HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 10 14 Village Council Regular Minutes
connuKD mOll OCTOBD 7, 1968
OCTOBER 14, 1968
The continuing meeting of October 7th Was called to order
at 8 P.M. by Mayor Jordan.
A Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Allen Oronk.
Roll Oall:
Mayor Olifford Jor~an
Vice-Mayor, Charle. ~owell
Attorney, Tom Freeman
Oouncilmen: Granville Brown
Allen Oronk
Julian Keller
David Tilson
Questionaires: The census will be distributed to the
~esidents. The questions on dogs and bicycles are alright, but
the added questions the council feels should not be sent out.
The Buggy, donated by Mr. DeVoe, could be made into a
Brush Buggy.
A motion was made by Mr. Tilson to have the title changed
and to accept the Buggy tor future disposition. Seconded by
Hr. Brown and unanimously approved by Oouncil.
The Charter should be reviewed and discussed to see if
I"""' any changes should be made. Mr. Rowell would. like to see the
Hot Pursuit Law for the Village.
A Resolution will have to be drawn up for any changes made
with theapproval of the Oouncil. It will then be turned over
to our Representative in the Legislature.
Mr. PreeJl'1an)and Mayor Jordan will be on the Charter Oommi ttee,
along with three outsiders, who are freeholders and are from
the ditferent areas.
Chief Anderson asked for permission to purchase some shells
and a phone extension into his office. It the Police Oommissioner
finds a phone extension necessary he will recommend the instatlation
to the Oouncil.
Motion ~as made by Mr. Rowell authorizing the Police Oommissioner,
Mr. Tilson tp purchase anything needed by the Police Department
up to $50.00. Seconded by Mr. Keller and unanimously approved
by Oouneil.
The subject of a copy-machine for the office was discussed.
M~_ion was made by Mr. Rowell to table this matter until
it can be investigated more thoroughly. Seoonded by Mr. Tilson
I"""' and unanimously approved by Council.
The county haa started work on Bird Road. Trees are down
and it has been cleared and burned. It will be ready to clay
OCTOBER 14, 1968
and grade soon. Two bids were read, one trom W.W.Prescott
and one trom Beiter Brothers, both ot Longwood. The bid trom
Prescott to clear and move the dirt was $250.00. The bid from
Reiter Brothers was $175.00. 20-6 yards loads ot clay will be
needed to till at $8.00 a load. Since Beiter Brothers are not
equipped to ha.l the clay the bid was awarded to Prescott.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown to give the bid. ot $410,.00
(bid tor the &&earine and aoving, 250.00, 20 loads of clay,
8.00 a load, 160.000 to W.W. ,Prescott of Longwood. Seconded
by Mr. Cronk. 4 yes votes and 1 no vote by Hr. Brown.
Majority carried.
The state Road Department has informed the Village that
the school signs must come down since there is no school in
the vicinity. A oopY ot a letter trom Mr. Boggs, ot the Road
Department to Mr. Phillips, superintendent ot Schools, was
read by Mr. Tilson. A letter will be sent to the School Board
requesting the signs stay. In the meantime the signs will be
put out during the time the busses run.
Mr. L.D.Plante, ot Plante Rendering Company, sent word
through Mr. Freeman that he would pave and maintain the road
leading to the Rendering Plant, it the Village would deed' him
the Road. Part of the Road belongs to the county and part to
the Village. This matter will be discussed at a late,r date.
Budgets and ways ot increasing the Revenue were discussed.
Since Mr. DeMott ot Daytona refused to sell the V.R.F.
Radios to the Village or issue a bill ot sale, Mr. Tilson said
he did not care to hand~e the transaction.
Motion was made by~Mr. Tilson authorizing Mr. Keller to
handle the transaction since he could get the radios and sell
them to the Village, but there would still be no bill ot sale.
Seconded by Hr. Cronk. Discussion held. Roll Oall Vote;.. Brarn,
No~ cronk, Yes; Tilson,No; Bowell,No; and Keller, Yes. ,Mo,tion
was deteated.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson that the meeting adjourn at
10:50 P.M. Seconded by ,Mr. Brown and unanimously approved,
by Council.
Helen Green, Village Clerk
Village ot North Orlando, Fla.