HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 08 05 Village Council Regular Minutes
AUGUST 5, 1968
The Villa~e Council ot the Village ot North Orlando was called
to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor Clittord Jordan.
The Group joined in a Pledge ot Allegiance to the Flag.
Iloll Call:
Mayor, Clittord lordan
Vice-Hayor, Charles Rowell
Attorney, Tam Freeman
Ceuncilmen: GranTille Brown
Allen Cronk
Dick Longeore
Julian Keller
The minutes ot the Regular meeting ot July l,t. were presented
to Council. Hotion was made by Mr. Rowell and se"a,aded by Mr. ez. onk
to accept the minutes. Majority carried.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Bowell to
accept the minutes ot the Special meeting ot July 8th, as presented
to Council. Majority carried.
Treasurer's Keport:
Balance General Fund 7/1/68
Cheeks Drawn
Balance General Fund 7/31/68
Balance Road and Bridge 7/1/68
Chreks Drawn
Balanee ftoad and Bridge 7/31/68
Bills presented tor approTal:
LaW.OD~Auto P.rt8-~----~----~---~___________~
Judah'. Amerlcan--------~----------__________
Robart Kr..er-------------.-~________________
R.D. Sh1Dn---------------------_-____________
Colon1al Cleaners--------~----~--______~_____
Dr. J. Brannon Murph1---~----~---------------
Laural Hame8~---~------------___~____________
Eddie Kel17------------------~-----------____
$324. 96
Motion wa. made b7 Mr. ftowell and seconded b7 Mr. Keller to
approve the pa7ing ot these bills. Majorit7 carried.
finance: Mr. Brown re,orting.
Hr. Brown covered the report subaitted by Mr. Kramer, the
auditor. He, a180, Showed a seale ot the Revenue and Expen,es
tor 1967 and 1968. Both report and scale are on record.
AUGUST 5, 1968
A work session to consider a Budget for next year, will be
held August 26, 7:30 P.M. !bls sesslon will be open to the publlc.
ftoad and Br~dge; Mr. cronk reporting.
July 7- 3 road slgns, South Edgemon at 1'radewinds, Panama and
B.h..... Opened drainage dlt.ah.. e, on Borth Edge..n. 2i man hours.
Jul.,. 6- Itoadwork done b;rDl7son, Barr,. and Johnn1 Brown on
Nortll. Edgemon. 1'he7.J...n,,"08 the dralnage dit_ and dug up
tb. burlCt~ en9 ot;" th.ou1..W14,\o . let the water through inatead
,r ,ver .Jie ",adl ~ wQ;'~e on their own without m'1 .sklng
them to. ....3 man hour..
July 13- Harlon Priest graded roads 11'1 the ranch lands;
Edgemon,Moss, Bahama, Tradewinds, Hayes, Sunrise and Morton Lane
tor a total ot $25.00 plus $5.00 to the count,. for the use ot tbBgrader.
July 17- I cut the rlght of way along North Fairtax, Firat
Street, around the Vl11ag. Hall, down Moss Road to Lombard7 and
a sectIon ot Lombardy. 2 man hOUr,.
Jul.,. 18- I installed la~ road sign at the corner ot Moss
Itoad and State Itoad 4Ji, also, aleaned grass and weeds around stop
and speed signa along State RQ.d434 in the Village. 2 man hours.
Jul.,. 29- I started to cut r1ght ot ways along Davld Street,
but the steering mechanIsm on the tractor was touled up. so I
was torced to stop.
JU1'1 31- With the h~lp of Hi]:.'~on Anderson, I to~kthe tractor
down to Kinney Garage to <. be repa:1r~Hi, The mechanic could not
giTe us an exact date when the Job.w1l1 be tlnished.
!be grader is belng,put l>jck.tosether and. should be ready soon.
~ecreatlon and Zoning, Mr. Rovell reportIng:
!to r1'Port on Recreation.exoeJtt the grass 1s in ne~~i ot mowing.
Zoning: Meeting was held last" !bursGay ot JUl,.. 4 members,
one more Is needed. An electIon .Jll be held when they have a
quorum. Chances are sl1m that No~th Orlando will get the'Trailer
Park. Question arose as to whether the laRd should be rezoned
to its origInal status.
~th, Beautlflcation and Election: Mr. Kellerreportlng:
Garbage Service good and no eomplaJlnts at all. Lota look
good since the,. baTe been mowed. f.nere is no money tor beautification.
1'he.bus.stops 8hould be fixed before school starts. Mr. Keller
will cheek on the .aterial Reeded.. i'be North Orlando signs are
badl,. in need of ,a1pt. !he,. should either be painted or taken down.
Police aDd Fire: Mr. Cronk, assistant, 'Ubstitutlng tor Hr.
Longcore, who is ill.
Fire: Fires, 3, 9 man hours; (1 house fire, 1 grass fire and 1 gas
leak). Drills, none; Training, none; Business meetingl, 20 man hours.
Communlt,. Projects, 1, 13 3/4 hours; Malntenuce, 7, 3! hours.
Total Hours, 461. ActlYe ...bers, 16. ."
Wo headllghts on ene traok. Taken b,. Ul'1lmown persoD durlng
the month.
Propert,. Is bad 1,. needed to bul1d a structure te house the
trucks. The,. are deterlatlng r~pldl,. and cannot be malntalned
when the,. slt eut 112 the weather at all times.
Hr. Freeman Is to wrlte G.A.C. once agaln to see what has
been In regards to the selllng of the Village Hall and adjacent
propert,. to the Village.
Polloe lleport:
Caaplalnts, 15; Warnlngs, Oral, trafflc, 4; warnlngs, oral,
dogs, 6: written traffio, 2.
.!uxl1la17 Otticer, Allen'cronk accompanied me on patrol, 4! hours.
Police Commissloner, Dick Longe.re accompanled me on patrol,
H'1 actd~Thours In sernee, 991 hours. Total man hours,127~.
Mlle. traTeled on Pollee.crui.er------..------..687
Gasoline purcha.ed-------......---..--------------66.3 gala.
Patrolman, H.D. Shinn accompanied me on patrol 18 hours'
$2.00'an hour, total $36.00
Ma,.orls Report: Mr. Jordan reporting.
Letters were sent to residents who had disabled cars and
trucks. Most responded and the cars were hauled ava,..
Count,. Commissioners reported that Blrd lload would haTe to
haye conmeetlng right awa,. betore an)"th1Dg .could be done. The
Village does DO~ haTe propert,. OD Lake Ton,., a8 belieyed, but
the propert,. the Village does own, on Fisher Road, is the connecting
right awa,..
Thank ,.ou letters from the Ke,.sl and Bradeaws' on Ha,.es !load,
for the wa,. the road has been kept up.
A Weloome to the new Polioe Offioer, Hilton Anderson, and
hi. family.
Cards are being passed out with the new Police number. The
new number will also be pUbllsl1ecj.ln the paper.
Speed,. recoTeF1wiahes extended to Mr. LODgoore.
Ha,.or Lorman, of Lonp..d, pa$Sed awa,.. A card or some kind
of ezpreBslon ot .,.patb'J be sent.
ConventIon for the P1or1~' League ot bnlcipalities will be
held, In Jacksonnlle, October 27, 28,~~.Hotlon was made b,.
JU-. Brown and se..nded b,. lIr. ltowell ,. '-" Mr. Jordan and Mr.
Freeman to the conTention. lleglat:ratioD>tees, $35.00 each. Mr.
Free... wl11 betsta~lDgJwlth r.elatl..s1tbuthote1 rA8eZYa~lons
Ire 'to be made or PJr. orelal1, or aD a erna~e 1'1 !'Ir. ..IorElan
cannot attend.
AUGUST S~ 1968
Mr. Freeman has checked the Ordinance and Schedule ot Fees
r- tor Occupational Licenses to be in accordanoe with other municipalities.
OrdinaDce tor the state Beverage Department will entitle the
Village to a SO~ rebat.e. To leTit the tee the Cit'1 License will
have to be sent'"'to the State tor the rebate.
Jfrs. Salter asked w.at measures had to be taken to have an
meinerator illl the back '1-4. She,. was told it had to be iaspected
by the Fire Department.
The Chiet ot POlice, Hr. .Anderson, is to inspect a V.H.F.
!ladio, se1lil1g tor .1300.00/ Motion b,. Mr. Brown tor Chiet Anderson
to take someone with h1m, who qualities, to cheek the set. It the
set checks out, bU1 it. Seconded b'1 Hr. Cronk. Majority carried.
A letter was read from GoverDor Kirk, urging all cities and
municipalities to consider all the. needs tor the law enforcement
agencie 8. '
Chiet Anderson said he would like to start a 8chool tor BoalBg
Satet,. t~ children from ages 10 to 16. Have all bic,.cles regi..red
with the Police Department.
Chiet Anderson, also, aSked to haTe his check twice a month.
ftequest granted.
Motion was made b,. Mr. Brown and seconded b'1 Mr. Keller to
adjourn at 9:40 P.M. Xajorit,. carried.
et1'u1l7 ,8~
Helen F.Green
Village Clerk