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1968 01 08 Regular
. fit' -- - .-.. VILLAGE OF NORT~ ORLANDO, FLORIDA TELEPHONE; 322-8133 NORTH ORLANDO, FI,ORIDA Zn- CODE 32707 Jail.), 1968 '1"0' Mr. lay we'tz, Pollce Comm18s10ller & Oouncl1 Members "the tollowing 18 a brlef' report tor my elepartment durlng 1967, beginning ~ebruary 1, 1967 tnrou8h uecember 31. 1967: Oomplaints handled Warnlu.gs - Dogs Warnings - trafflc Arrests )lade 435 77 106 28 Wollette tilled in during my ..catlon & wa. 'paid ~oa tilled ln dur1ng my _cation & was pa1el iealdns tilled. 1n durlng '!Jt1 yacat10n & ..8 pa14 3,148 1/2 295 3/4 30) 1/4 124. 3/4 34- 19 ~2 hours Iq actual hours ln .8rvice LaJo1lette acc<>*panled .. r' LJ'OJl acoollparded.e 18ak1ns acoompanied me hours hours hours hours hours hours $42.50 23.75 27.50 Lafollette bas rode alone (not bllled) Lyon bas rode alone (not bl11ed) Police Cruisers were drlyen Qe.aollne used 011 and Re:re1rs to oar and tires 58 1/2 hours S 1/2 hours 16,407 miles 1.527 8/10 gals. $563J~ )6.71 ~rading time on roads between MaY.4st &. Dee. 31st 63 hours Respectfully submltted ~~.~~. Ar .1ir 11, ))e--tie, ble 01' Pollee r--