HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 01 13 Village Council Regular Minutes
JANUAt'lY 13, 1969
The continued meeting of the Village Council, Village of North Orlando was
called to order at 8:10 P.11. by Mayor Jordan.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Gerry Brown.
Mayor, Clifford Jordan
Vice-Mayor, Charles Rowell
Attorney, Tom Freeman
aouncilmen: Granville Brown
Julian Keller
David Tilson
All present
Councilman, Allen Cronk, absent.
All dog owners listed on the recent petition were given copies of the
Dog Ordinance.
Mayor Jordan talked with the 1D1Il'leI'S of Animal Kingdom. The set-up that
they have with Casselberry hasn't proven to be very satisfactory~ so they are
hesitant in making a contract with us.
Section 2-27, paragraph 6, Criminal code is related to the Dog Ordinance.
Mr.. Shepherd is Dog Control man in Longwood and has agreed to help us
out, providing we have our OilIl pens.
Mrs. Maue, 41 N. Cortez, Said she didn't like the idea of having her name
~ on petition when they kep their dog, under control. She said they had to put
up with neighbors cats climbing all over her car and scratching it and when her
dog barked at night it was because the cats were around.
Mayor Jordan presented the name of Pasquale DelVilliggio for appointment
to the Zoning Board.
A motion waS made by Mr. Rowell to accept Pasquale De1Villiggio as a
member of the Zoning Board. Seconded by Mr. Tilson and majority carried.
Consolidation of local communities was discussed. Several consolidations
have been considered at different meetings throughout the county.
1. Whole County consolidated with one government.
2. Citie5 in South end of Seminole County consolidated with one goverl1IOOnt.
3. Keep all cities as they are.
4. North Orlando and Casselberry consolidated.
Mr. Brown read article from Florida Isague on taxation.
February 7 is the last time any local legislation will be considered.
Charter Board should be considering any changes they might want to make.
Motion was made by l-lr.. Rowell instructing Hr. Freeman to draft a Hot
Pursuit Law tor the Orange-Seminole County Legislation Delegation. Seconded
by Mr. Tilson and majority carried.
r A motion was made by Mr. Tilson to bring the motion, that had been tabled,
regarding utility taxes on the floor for voting. Seconded by}'1r. Brown.
Mrs. Green read the motion {Page 3, Paragraph 1-2-3, minutes of December 2,1968.
January 13, 1969
ltMotion was made by Mr. Rowell to delete the 75 cents limit on Utility Taxes
and have a straight 10 percent. Seconded by Mr. Tilson, for the sake of discussion
,"-" only. Discussion was held.
It was suggested that several meetings be held to work on this matter and
then bring it before the people for their voice on the subject.
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell that his motion be tabled until a later date,
providing other meetings are held and people are contacted. Seconded by Mr. Cronk.
Ro.ll Call vote: Tilson and Brown, ItNolt and Rowell and Cronk "Yes". Mr. Jordan
voted ItYes" to break the tie. The motion was tabled until a later meeting.1I
Discussion was held. Roll Call vote. Mr. Rowell, "Yes", Mr. Brolm, Mr. Tilson
and Mr. Keller, "No" Majority carried not to raise taxes.
Mr. Tilson suggested that the Mayor appoint 2 councilmen along with Mr..
Freeman to look into Ad-Valorum taxe..
Mr. Hal Harris, archi tact from Sanford, was introduced by Mayor Jordan.
Mr. Harris had drawn up plans for a 'City (Police andFir6 Station). Plans, as they
stand, will run around 35,000. McCall construction gave estimate, as is, of
28,500.00. An all steel building would cost between 20 and 25 thousand. Discussions
were held both pro and con.
Another meeting will be held on January 27th, 8:00 P.M.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson to adjourn the meeting a.t lO:9J P.M.
r Seconded by Mr. Keller and majority carried.
~Res.~ectfullYr: sub "tted,
....2- .J
~ , ~
Helen Green