HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 04 23 Village Council Special Minutes
APRIL 23, 1968
The Special meeting of the Village Council of the Village
of North Orlando was called to order, by Mayor Jordan, at 8:30 P.M.
The Group joined in a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Councilmen: Charles Rowell
Granville Brown
Allen Cronk
Dick Longcore
The business at hand was the Police Department, so th~
meeting was turned over to Commissioner of Police, Jay Wetz.
.r-1r. 'vIet z reported that Chief Hennigan had turned in a letter
of resignation, dated April 22, 1968, to the Village Clerk, on
Friday, April 19th. On Monday, April 22nd, Mr. Wetz called
Chief Hennigan to the office and asked him what it would take
to get him to stay. Hennigan said more money($400.00 a month),
Radio Dispatch from Longwood and have the base station removed
from his house. He told Mr. Wetz that he had been talking to
Gerry Piere8, Chief of Police in Longwood, and Chief Pierce
said that Longwood would be able to receive calls and dispatch
them for us for around $60.00 a month. The meeting was over
and at approximately 8:00 P.M. Hennigan called Mr. Wetz and said
he had set up an appointment for 9:30 P.M. with Hayor Lorman.
}1r. Wetz said that it could not be handled in this manner and
he would not go. Mr. Hennigan Cffine by a short time later in
the Police Car and someone driving his o~~ car. He brought his
badge to Mr. Wetz and said he was through. J.'Ir. Hcmnigan left
the cruiser at Hr. Wetzfs house and loft in his 9WD car.
Mayor, Cliff Jordan
Vice-Mayor, Jay Wetz
Attorney, Tom Freeman
Mr. Wetz called the Sheriff1s Department to cover all calls.
Mr. Wetz1s reeommendations wers:
1. Use the other office as a radio room and have Radio
2. Forget the Police Department and turn the Village
back to the county.
Mr. Rowell said he had talked with both Hennigan and Chief
Pierce of longwood. Mr. Hennigan expressed his desire to be
re-instated and Chief Pierce thought that things could be worked
out in regards to dispatching and use of the jail.
Mr. Longcore said he had, also, talked with Chief Hennigan
and he would like to be reinstated.
Mr. Freeman told the Council that Mr. Wetz was acting on
his advice as to what procedLlre to tal;:e l'cgarding the Longv,yood
Radio and Jail.
Revenup was discussed and how much more it would cost the
Village for the Police Department.
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APRIL 23, 1968
l1r. Dave T11son, es past I'l&.yor and citizen, spoke of the
fina~c2s ar:d taxi8s c,f the Village and th'; absolut:;; 1]'":':,(" for a
Police Department and Folies Protection.
I"lot ion trJa S made by Nr. Browl; that Nayor Jordan ne got i ate
with the Longwood Police Dap~rtffiGnt in regards to Radio Dispatch-
ing. To get the lowest figures possible. Tell Council of the
re suI t s. Second sd by IvIr. viet z. Di scussion was held. It wa s
stated that no commitments, whatsoever, should be made. Motion
was unanimously approved by Council.
Mayor Jordan is to contact Chief Hennigan and have a dis-
cussion with him.
After the iDspeetion of the Police Department at 2:00 P.M.
aD Saturday the Council is to join Nayor Jordan for aD
inspection tour of the Village. An inspection of the Fire
Department is to be on Sunday, at 2:00 P.M.
Motier] was made by Mr. \<letz and seconded by Hr. BroHn
to adjourn at 10:05 P.M. Unanimously approved by Council.
Halen Green, Village Clerk