HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 02 03 Village Council Regular Minutes
FI.!;BRUARY 3, 1969
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North Orlando
WaS called to order at 7:33 P.M. by Mayor Jordan.
A Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by David Tilson.
Mayor, Clifford Jordan
Vice-Mayor, Charles Rowell
Attorney, Thomas Freeman, Jr.
Granville Brown
Allen Cronk
Julian Keller
David Tilson
Treasurer's Report:
Balance 1/1/69 General Fund
Checks Drawn
Balance, General Fund, 1/31/69
Balance, Road and Bridge Fund 1/l~9
Checks Drawn
Balance, Road and Bridge Fund 1/31/69
1, 773.ll
~TJ! 19. 77
r Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 6; Mr. Jordan is on the Governing
Board of the Seminole Chamber of Commerce and not the League of Municipalities.
Motion WaS made by Mr. Tilson and seconded by Mr. Cronk to accept the minutes,
as corrected. Unanimously approved by Council.
A motion was made by Mr. Tilson and seconded b;y Mr. Keller to accept the
minutes, as presented, of the continued meeting of January 13th. Unanimously
approved by Council.
The minutes of the S~~ial Meeting of January 27t~; ~~. Bro~in asked that
the last sentence of the last paragraph on Page 1 be taken out of the minutes.
A motion was made by Mr. Cronk and seconded by l'~. KeLler to accept the minutes
as corrected. Unanimously approved by Council.
l-Ir. Free.man explained that in a consolidation the Village would not be
paying a 10% Utility Tax. Also, that a fee of 5,000.00 for the Architect was
too high. In the meeting of January 27th it was stated to that effect, but
those figures were all estimated costs.
Road and Bridge, Mr. Cronk reporting:
No report for this month. The black top has been received. 5 ton, delivered,
was ~~50.50. None of it has been used as yet.
Finance, Hr. Brown reporting:
~ Mr. Brown reviewed the Auditor's Report and gave a comparison report for
1967-1968 on Revenue and Expense.
FEBiWA.d. y 3
r Mr. Brown stated that there WaS no possibility at all, of financing any
thing, in the next six months to a year, that would run over 100.00 per month.
Any'indebtedness would be on thin ice.
Police and Fire, Mr. Tilson reporting:
Fire: There are new officers in the Fire Department so there is no report
for this month.
Traffic Summons------------------ 9
Juvenile------------------------- 3
Improper Equipment--------------- 2
Warnings, Oral------------------- 9
Dog Ordinances Passed out--------12
Property Checks------------------ 5
Chief Anderson's Hours-----------275
Sgt. Lynn Lyons' Hours-----------43
Auxiliary, Bo Smart--------------12
Total: 330 Hours.
The Cruiser willa a tune-up
New Brakes and drums ha~e been installed.
and it should be in fine shape.
Recreation and Zoning, y~. Rowell reporting:
No report for recreation this month.
No Zoning Board !meting for this month. The meeting is scheuduled for the
4th Thursday of the month. Due to 5 Thursday in January there was a mix-up in
the meeting daY.
Health, Beautification and Election; }~. Keller reporting:
The Bus Stops are to be fixed and painted. The signs for the Village are
to be painted. It WaS suggested that the South Seminole Jaycees be contacted
and maybe they might help with the Bus Stops.
Several complaints about payment of Garbage Bills.
The General Election will be held on March 18, 7:00 A.l-1. to 7:00 P.}1.
The Registration Book is open and any resident may register if they have
been a resident of the State for one year and of the Village for 6 months.
An eligible resident may register anytime during Regular Office Hours,
9:00 A.M. to 12 noon, Monday through Thursday. 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Fri days..
Wednesday evenings, Februcqy 19th and 26th, 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.N. Saturday,
February 22nd and Saturday, March 1st, 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Books close at
4:00 P.M. on Monday, March the 3rd. The office will be open all day that day.
Councilmen to be elected; Groups 1-3-5 for 2 year terms~ one for each
Group. Group 4, 1 year term (unexpired). 1 for the Group.
The Election Board for the March 18th Election:
MaJY Hyatt, Mally Salter and Norma Lanl~ Inspectors. Helen Green, Clerk.
FEBIWARY 3, 1969
Mayor's Report~ Mr. Jordan reporting:
~ Letters have been sent to 9 residents for appointment to the Charter
Board. The Mayor, City Attorney and the members of the Council are ex-officio
members. It will be a working corrnnittee and it may be 6 months before there
are any recommendations for the Council.
A motion was made by Mr. Tilson to continue the subscription to H.U.D.,
$20.00 per year. Seconded by Mr. Rowell and unanimously approved by Council.
A letter was read from the North Orlando Water and Sewer that had been
received by Mr. Freeman regarding the Franchise.
A letter was read from the Florida League of Municipalities.
Renewal on the Village insurance is due on March 8th. A letter was read
from the Nationwide Insurance Company asking for"Specs" to bid on the Insurance.
Mr. Tilson will draw up the Specs.
Motion WaS made by Mr. Brown to publish ads for insurance bids, February
14, 21 and 28, in the Sanford Herald only. Seconded by Mr. Tilson and unanimously
approved by Council.
Chief Anderson is now Deputized by Sheriff Polk, of Seminole County. He
will be bonded by the Bonding Company that covers the Sheriff's Department.
The Village will pay for the premium which will run around $10.00.
~ If the Chief wished to run theJmachinery he would be paid for the extra
work. This idea did not meet with the full approval of the Council. The
matter was dropped.
Bills presented for approval:
Panning Lumber Co.
Lynn Lyons
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded by IvT.r. Cronk to pay the
bills. Unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. Freeman read the proposed amendment of Article 6, Section 2 of the
Village Charter, 'tThe Hot Pursuit Law". When the Amendment is prepared it
will be posted with the minutes, along with the corrected copy.
A motion was made by Mr. Tilson to instruct Mr. Freeman to submit the
proposed amendment, as corrected~ to the Legislative Committee. Seconded by
1-1r. Rowell and unanimously approved by Council.
The ~ttle League Field being built on 419 is adjacent to ~corporate
limits of the Village of North Orlando. It would be a benefit", both to Mr.
~ Cooper and the Village, if it were annexed to the Village of North Orlando..
The meeting was recessed until a ]a ter date, to be announced by Mr. Jordan.
FEBRUARY 3, 1969
The recessed meeting of February 3, 1969 was called to order
at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor Jordan.
Roll Call
Mayor, Clifford Jordan
Vice-Mayor, Charles Rowell
Attorney, Tom Freeman,Jr.-absent
Granville Brown
All en Cronk
Julian Keller
David Tilson,late
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell to adjourn this recessed
meeting at 7:42 P.M.
Seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously approved by Council.
Helen Green
Village Clerk