HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 12 02 Village Council Regular Minutes
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The Regular Session of the Village Council of the
North Orlando was called to order at 7:39 P.M. by Mayor
Vllls ~e
l\ pled,':;'" of
legia.Dce to the Flag was led by Allen Cronk.
Roll Call:
Mayor, ~liif0rd Jordan
Vice-:r.1ayor, Charles .rim,el1
Atto~Dey, Tom Fr2sman
Councilmen: Gr8Dvills Brown
.~...ll,:;y} Cronk
Julian Kelldr,a~sgnt
Davj(J Ti::Lsor.:;
en :P[~6':~ !~ of the NOV31jj.b~;r l!.th minutes it is nquit" clain deod
and Dot "quick". Motion was ~ade by Mr. Cronk 3~d secended by Mr.
Rowell that the minutes be approved as presented. Majority carried.
Tr0asurer's Report:
Balance 11/1/68 General Fund
Checks Drawn
Balance 11/30/68 GSD2ral Fund
3 ,395.27
Balance 11/168 Road and Bridge Fund
C'\1e ck s Drat-Tn
Balence 11/30/68 Road and Bridge Fund
I, ~.? ('I'.
.~TC. _ . \...:' c-
Road and Bridge, Mr. Cronk reporting:
Tbe grader was repaired for a total of 5 man hours.
Finar:ce, l'1r. BrOHlJ rc:port in:.::
The statement was 300.00 under what had been estimated by Mr.
Brown for the past two months.
Recreation and Zoning, Nr. HOVIell I'sport ing:
No report on Recreation.
No Zonir:g Bo€,rd meeting because of Thanksgiv:i.ng. One member is
needed for tbe Zoning Board.
Health, BeDutificstion and 31ection, Mr. Keller reporting:
Mr. Keller was absent due to illnsss so there was no report.
Police ana Fire, Xr. Tilson reporting:
Fire: No fires, no drills, ? Training Schools, for 30 man hours;
Business mrc:ptings, 1, 18 man hours; 1 COll1TlJunit"j- projects, 2~ man hours;
.F AC}~ 2-
J)6C~lvm:2.R 2, 1968
Truck Maint8nance, 4,3 3~~ Hours; Association Meeting 1, 2 man hours;
Total man hours, 56~ and total membership, 17.
l"ire frucks do not have to be inspected. Rear doer on Truck l/l
'has be0:1 installed. Truck :;ll had h8ad lights ad justad, snd '(.d,na 8'1i81d
wipers were replaced.
1'011co: Complaints,16; Traffic Summons, 10; 'tlarnings Oral Trafflc,7;
Warnin~s oral Dogs, 6; Property checks, 5;
Hours in ~,erwice, 278; Lyons hours in service, 18; Cronk's hours in
service, 5; Total man hours 301.
'W"l,ile t1-:J.e PoTiee Car has been in the sl'\op, 8. dog belonging to
Tony, C1o.Jner of the Body 31]op ch,::w<:;d up t'he coble and michropl"wne fer
the Policf' C8r. Tony will replnee same.
Nayor' 3 R sport, I'1r. Jord8.n report ing:
Many dog licensGs have been sold.
T'he signs leacHng into Nortb. Orlando are in very poor CIDndi tion
and srould be improved.
House occu9ancy is holding stsady.
Appearances around the homBs have baen in~rovsd.
T~e new radio to be installed in the cruiser will be a bi~ plus
in communication with the othc:lr communities.
The mBeting of the League of Municipalities, this month will
have some surprising information to reveal.
Seminole County is continuing with their road improvements, 419
in particular, is being put in good shape.
Within the next few years it is hoped there will be new developers
in North Orlando.
Another Dew home is going up in the Ranchlands, on Panama Road.
Bills presented for approval:
Engel f s
Superior Oil
,Judah r s
Dave's Garage (Road and Bridge)
1 h C;
. -
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Cronk to pay
the above bills. Majority carried.
A committee :is being formoc for tl']c Charter Board. There tv!ll os
3 ID.emb'3rs c'hosen, one fro'p} each s'3ction, in addition to Mayor Jordan
and Attorney Freeman. Both old and new items are being considered.
Tr.8 qU0stionair'3s 8.re being put Io<sio(:) temporarlly. The census
will be taken, but the other questions will have to be worked out to
the satisfaction of the Council.
A maintenance man is still badly needed. streots arc in bad
shape. Recreation Area is in nead of repairs, Bus stops are about to
fall apart. Lots Deed mowing and edging. Money is the eternal problem.
DSCI;MBER 2, 1968
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell to delete the 75 cents limit on
utility Taxes and have a straight 10 percent. Seconded by Mr. Tilson,
for the sake of discussion only. Discussion was held.
It was suggested that several meetings be held to work on this
matter and then bring it before the people for th~ir voice on the subject.
Hotion ~vas made by I'1r. Rovvell that his motion be tabled until a
later date, providing other meetings are held and people are contacted.
Se conded by Nr. CrOllk. Hell Call vote: Til son and Brown, "No" and
Rowell and Cron1c,IlYeslt. Nr. Jordan voted ttYes" to break the tie. The
motion was tabled until a later meeting.
At tbe last Regular meeting, November 4th, the purchase of a
new Police car was discussed. Ths Chief obtained several bids and with
a trade-in the lowest 8stimate was around 1900.00. Added to our present
loan our paym,ents to the bank hTould be about 91.00 per month.
However, since the accident it is advisable to keep the old car,
but it will need new tires, brake drums and the heater f1_xed. The
tires must come first. Hr. Tilson recommended that the Council apprOYe
the purchase of at least 2 tires, approximately 18.00 a piece.
Motion was made by I1r. Brown to alloH 200.00, ~:.~+,.-=ic.>Sc:n~cdg:l:.'!,
:f;:.o:pc:.:-4t---r'f6-w-.t~r@'a'~-t"he--~~k~,:::::f!.ixe:d. Seconded by Hr. Ti1son and
majority carried.
Mr. Freeman reported on the meeting he and Mr. Rowell had with
Hr. Tannum, I1r.Nesler and }ir. Kurau of G.A.C. Corporation. Hr.Freeman
explained that land v.!as needed for a building..an~~DQry a tEJ.X
~'--ptre--~+te land. '''T-b.-e-gent13!non -agP~~-na-d:=be:~@:p
(~Lu::i:t...,._j'h:B-'llnla. Ttrey::a~donating an acre and a half of land on
the Nort""west corner of State Road 434. and Moss Road, providing a
Building is put up. They would like to see the plans of the Building,
when it vlill be started and the completion date, use of the 'Building,
and the financing. Concrete plans should be subm.itted.
Council requests Mayor Jordan to get an estimate on construction
of the proposed plan s:e~nL__th.e~""~t:ru:e:ti:orr-=-_GUillp.an:y.
Due to the abs8nce of Nr. Keller, l"lrs. Green gave the report on
the corning Election. The registration book is officially open, as of
December 2nd. The General Election v.rill be held Tuesday, March 15th,
from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.K. Offices open, Group 1-3-5 for 2 year
terrns. Office i 11 Group l~_, for one ye ar unexpired term. Candidate s
file from February 19th up to and including February 28th.
Council's Policy aD Motions. A motion must be made before B
discussion n:c:.:f- ba held. Hot:loD \-;a3 made by IVlr. Tilson that .s motion
and a second nust be made before a discussion could be held. Seconded
by Nr. Brm.m. After a short dis~ussion, Hr. BrOlvD vdth-drGw his s8cond
and Mr. Tilson hitb-drc\-J tbel'1otlou.
1) AG,S 1-1..
DECEMBER 2, 1968
Notion \,ras made:: by Hr. T:i13on t t ,on ['. topic be:i.YJg brought up,
a motion 31:"0 secor:.d should b made, l;aiTs :.;; discussion, commsnts from
lnter'3 sted spc,ctntors and then the mot:lon voted upon. S:::condcd b:V Nr.
Brown and uJajority carried.
Correspondence rcad:
Lstt~r from Etta Harville, S3C~~tU~~ of Fire Department Auxiliary,
jTI"{Tjtin;_~ tlls l"layor and Council -to partic:ipats :J.n the Cbrj~stln3.S Parade,
10 Q 1 d .. , T\, "'. \.. . r ., ~ . t 1. n n PIe"
c,., ..:>un ay, .l.)(;;C"rHurj. .L__, a. _'.__V .1.
J" 1 e t: t ',,," r>... fr>. O.r,..: 0 ':,' t ('."., r:n 1,,- 1""-' ':0, '" i d ,0", t: n'" 'ii~ Yl ," r, ,-' ') .- r +-L '['[' ,..>10J +: b 11 v ~ 1 ~ '-,r'.-
.I. ...... - -- .. ~' .1. u'~ V.J. _-J..i,L.., .J,. ..,r.lo.oJ..... ."..t,.,..... ..,.l.. J. ..l_J....., ~'_"'~_ 0 ,i....,~ v ...,l,y,j"..c.L....:..o. I"i"
asking for ap~roval to put up a ChrIstmas tree on ~be vacant lot
Dcro~s from tt'8 Villago Hall ~Dd alse fer permissior to run an cxt ntion
from t}:a hall to the trc3, for lights. T'Joro, is 8 hot Li.nf ()ut hi tru
field so it won't be necessary to run an extsntion.
Notion ~,,;as made: by Hr. Tilson thst [~HesoJ.utiOD :'8 drawn up,
authorizing the use of the ground for the Christmas tree and, also,
for th? CO-0[)2ration of the COL1r<cil for t1')is G"r:lstm8S Parad,a.
Se cond<-3c bJ' Hr. ROle 11 and 1i1a jori ty carri,; c .
Hr. Hot>Jt:,ll D.sked l;ow Hr. Plant8 ;:.,cc2ptod tl;c J.<l1ld d,,,;c;cJed to '''dm.
I\'Ir. Fren':JJft'r,) said, as fDr as :~~,~:; ].(t)'3'V,7 l,E' V\'rns pleased.
Ttlotion trJ2,S 1':Jad~3 ~:r r-Tr. T:l18or,; tl,flt tl..,(~ rn.~e,tt(1E:~ .sdjourn 9t 0:~:.C:- P.l"I.
SecoYJd d c,;, I'lr. Cro:::l:: D:':\O T!J8jorit-y corr:'c,c.
R spc tfully submitted,
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II.:..:l~~'rJ C}rC?D
'Jj.l1D. Clerk
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