, but the
painting and the Village will have to take care of that.
NARcn 3, 1969
The first Charter Beard meeting was held with Mayor Jordan and
Allen Cronk from the Council and 4 members present; George FUller,
Jay Wetz, William Hahn and Mary Williamson.
Some of the items to be taken up b;y- t'he C'h arter Board are:
1. Name change of the Village.
2. Consolidation with possibly Casselberry or Longwood.
3.Utility Tax raise
4.. Ad Valorum Tax
A card was read wi t'h no signature, suggesting several name s
for the Village; Flora, Piney Woods, Pine Dale, Oranola (Orange-
Seminole), Sundale or Lake Jessup~
A letter was read from Mr. C'harles HcIntosh, regreting that
nei tber 'he nor Mrs. McIntosh would be able to serve on the Charter
Mr. Joe Hage, of North Orlando General Store Has recognized
and h~ stated t'hat he likes it very much in North Orlando, but,if
his Sunday Beer sales are no longer permitted he would be forced
to leave.
Correspondence read:
Two letters from the Road Department requesting Road Maps of
the Village showing streets and Rbads.
A letter from Mrs. Edward Peters requesting that tne Fire
Trucks be moved from in back of their home. Parked in carports of
empty 'houses was unsightly and, therefore, the houses remained
empty. She and Mr. Peters have looked at this unsightlyness for
three years and would like a change. It is bad enough looking at
empty houses, but maybe they wouldn't be empty if the trucks were
Bills presented for approval:
Laurel Homes
En ge 16
Del Chemical
Lynn Lyon~ Jr.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Cronk to pay
the bills. Unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. Freeman is ill and will be unable to attend any meetings
for at least a month. There had been a misunderstanding regarding
the "Hot Pursuit" law, which Mr. Freeman, presented to the Orange-
Seminole Delegation. Instead of "Hot Pursuit" to adjoining counties,
it should have been "the ser~ing of warrants" to adjoining counties,
and only ttHot Pursuit" in Seminole and Orange Counties.
Motion was made by :r-""J.I'. Tilson to amend the amendment to its
original, stating "Hot Pursuit" Law will be in effect for Seminole
l{ARCH 3, 1969
and Orange Counties with the Village of North Orlando and the Judge
I""" having the power to serve warrants in adjoining counties. Seeonded
by Mr. Brown and unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. Donale Taft was introduced. Mr. Taft has picked up a
petition and is running against incumbent, Julian Keller, in Group 5.
Five Specifications were given out for bids on the Village
Insurance. They were:
Mr. Ralph Knoblock, Insurance Center.
Mr. Carl Moro, Nationwide Insurance Co.
}~. Larry Mosely, Cooper, Simms & Nelson Insurance Co.
Mr. Al Davis, Davis Insurance Agency
Mr. Ernest Harter, Harter Insurance Agency.
Mr. Knoblock was the only one returning a bid. Motion was
made by Mr. Brown to accept the bid submitt6d by Mr. Knoblock and
payment be made the same as last year. Seconded by Hr. Tilson aJihd
unanimously approved by Council.
There has been no meeting set for the Charter Board. Some new
members will have to be appointed to replace the others appointed
who are unable to serve.
Mr. Freeman is serving as Judge, since Mr. Juliants resignation.
A new Judge is to be appointed. Mr. Gene Stephenson, past Judge of
r Longwood, would like the appointment and bis fee would be $50.00
per month.
Motion was mad.. by Hr. Tilson to consider t'he application of
Mr..' Gene Stephenson, have him appear before the Council with a
resume of nis qualifications. Seconded by Mr. Rowell. I:1ajority
carried with 4 ayes and 1 no by Mr. Brown.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson to reserve a
Court Sessions for as many times as Mr. Freeman
Judge is appointed. It will be negotiated with
fee not to exceed $50.00, $35.00, if possible.
Cronk and unanimously approved by Council/.
Reverend Jack Lindsey, of the First Bip tist Church of Longt.vood,
spoke of the sale of alcoholic beverages, on Sunday, both in
Casselberry and North Orlando. Mr. Tilson told Reverend Lindsey
the Council would take his plea into consideration. Mr. Tilson,
also, explained that the General Store was the only store in the
Village, and if they were banned from Sunday Beer Sales, they would
leave. Probably the best way to handle the situation would be to
have a referendum with tbe majority of the municipality.
Judge for the
is absent or a new
the Mayor for a
Seconded by Mr.
Mr. Hal Harris, architect from Sanford, quoted the cost of
the Building Plans, with the changes submitted by Council. The
Fee Schedule 9 2/3 % of the estimated $27,000.00 cost of the Building
would be 2,000.00, which would include plan s, Specs. and Supervision.
Could be redueed to 700.00 for plans only. Plans and Specs. 1200.00.
Copies would be extra.
MARCH 3, 1969
A motion was made by Mr. Tilson authorizing Mr. Harris to
provide plans on the basis of cost. Seconded by Mr. Keller.
In amending motion:
A motion was mada b~ Mr. Tilson to have Mr. Harris draw up
the plans and specs for ~1200.00 and.8 sets of prints for $25.00,
totaling $1225.00. There will be a $100.00 binder fee and the rest
will be taken from the Building Fund . Seconded by i"Ir. Cronk.
1 "No" vete from Mr. Brown and 4 "Ayesll. Majorit;y carried.
Hold ing Cells were d iscu ssed and contact .cJi!>.. 'i _ ~ii is to be
made with either Oviedo Councilor the Longwood Council in regards
to t'l,e use of their cells. LongHood is closer so it would be
more convenient.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson to have Mayor Jordan negotiate
with Longwood about these Holding Cells. Seconded by Mr. Keller
and unsnimously approved by Council.
Holding Pens are needed for stray dogs. The Health Commissioner
and the Police Commissioner ar to make G decision on this subject.
Nr. Freeman will hav 8 to be consulted about tbe Deed Restriction
A Co-op project for the South SJY:1:irole JaYC?8 l S 8.re School
,-.., Bus Shelters. Thsy are willing to help us renovate t'he Shelters
in t1'1e Village. They t.dll furnish tbe labor and material and
t'he Village will bave to furnish the paitJt.
A motion was made by lvIr. Tilson te accept the offer of the
Jaycee's. Seconded by Mr. CJ?onk and unanimously approved by Council.
Nr. Clarence Memory has offered to do maintenance work for the
Village any time that it does not conflict with bis other job. He
will charge $2.00 an hour for tbe maintenance and the use of his
A motion was made by Mr. Tilson to accapt the offer immediately,
so Mr. Memory can start on the streets. Seconded by Mr. Brown and
unanimously approved by Council.
A motion was made by Mr. Tilson asking the Council to aut'horize
tbe Police <Thief to issue Fire Permits. Seconded by Mr. Rowell
and unanimously approved by Council.
A recommendation was read from t'he Zoping Board for a variance
of ttRl" of the Zoning Map to read 110X60 instead of 100x60.
A mot~or was made by Mr. Tilson to provide for a 'hearing of
the Zoning Charter to make this variance-. An ad to run in t'l,e
Sanford Herald, posted at the General Store, Office of the North
Orlando Water and Sewer Company and on the Village Bulletin Board.
A Special Hearing will be held March 24th at 8:00 P.M.
MARCH 3, 1969
~ Seconded by Mr. Keller and unanimously approved by Council.
A motion was made by Mr. Tilson and seconded by Mr. Brow'!)
to adjourn the meeting at ll:~~ P.M.
Helen Green
Village Clerk