HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 05 20 Village Council Special Minutes
},iA.Y 2C, 1968
The Speci~l Sassion of the VilluS8 Council of ths Village of
North Crlando~ .Fla. t;'as callcd to ord r at 7:.S0 P.N. bS HaJror Jonan.
The Group joined in a Pledge of AlIJ3iance to the Flag.
Holl Call:
Mayor, Clifford Jordan
Vice-Mayor, None
Attorney, Tom Freeman
Councilmen: Oh&'1'l03 nOH'oll
Gr&Dville BrOTtm
.AILm Cronk
Di cI-c Longccre
I-1ayor Jordan read a l,~tt I' of resignation frem Councilman, JaJ
Wst z. Not i on Has mad 8 by Nr. Brown and se Bond ed by I.ir. LOL,;core that
the r8si1!nation be accented. Discussion Has held. In an amendment
to the m~tion, Hotion t,ra3 mar1e by Hr. Brotrm and sc,conded bJ I'ir.
Longcore that the resignation bo accepted with rogrets. Majority
carried, or the a~endIDent and majority carried on the IDDtion.
. J~' . ~ 1 . t J ,., . -, - t"h t .1
i'iayor oroan HLL apPOIn. 30m::; Oll3 GO 11-:1. 'de vac~..n CO~.r)CL.
seat at the n~2t rogular meetIng, June ~rd. .i1,ach Councllman ~s to
reBomm~~nd one individual t":ho Hould be? H:!ll:lng to serve on the HealU.1,
Be, aut lfi cation and .2:lection Com.rei tt e~j. Tho Coun ci Im'~n HilI submiy
the name to the Ivlayor on or before June 1st.
,..- A Vice-Hayor idll b," voted in b;y the Com::cil at the ne:;t
Regular Session, June 1st.
Nationwid8 Insurance Company has sent a statement to the effect
that the Village owes an additional 91.00 on a polie:; formcrlJ'
held bS their company. This addition is cOlmected vrith tho twrkmants
compensation. Notj.on was madG b:r Ivlr. Browl':' that this b5-l1 be tabled
for the time being and a letter bs written to the Nationwide Company
askir.g for a letter of explanation, in layman's terms, of why 91.00
is ovJed after the policies had been canceled. Seconded by Hr. Cronlt
and majority carried.
On thE: police communication, Nayor Jordan, is still negotiating
vii th Longt'70od. lie has contacted all of the Longwood Coun c1 1, 2 aI'S in
favor and the other three are debating. The Longwood Council meets
the first Thursday of the month and Hayor Jordan and Attorney Freeman
will attend this meeting.
The Garbage Servj. Cf was brought up. First, Iv'..r. Brot,m gave the
financial report and how low the funds for the Village wer~. Mr.
Rowell told of a proposed garbage service for the Village. A truck
could be purchased from Strickland -Horri 03011. The asking pri cs was
795.00, but the Council had, all, examined it and thought that it
could be purchased for 600.0C. It has a new engine with a 1 year
guarantee. It is a 1959, Gl1C, 452 with a V.S Engine.
A colored ma~ who is retiring from Civilian work at thE base is
willing to work at the prics offered, doing maintenance work on
the roads and taking care of the refuso.
j,"IAY 20, 1968
Hr. Freeman explainad how the tax rolls Here set up to determJ_lJi3
,..- how the count would receive the money and how the mone;l was
divided with each municipality.
Hr. Rowell gave thE', report, again, that was given the last
meeting as to how thB expense of the truck would be divided. Discussion
was held and each Councilman expressed their views on the purchase
of a truck. .Not ion was made by l-1r-. ROvisll for the purchase of U:'l.'?
ONC Truck from Strickla~d-MorrisoD for 600.00, to be paid for in full
from the Road and Bridge fund for the Str8sts and Hiways. Roll Call
Vote: Mr. Rowell, Yea; ~w. Brown, No; Mr. Longcore, Yea; Mr. Cronk,
Yea. 3 in favor of purchasing the truck and 1 against. Majority
carried. A second had been made by Mr. Longcore and a discussion
was held before the Roll Call Vot8.
MotiOD Has mad c by I'Ir. Rowell that the Village not renew the
Contract v.Ti th the C and X/I Refuse when their contract terminates
the 30th of June. Seconded by Mr. Longcore. Discussion Has h81d.
Mr. Macek will have to notify the Village if he wishes to
continue the Service in the Village by JUDe first, so it woulrl be
best for Mr. Macek to make the first move. The second was with-drawn
by I1r. Longcore and the motion 1-JaS td th-drawn by Mr. Rowell.
I1r. FreGman Hill have a r:~port of the Village property by
the next Council meeting.
The topi c of the garbage servi 08 vdll be brought up at 'che
next Council mesting.
A letter was read from the Mayor of Casselberry in regards
to forming a Seminole County L8ague of Municipalities. Motion was
mads b;T I'Ir. Bro'W1: and seconded by Nr. Rowell that the Village of
North Orlando join the Seminole League of Municipalities.
Majority carried.
A check for 100.00 is to be sent from the Road and Bridge Fund
to Mr. Ron Goerke, 2811 Grove Drive, Sanford, to purchase parts
to repair the grader. Another 100.00 is to be sent at a later date.
IvIr. Longcore, Hr. ROHell and I'layor Jordan arB to m.ake the
Depotiations for the purchase of the truck and to get the
. W I. . -
Inspec~lon stlcker.
Hotion i-vas made by Nr. Brovm and seccnded b;,r Hr. Longaore that
the meeting adjourn at 10:20 P.M. Majority carried.
Resp2 'fully 3~
-HeleD Greon
Village Clerk
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JILLA~~ .. .' ~t:iiUJDO; PLA.