HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 10 07 Village Council Regular Minutes
OCTOBER 7, 1968
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando met
in Regular Session, October 7, 1968.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor
Clitford Jordan.
The Group joined in a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,
led by Granville Brown.
On Holl Call:
Mayor, Clifford Jordan
Vice-Mayor, Charles Rowell
Attorney, Tam Freeman
Corrections of the minutes of September 9th were:
The old tractor was purchased for $601.32 instead of 650.00.
On Page 2, Paragraph 4, it should read "Board of Adjustment" instead
of "Board of Adjustors/". In the third sentence strike out,
"on the recommendation of the Zoning Board."
Councilmen: Granville BroWB
Allen Cronk
Julian Keller
Motion was made by Mr. Howell and seconded by Mr. Brown to
accept the minutes .~ corrected. Majority carried.
Treasurer!s Report:
Balance General Fund 9/1/68
Che cks Drawn
Balance General Fund 9/30/68
Balance, Road and Bridge Fund 9/1/68
Check s Drawn
Balance, Road and Bridge 9/30/68
Motion was made by Mr. Brown to accept on recommendation
ot Mayor, the appointment ot David Tilson to fill the unexpired
term of Dick Longcore, until the next general election. Seconded
by Mr. Rowell. Majority carried.
Mr. David Tilson was sworn in as Councilman by Attorney,
Tom Freeman. Mr. Tilson will take over as Police and Fire
Finance, Mr. Brown reporting.
No report at this time.
Road and Bridge, Mr. Cronk reporting.
The Winter Park Phone Company blocked the drainage at
Tradewinds and Edgemon, but it has been opened up. September 29th
mowed Morton Lane. A resident's field was mowed and the Village
was paid 10.00. October 5th, Mr. Priest mowed in the Ranch Lands.
OCTOBER 7, 1968
the grader is back and in good shape. Mr. Cronk would like to
paint the grader as soon as he finds time. The tractor is working
Police and Fire, Mr. Cronk reporting.
Fire Report: Fires, none; Drills, 1, 8 man hours; Training
school, 2, 29! hours; Building Fund Drive, 2, 11 hours; work
sessions for Fire Prevention Week,2,20 hours; Maintenance,3,17
hours; Membership 19, Total Hours 87!.
Police Report: Complaints, 45; warnings, 27.
Patrolman Shinn on duty, 12 hours, 2.00 per hour, $28.00
Patrol Sgt. Lyons on duty 4 hours, 2,00 per hour, 8.00
Auxiliary Policeman Cronk, on duty 4 hours
Actual Hours for Chief Anderson, 393!; total hours, 413!.
Recreation and Zoning: Mr. Rowell reporting.
Recreation area has been mowed.
Zoning; No meeting since Chairman was out of towb. The
Board is still short one member. A letter has been sent to
Amiok Construction Company to see if they are still interested
in building the trailer Park. The owners of the property will
be down from New York next week.
Health, Beautification and Eleotion, Mr. Keller reporting;
The Humane Society has been contaoted and arrangement has
been made to use their services.
Mr. Keller has been unable to work on the bus stops this
week. No Election reports.
Mayor's Report, Mr. Jordan reporting:
Fire Department demonstration on Sunday, Ootober 6 was very
well conducted.
The new Mayor of Longwood, Mr. Ken Brown, is very oo-operative
and will try to work outoommunioations between Longwood and
North Orlando.
The oonference of the Florida League of Munioipalities will
!e held Ootober 27th, 28th and 29th. Mayor Jordan is expecting
to attend along with Village Attorney, Tom Freeman.
A work shOp will be held later in the month, Income and
Expenses, maintenanoe man and current inventory will be disoussed.
The new garbage service is very effioient.
Residents in the Ranoe Area are very pleased with the road
work being done. Mayor Jordan suggested that Mr. Anderson be
paid for running the grader.
Work is being done on .Red Bug Lake Road to out through to
North Orlando. The Village will have to do some work from this
end to clear the road. Bids will be sent out.
OCTOBER 7, 1968
Bills Presented For Approval:
Clanton's (Polioe Car)
Judah's (Polioe Car)
Clanton{Polioe Car)
Davels Garage(Grader)
Kennedy Traotor Equipment
Tot al
$ 5.30
Motion was made by Mr. Cronk andseoonded by Mr. Brown to
pay these bills. Disoussion. nntptmo~sly approved by Counoil.
A letter from General Aooeptanoe Corporation was read by
Mr. Freeman. G.A.C. stated they would oonsider donating land
for a Village Hall and a Fire Department if the Village would
send a desoription of the land they desired. A disoussion was
held on size and looation of land.
A motion was made by Mr. Brown that a letter be written by
Mr. Freeman to G.A.C. requesting 200 foot frontage on the North
side of the Longwood-Oviedo Road and 300 feet depth on the west
side of Moss Road. Seoonded by Mr. Tilson and unanimously
approved by Counoil.
~ Mr. Keller told of a friend of his, Fred DeMott, of Daytona,
having 2 V.H.F. Radios for 130.00 eaoh oomp1etely installed.
The prioe must be paid in caSh.
Dr. Bass, Veterinarian of Sanford, will have a olinio for
giving rabie shots to dogs, on Saturday, Ootober 12th, from 2
to 4, at the Village Hall. There will be a oharge of $3.00
for the shots.
A dollar a day, for eaoh dog, impounded at the Humane Sooiety,
will be oharged. Dogs will be kept three days and then either
given away or destroyed.
A motion was made by Mr. Keller to aooept the agreement
with the Humane Sooiety at a dollar a day. Owner must pay 2.50
to the Villaga, show proof that the animal has been vaoinated
and ha~e a oity tag from either the Clerk or the Chief of Poliee.
Seoonded by Mr. Tilson. Disoussion held. Motion defeated.
A Motion was made by Mr. Keller to retain the Humane Sooiety
for a dollar a day for eaoh dog impounded with a three day hold.
The Village will levy a fee of 2.00 a day, to be paid to the
olerk or Chief of Polioe, by the owner. Proof must be shown of
the rabies shot ana a oity tag. Seoonded by Mr. Cronk and
unanimously approved by Council.
For the time being diesel fuel, for the traotor, will be
purohased in 5 gallon oans. A gas tank will be oonsidered, at
a later day.
OCTOBER 7, 1968
,-. The Fire Plug on the South East corner of Edgemon and
Lombardy is in need of repair. Since the trouble is above
ground, the Village is responsible. Motion was made by Mr.
Brown to have the hldrant fixed since it has been out of service
for quite some time and that is the only hydrant on South Edgemon.
The cost to be $45.00. Seconded by Mr. Tilson.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson to table the motion. Se80nded
by Mr. Rowell. 3 votes for and q against.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seeonded by Mr. Cronk to
have the Fire Plug repaired. Three votes for fixing the Fire
Plug and 2 aga".'!
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Cronk to
have the Fire Plug repaired. Three votes for fixing the Fire
Plug and 2 against. Majority carried.
The Oharter Committee will be discussed at the work shop.
The Questionaires were tabled until a later date.
Patrolman Lynn Lyons has been on the inactive list for a
while, but is able to be back on the active list now, and will
have the same status as before. Motion was made by Mr. Tilson
and seconded by Mr. Brown to pay Patrolman Llons 2.00 per hour.
.~ Unanimously approved by Council.
Resolution #70, designating October as United Fund month
was read by Mayor Jordan.
Resolution #79, was read by Mayor Jordan, stating that
October 6th through October 12th was Fire Prevention Week.
There will be no work shop, but there will be a continuance
of this meeting, Monday night, October l4gh, 8 P.M.
A motion was made bl Mr. Cronk, authorizing Mr. Tilson and/or
Chief Anderson to purchase the 2 V.R.F. radios, fram Fred DeMott,
of Daltona, for 100.00 each and 30.00 for the installation of
one. Seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously approved by Council.
$100.00 was given to Ron Goerke, of Santord, for parts for
the grader. Mr. Goarke purchased 21.60 worth of parts, but they
were not used. Mr. Cronk returned them for a refund of 21.60.
The balance from the 100.00, 78.40, was never returned.
A motion was made by Mr. Tilson and seconded by Mr. Brown
to have Mr. Freeman to file charges in amall claims court. The
second was with-drawn by Mr. Brown and the motion was with-
drawn by Mr. Tilson.
OCTOBER 7, 1968
A motion was macie by Mr. Tilson that Mr. Freeman investig.~,,~,
the case and ir necessary rile charges in saall claims court.
Seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously approved by Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Cronk that
the meeting adjourn at 11 P.M. ror continuance on October 14th
at 8 P.M. Unanimously approved by Council.
~e.peJtf 117 ~itted.
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Helen Green
Village Clerk
Village or North Orlando, Fla.