HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 07 01 Village Council Regular Minutes
JULY 1, 1968
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North Orlando
was cailed to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Clifford Jordan.
The Group joined in a Pledge of Ailegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call:
Mayor, Clifford Jordan
Vice-Mayor, Chuck Rowell
Attorney, Tom Freeman
Gerry Brown
Allen Cronk
Dick Longcore
Julian Keller
All present.
The minutes of the Regular Session of June 3rd and the Special Meeting .of
June 24th were presented. Motion was made by Mr. Brown to approve the minutes
of tJie Regular Session, as presented. Seconded by Mr. Longcore and unanimously
approved by Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Cronk to approve the
minutes of the Special Meeting. Mr. Brown noted an error in the minutes in
regards to the first vote on paying the phone bill of Mr. Hennigan. It should
have read "2 Ayes and 1 No" instead of It 3 Ayes". Mr. 'Cronk with-drew his
second of the motion and Mr. Rowell with-drew his motion. Motion Was made by
Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Cronk to accept the correction of the motion.
Unanimously approved by Council. Motion Was made by Mr. Rowll and seconded by
Mr. Brown to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting. Unanimously approved
by Council.
Treasurer's Report:
Balance, General Fund, 6/1/68
Checks drawn
Balance, General Fund, 6/30/68
Balance, Road and Bridge Fund, 6/1/68
Checks Drawn
Balance, Road and Bridge Fund, 6/30/68
Bills Presented for Approval:
Sentinel, Police Ad.
Lynn Lyon, Jr. (Acting Chief)
H.D. Shinn (Patrolman)
Lash Motors
Fla. League of Municipalities (subscription)
Sargent and sown (Road and Bridge)
Prescott (Clay and Road Work) R & B. Fund
Motion was. made by Mr. Ji61i1ell and seconded by Mr. Longcore
be paid. Unanimously approved by Council.
that these
JULY 1, 1968
Mr. Freeman presented copies of the Garbage Contract with Pittman Brothers,
to each member of the Council. Mr. Freeman, then read the contract and a
discussion was held with the Council and the Pittman Brothers.
The Contract WaS signed and sealed by the Village and the Pittman Brothers,
Owen and Felton. One notation was made on the Contract. IIItems such as tree logs
will be cut up in a maximum of 6 foot lengths and weigh not morethan 60 pounds.1I
Road and Bridge, Mr. Cronk reporting:
During the heavy rains there "Were washouts on North Edgemon and on Lombardy
Roads. The wash..out on Lombardy was fixed, with the help of Harry Cronk, after
9:00 P.M.. A stop sign was replaced on Devon. Speed sign WaS replaced by the
Village Hall. A resident of the Village is willing to do some mowing for the
Finance, Mr. Brown reporting:
This is the end of the fiscal year. We will have a true picture after the
Audi tor's Report. Should have a work shop to work out any budgets.
Police and Fire, Mr. Longcore reporting:
Fire: 1 Fire, 2~ man hours; 1 Business Meeting, 20 man hours; 1 community
project, 13 3/4 man hours; maintenance on the truck, 7, 3! man hours; Total
man hours 39 3/4; 16 active members.
Police ~port:
Traffic: 8 warnings, 2 arrests, 1 assistance. 8 complaints.
Auxiliary Police, hours in service.
Allen Cronk:
Dick Longcore
Leo Nunley
Jim Drawdy
Lynn Lyon in service
18 hours.
28 hours.
22 hours.
25 hours.
121 i hours.
B.D. Shinn, Patrolman, worked a total of 20 hours, June 25th up to and
including June 30. $2.00 an hour for a total of #40.00.
Recreation and Zoning, Mr. Rowell reporting:
No report on Recreation for this month.
Zoning: There was a meeting of the Zoning Board on June 27th. An e1eetion
will be held when there is a full membership. A resignation was received from.
Mr. Duquette, so one more member is needed.
Motion WaS made by Mr. Rowell to accept the resignation of Mr. Duquette.
Seconded by Mr. Longcore and unanimously approvtd by Council.
Health, BeautifiCation and Election, Mr. Keller reporting:
. complaints 'Were received on the gar.ge, but w;i:t.h the new service the
situation will be taken care of. Money ie needed before anything can be done
about the Beautification of the Village.
JULY 1, 1968
Mayor's Report, Mayor Jordan reporting:
The Navel Training Center is now open and personnel is conj(tlBring this area.
Hayor Jordan has attended several meeting of the Chamber of Commerce.
'l'he Seminole League of Municipalities will meet on Wednesday. The topic will
be a budget hearing on Road and Bridge Funds.
Copies of the Zoning Ordinance wilJ. be sent to residents having 01t1 ears and
trucks, not in use, sitting in yaads and on the streets.
The monthly bills will be circuJ.a:ted through the Council before each regular
meeting to have them checked, since Mayor Jordan be1ie'tes the paying of these
bills have been taken too lightly.
A $25,000 home to be buildt between Zullo's and Jordan's on Morton Lane
has been rejected, because the present roads are not acceptable. The grader
has not been used on the roads since November.
The Village grader i.~ expected to be in good running order soon. The
grader, from the count,..f1f,e been requested, but they are short-handed, so
it is hard to say when lie' will get the use of the county grader.
Mr. I.ongcore reported that a V.H..F. radio, in. good condition could be
purchased for 1300.00, 2 channels, 25 and 100 wa1{t unit. A crystall may be
obtained in order to be in communication with the Sheriff's Department. Mr.
Longcore said we will be able to use a set until lie get our own.
Six applications were received from the news ad and three from word of
mouth. Six were interviewed, eliminations 'Were dow to three. Mr. Floyd is
retired and would be the logical one, but he will be unable to take the job
until the last of August. Mr. Epps has had the experience and his asking for
an opening salary is $390.00, plus basic phone. Mr. Anderson qualifies, but
has not had as much experience, and for his starting salary he asks, $350.00,
plus the basic phone bill.
Mayor Jordan recommended Mr. Epps as first choice and Mr. Anderson, second.
Motion was made by Mr. Longe ore , upon Mayor Jordan's recoIlllOOnda.tion, to hire
Mr. Epps, as Chief of Police, in the Village of North Orlando, for $390.00 per
month, plus basic phone bill, subject to F.B.I. check. Seconded by Mr. Keller.
Discussion was held. Unanimously approved by Council.
A letter WaS read from the Zoning Board, approving a Day Nursery, in the
home of Mrs. Zila Straughn, 40 S. Cortez, subject to approval of the Council,
the County Health Department and the Fire Department. The Zoning Board recorrmends
that the Council accept this request..
Motion was made by Mr. Cronk that a variance of this Ordinance be made to
establish a Day Nursery, 40 S.Cortez, Village of North Orlando, Florida, by Mrs.
Zila Strauglm, upon the approval of the Board of Health and the Fire Department.
Seconded by Mr. Longcore and unanimously approved by Council.
After much research by Mr. Freeman, the Village finds they do not own any
property, whatsoever on Lake Tony. The Village does own a small section (10th
of an acre), but it is some distance from Lake Tony.
The County Engineer is to go over Fisher Road and Bird Road to check the
possibility of having it cut through. This matter is on the Agenda of the
County Commissioners Meeting, July 2, scheduled for 9:15 A.M. Mayor Jordan
will attend this meeting.
JULY 1, 1968
Mr. Macek, of C and M Refuse, requested the return of the Performancee Bond,
put up by him at the begirming of his contract.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Longcore that the Bond, for
.1250.00 be returned at once. Discussion was held. Unanimously approved by CounciA.
A. work shop is to be held at a later date to make plans for the coming year.
The Council does not have time to do the 'WOrk so a maintenance man is badly
needed in the Village to keep the streets cleaned, grass mowed, etc.
Motion WaS made by Mr. Rowell to pay $40.00 to Libby Atchison, acting clerk,
while Mrs. Green WaS ill. Seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously approved by' Council.
The Boy Scout Troop of North Orlando, Florida, is now, officially a member
of the Boy Scouts of America.
Motion was made by Mr. Cronk and seconded by Mr. Keller that the meeting
adjourn at 9:15 P.M. Unanimously approved by Council.
Respe tfully submittej,
Helen Green
Village Clerk