HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 11 04 Village Council Regular Minutes
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NOVEMBER 4, 1968
The Regular Session of the Village Council, Village of North
Orlando, was called to order at 7:40 P.M., by Mayor Clifford Jordan.
The Group joined in a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led
by M~. Gr..ville Brown.
Roll Call:
Mayor, Clifford Jordan
Vice-Mayor, Charles Rowell
Attorney, Tom Freeman
All present.
Counci~en: Granville Brown
Allen Cronk
JUlian, :Keller
David Tilson
In the minutes of October 7th and the continuing meeting of
October 14th there were two corrections.
1. First paragraph of Road and Bridge; Mr. Priest "graded" the roads
instead of "mowed" as stated.
2. Next to last paragraph, Page 2, should read, '~ill of Sale from
Volusia County". Motion was made by Mr. Tilson and seconded b~
Mr. Brown to make these corrections. Unanimously approved by Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson to accept the minutes as corrected.
Seconded by Mr. Rowell and unanimously approved by Council.
Treasurerts Report:
Balance General Fund
Checks Drawn
Balance, General
Balance Road and
Checks Drawn
Balance, Road and Bridge 10/31/68
Fund 10/31/68
Bridge 10/1}68
Road and Bri4ge, Mr. Cronk reporting.
During the month of October work was done and completed on
Bird Road, connecting with the county to Lake Drive, by W.W.Prescott.
October 14, dump truck was taken to Shell Station in Casselberry.
Left head did not have good compression and carburetor had to be
over-hauled. starter will have to be replaced later. Lights were
fixed and two Dew windshield wipers. Total cost 55,33.
October 20, Morton Lane graded. County grader had only graded
one lane. Total 1 hour.
October 26, Work on South Edgemon was started, but grader over-
heated and cracked the head. The rest of the engine does not seem
to be hurt. The carburetor is being over-hauled which was not done
November 2, Mr. Priest graded all roads, including Bird Road.
Finance Report, Mr. Brown reporting:
;: 'L~~t quarter, Revenue; 4,619.24; Expenses, 2,822.26. Net pro:Cit,
NOVEMBER 4, 1968
Police and Fire, Mr. Tilson reporting:
Complaints answered 36; Traffic Summons to court 14; Warnings
oral tratfic,6; Warnings oral dogs, 6; property checks, 5.
Mr. Allen Cronk accompanied me on patrol
Sgt. Lyon s donated a total of
Sgt. Lyons worked tor pay purposes
My actual hours on patrol or in service
Total man hours 408!
9 hours.
18 hours.
53 hours.
328! hours.
Total miles traveled on police cruiser
Total expenses for Police Cruiser
The Chief of Police, Hilton Anderson, on behalf of the Police
Department, wished to thank the Fire Department for the wonderful
job done on Halloween night.
Fire Report; Fires, 1, li man hours; Drills, 1, l2! man hours;
Business meetings 1, 16 man hours; Community Projects, 4, 39! man
hours; Maintenance, 1, 6 man hours. Total man hours, 73!. Total
membership, 17.
Fire Chief, Robert LaFollette, wished to thank the Firemen
for their participation during Fire Prevention Week.
.r. Over $150.00 has been spent on the Police Car already. The
brakes are fixed only temporarily. Soon new brake drums, tires,
heater coil, alternator and wipers will have to be replaced, at
a cost ot over 200.00. It was suggested that bids be submitted
tor possib.t1a~ trading the present Police Car on a new one.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson to solicit bids on new car
with a trade in. Seconded by Mr. Brown. Solicit bids from specs.
Second was with-drawn by Mr. Brown and motion with-drawn by Mr.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson that the Chief take the Police
Car to Ford, Plymouth and Chevrolet to ascertain on what basis.
we can trade and proceed according. Seconded by Mr. Brown and
unanimously approved by Council.
Glen Hicks, of Orlando, has a lease purchase plan for V.R.F.
communication tor approximately 15.00 per month. Lease price may
be applied on pu~chase and at the end of 5 years the unit may be
purchased for 1.~O.
These units are brand new Motorolast installed with antennas
and everything.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson to enter a lease agreement with
Glen Ricks to install a mobile unit in the Police C~ at an
r approximate cost of 15.00 permonth. Seconded by Mr. Rowell.
Unanimously approved by Council.
The radios are transferable so there is no need to wait to
see if a new car will be purchased.
NOVEMBER 4, 1968
A letter was read, by Mr. Tilson, from Sheriff Milliott.
The Sheriff's Department will be happy to have the North Orlando
Police Department join their radio network. The letter may be
used as authorization to purchase a crystall.
Recreation and Zoning, Mr. Rowell reporting:
The fish are biting in the Lake at the Recreation Area.
No letter has been received from Amick Construction Company,
as yet, in regards to the Trailer Park. Mr. Jordan reported that
something should be heard from the North Orlando Company this
next week.
One more member is needed for the Zoning Board.
Health, Beautification and Election, Mr. Keller reporting:
No report except everyone get out and vote, even if it is
not the Village Election.
Mayor'S report, Mr. Jordan reporting.
Road and Bridge is improving the roads in the Ranch Lands.
Police Department giving good service to the ODmmunity.
Six more homes have been sold. With the increase in rentals,
it is hopeful that renters will purchase homes.
Lake Jessup Causeway not feasible at this time. Seminole
County is to fix road (Hiway 19) from Five Points to Oviedo and
the new University.
Mayor Jordan attended the JayCee Seminar in Jacksonville
prior to attending the Florida League Convention.
The Seminole County League of Municipalities will meet at
noon on November 6th. Help is needed from all cities.
Mr. Freeman expressed his thanks for being able to attend the
Florida League of Municipalities Convention. It was a very worth
while experience. He will not attend next year at the expense of
the Village for he would like someone else in the Council to attend.
Mayor Jordan talked with Mayors of other communities. Attended
business meeting voting on the new constitution.
Bills presented for approval:
Robert Kramer------------------------------$25.00
Clanton's (Police Department)---------------98.28
Superior Oil Co.---------------------------- 1.66
Lynn Lyons (Police Dept)-------------------166.00
Shell 011 Company-------------------------- 55.33
Clanton's (Road and Bridge)---------------- ~.30
Total $36 .38
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Tilson that
these bills be paid. Unanimously approved by Council.
Since neither the county nor the Vtllage will pay, L.D. Plante,Inc.
will black top and maintain the road leading to the Rendering pl~t,
NOVEMBER 4, 1968
provided Mr. Plante is given a quick claim deed to the property.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown to give L.D.Plante, Inc the right
aw~t black top the road leading to his plant, per his letter ror
a claim deed, providing he maintain and keep it open to the
pub ic. Seconded by Mr. Tilson. Discussion. Unanimously approved
by Council.
Mayor Jordan reported that the Council would like the meetings
speeded up. He stated the meetings would rollow the Roberts Rules.
The Council would have their motions ready and no discussions
wi thout a motion. Mr. Tilson statij,d that unless th~. charter had
been changed that the Council set the rules. Reports should be
only about 30 seconds long. Everything else should come under
old or new business.
Mr. Cronk reported he could get cold patch for the streets
for 10.00 a ton, which is 6 cubic yards. The truck holds 5 cubic
yard s .
Mr. Keller had some data about copy machines, but the Village
does not have that much copy to warrant such an expensive machina
Motion was made by Mr. Brown to have Dog Ordinances printed,
approximate cost 25.00. Seconded by Mr. Tilson and unanimously
approved by Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson and seconded by Mr. Brown that
the meeting adjourn at 9:25 P.M.
Mr. Rowell said he was not ready ror the meeting to adjourn
so the second by Mr. Brown and the motion by Mr. Tilson were with-drawn.
Mr. Rowell stated that the Village was still badly in need of
a maintenance man, and the Council should hire one even ir it meant
raising the utility tax.' The hiring or a maintenance man will be
discussed at the Regular meeting in December.
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell that Mr. Freeman, City Attorney
and Mrs. Green, Clerk, be given a raise of 25.66 a month, efrective
as of November 1st. Seconded by Mr. Keller and unanimously approved
by Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson and seconded by Mr. Brown that
the meeting adjourn at 9:40 P.M.
ReSpeqtrullY..SS~U. itted;
~~/ // ~~
, Helen Green, Village Cle~