HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 05 06 Village Council Regular Minutes
ft.e:~InAft SeSSIoN
NAY 6, 1968
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village
of North Orlando, Florida irJas called to order by Mayor Clifford
Jordan at 7:30 P.M.
The Group joined in a Fledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
On Roll Call the followi~g were present:
Mayor, Clifford Jordan
Vice-Mayor, Jay Wetz
Attornoy, Tom Freeman
Councilmen: Chuck Rowell
Granville BroTi-m
Allen Cronk
D:tck Longcore
A call was made for approval or disapproval of the minutes
as presented to ths Council. Notion was made by Tw. Rowell to
strike from the minutes, of the Spesial meeting of April 23rd,
the next to the last sentence of paragraph one. Seconded by
Mr. Cronk. Discussion. Thore were three for striking out the
sentence and two against. Majority carried.
Motion was mad~ by Mr. Rowoll and sespnded by Mr. Bro~m
that the m.inutes of the H;gular r.::p::.;t:i.ng 0f April 1st c:md the
minutes of the Special meeting of April 23rd be accepted. There
o ~ 4 ~n"~ ~4~~ tl'~ ~1~utc~ of" ~ t~ 0 +1n r dId
HQr", a',~v~~Pv""d6 _I..i t........ "S ....0._ m,_ v....gs Cln oppose.
Majority carried.
Treasurer's Report:
Balance General Fund 4/1/68
Checks Drawn
BalaDce General 1"u:'.1c1 h/_~.C/G3
1,322 . 5)~
037 'f'"
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?'i:l:'ar:, cc.; Roc;; j L',Y-;d B-l'l~~. d[~~,u Ft1l';(1 ""-l/://62:
0:18 c 1: s Dr' 8 i-In
Balance Ro&d and Brid ~und ~/30/68
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Bills presented for approval:
Lj~n Lyon, Jr. (Ca1180 fer Police Duty
52 hours, 1.25 per hour) 65.00
Lash Motors 3.50
Judah's 48.91
Robert Kramer 25.00
Dr. Murphy' 15.00
Engel's 20.70
Total: $17(3.11
.Hotio~ tv8S rGade by !vir. Longccre a::,d secor::de0 1:Jy Nr. CJ:'onk that
.-- these bills be paid. Una!1imously' approved by Council.
Road and Bridge Report, Hr. Cronk reporting.
c~: no du~ping sign has been r~placed on South Edgemon.
One Yield sign was replaced on the corrcAr of Edgemon and Third
street. The sign had been sprayec with paint, but will bs restored
~.r. fj.V to. lO'Vq:>
J......r....-'- ,.J.. ,,' v
if possible. Some more clearing was done on South Edgemon and
Sunset for a total of 21 man hours.
An crd?r ha~ been placed h'itJ:1 Sar't~;r"nt-So~^T'sll CompanJ/' for the
follc~'JiDG SlCris:
Four, 4-way street assemblliy signs, white on gresn
( one on corner of Tradewinds and Edgemon, ODe for
Panama and E<J ee~oD, on ': for the; corner of Bahama
and Ed~emon, and one fer the corner of 434 and Mess)
Cost, ~9.45 each.
4, 10 foot galvanized steel posts, $5.30 each
5, 30x30 inch steel stop signs, white OD red, $9.75 each.
Total cost of order $109.75.
Clay will be put OD tbe roads, but the grader is Dot fixed yet.
Police and Fire Report, Mr. Wetz reporting:
Fire Department:
Three fires and emergencies, IIi man hours; 1 drill, 12
man hours; 1 training school, 2k man hours; 1 business meeting
20 man hours; 2 commuDity projects, 17 man hours; 2 truck
maintenance, 1 man hour; Association meeting, 4 maD hours;
Total man hours, 68; Hith 18 active Il13mbers. All equipment is
in good shape. Ho 2 truck has b3sn fixed. Siren on truck #2
has been repaired.
Police Department: Mr. Wetz giving Chief Hennigan1s Report.
Traffic Warnings, Oral-----------------10
Defective Equipment-------------------------~
Approximate time for sbhool bus detail------58 hours (Chief)
Time spent on duty by Auxiliary
Allen Cronk------------------16 hours
James Drawdy----------------- 8 hours
Leo Nunley------------------- 8 hours
James Rebuck----------------- So hours
Harold Longcore-------------- 24 hours
Larry Brake------------------ 24 kours
Sgt. LJ~n Lyon donated------------32 hours
Sgt. Lyon worked (called out)-----52 hours (1.25 per hour)
Chief Hennigan1s hours in service 261 hours
Finance Report: Gerry Brown reporting.
Hr. Brown gave the auditor's report for 1967 and for the three
months of 1968.
I1r. Brown had made a chart showing the expenses and revenue of
the Village.
There should be a little more income, but the expenses wlll be more.
HAY 6, 1968
Recreational and Zoning, Mr. Rowell reporting:
A Building Fund has been started for the 28x40 Building to
be erected on the Recreation grounds. The Building will be for
the residents. Kitchen and rest rooms will be added later. $120.00
has been donated so far and pladges will be gratefully reeeived.
The North Orlando Community Building Fund would like a Building
Permit without Charge.
There are three members on the Zoning Board. The names of
two new members w:i.ll be presented later. The old cars parked in
the streets and yards were discussed. Also, the subject of
annexation was brought up.
Health, Beautification and Election: Mr. Longcore, reporting:
There was nothing to report on Eleetion.
A ve'1'bal thanks ~'Jas g1 ven to !1r. Rowell for assisting with
the Clean-Up Campaign.
A letter of thanks is to be written to lYIr. Jack Hudson for
use of the truck during the Clean-Up drive.
Nayor's report: .r-'iayor Jordan reporting:
The tour taken by Ivlayor Jordan and the Counc1.l was very
rewarding. Several good points were picked up.
The Village would like to get the county to open up FISH-LiT€.
Road leading to Cf)t(;G6 LUjY
The Village has the co-operation from the Mayor of Casselberry
and Longwood, and co-operation from the Sheriff's Department fer
our Police Department.
Mayor Jordan urged the Beautification Committee and the
Roads committee to continue the clean-up Campaign and to strive
for the betterment of the Village.
Requests have been made for changes on the committees for
the best interest of the Village:
Health, Beautification and Election, Jay Wetz
Police and Fire, Dick Longcore.
A letter from Mr. Karau of G.A.C. in regards to purchasing
the Village Hall.
A letter from Governor Kirk urging the Safety Drive and an
appointment of a ttDrive for Safetylt, Chairman.
The Village is in need of a Civil Defense Director. The
Fire Commissioner is to pick same.
HAY 6;
--. The property owned by the Village of North Orlando on Fisber
Road was discussed. A description was read and checked in Plat
Book. Description was not accurate.
Motion was made by !1r. ROHell to have the attorney get an
accurate description of this property. Seconded by Ylr. vletz.
Discussion. Unanimously approved by Council.
The names of Libby Atchison and Chuck Kelly were submitted
for the Zoning Board. Motion was made by ~~. Rowell, seeonded
by IvIr. Cronk to accept these sames as mem.bers of the Zoning
Board. Unanimously approved by Council.
I'-1rs. Atchison and Nr. Kelly will be notified. I1ayor Jordan
will serve on the Zoning Board until a replacement is made.
Letters are to be sent to re sident s who are not conforming tvi th
the Zoning Laws. Letters must be sent by Mayor Jordan or the
Chief of Police.
Motion was made by 11r. Rowell asking the Village of North
Orlando to issue a Building PGrmit to the North Orlando Community
Building Fund, without fees. Seconded by Mr. Longcore. Mr. Brown
suggested that the Village donate the Building Permit rather than
omit the pay to the Building Inspector. On behalf of ~~. Vihlen,
Mr. Freeman thanked the Council and said he was sure Hr. Vihlen
would be happy to donate his services. The motion was unanimously
approved by Council.
A Building Permit "ras issued to 11r. Donald Kiefff3r to build
a large homs OD Hayes Road. Mr. Kieffer was very interested in
knowing when and how the roads would be taken cars of.
rrll3~. Zy Straughn :ts very' intere sted in putt ing a nursery :i.n
her home, 40 s. Cortez. She would like to know the fee and
regulations before she had the county Inspector and the Fire
Department in for Inspection. This matter will be brought up
Ivlr. Freeman reported on propOfH3d Ordinance 0fh7, Liquor
Lic~n39s, giving the Village 50% kick-back from State and County
Lic(";-.,8':::3. Hr. Freeman read proposed Ordinance li!~7 in :tts entirety.
Notion ~,jas made by l\lr. ~1ct z that yroposcd Crdin&r:ce #11.7 be
accepted feI' first :>eadicg, as already read. Seconded 'oy Yfr. Cronk
Discussior. This Ordinancs would repeal all other Crdinances.
The motion by HI' .Wetz and the Se; coud by Hr. Cronk was
~rith-draHn .
Motior; was made by Hr. vvetz to accept: lor first r'?f:HH":1g
Ordinance #47 and this Ordinance would delete Ordinance #24.
Seconded by Mr. Lcngcoro. Discussion was beld and the motion
was unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. Kieffer, Hayes Road, reported that the road had only
beer:: passed OVE)r twice in almost a year. The rc.?s:i.d:mts on Hay')s
Road 118\ra l)eerJ haulirl.S_ cl,ay ir.l ord.'3J~ to nla1{o 1.t. passable. Ed.gelTIOrJ,
Moss and Tradswinds also D80d Olay.
- -
HAY 0: 1968
Mr. Jay We~z was named
Driv? for Safety."
chairman for GovsDor Kir~rs
ltr.:T{ ..",:. \r
J.l.l., 1,;c;~J
Mr. Cronk offered to build a SlGD for the entrance to North
Orlando from Hiway 17-92.
Renewal of the contract with C & M Rafuso is due July 1st.
282 questionairas ware given out in regards to the Garbage S8rvi~e.
66 were returned and the votes were about split.
A resommendation t->JBS made o';l lVIr.' Longaore for the Village
to own their mm truck and hava their own mair;tenance man.
250 residents at 2.00 per month.
500.00 per month
300.00 permonth salary
100.00 per month repair and gasoline
IS.OO per month use of county dump
15.00 per month billing and miscellanoous
430.00 total for the month.
60.00 Dor month note on truck
"0. OC ~er month out of Road and Br:i dg,'o
-f" J..
20.00 per month out of General Fund.
Services of utility man, 8 hours a day, 5' days a t-lE3sk.
3 days a week for garbage, 2 days a vJoeI{ for Road and Bridge.
The truck could be used to haul clay aDd the' n:an to gralJe roar;;;;.
IJ~r. Wet z, Mr. RN;ell and Hr. Longcore are to look for a truck.
The idea is to be shelf3d for a tv-hi Ie.
A letter of resignation, dated April 22, from Chief Hennigan,
effective 30 cays from date, vms read by Mr. v13tz. Mayor Jordan
had several meetings with Chief Hennigan and his only reason for
leaving was cost of living. He would like a raise in pay, the
communication system removed from his home and dispatch service
from Longwood.
Mayor Jordan talked with :r.layor Lorman and Chief Pierce and
suggested 30.00 a month for round the clock dispatching. Verbal
agreement' , with Hayor Lorman and Chief Pierce in favor. 1.00
a day per person for the jail. The Village would either have to
furnish two meals or reimburse Longwood for the meals.
Mr. Longcore stated that Chief Hennigan would like to with-
dI'avJ his resignation.
Mayor Jordan rc commedned that the Council proc~'d t".!i th the
proposal of Longwood. I~. Frs8~an is to draw up an 'agreement
with Longwood for use of the jail and co~nunications.
Chief Hennigan is to look for V.H.F. Radio.
Mayor Jordan suggested w]'\at he thought was a fair increase.
30.00 a month increaso 8ffe.ti~e immediately. Pay the phone, 20.00
increase on a stipulated date.
NAY 6, 1968
Motion was made by Mr. Longcore that the Attorney draw up an
.---- agreoment with the Longwood Council for 30.00 a m.onth di spatching
servi ce. Se conded by J.1r. Cronk. It h-as suggested that everything
be combined in on lump agreement. Discussion. Amendment to use
of the jail at 1.00 a day, plus food and cost of a matron, when
required. A unanimous approval ",las given by the Council for the
dispatching service and the jail.
Motion was mads by Mr. Longcore for a 30.00 a month increase
in Chief Hennigan's salary. Seoonded by Mr. Rowell. Discussion
was held.
The motion by !-Ir. Longcore and the second by lVIr. Rowell
was t-J'i th-drawn.
Motion was made by }1r. Longcore that Chief Hennigan's salary
be increased to 30.00 a month, effective May 1st, pay the phone,
exclusive of personal long distance calls. P Ius a 20.00 increase
effective August 1st. SecondGd by Mr. Rowell. Discussion was held.
Chief Hennigan agreeable to this motion. There were 4 in favor
of Motion, 1 against. Majority carried.
The resignation letter from Chief Hennigan was returned to him.
The Fire Hydrants are badly in nsed of paint.
The Village Clerk asked for her vacation, a day at a time,as
she had last year.
Mayor Jordan, on behalf of South Seminole Jaycee's, asked
the Council for a 25.00 donation for the 4th of July celebration,
at Altamonte Springs. .iYlr. Freeman said this was not advisabl8
when tax funds are used.
Hotion was made by l'flr. Wet z and se conded by llilr. Brmm that
the meeting adjourn at 10:55 P.M. Unanimously approved by Council.
Helen Green
Village Clerk
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