HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 04 01 Village Council Regular Minutes
APRIL 1, 1968
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of
North Orlando, Florida was called to order by Mayor Jordon at 7:45 P.M.
A prayer was offered by Mayor Jordon.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Councilmen: Charles Rowell
Granville Brown
Allen Cronk
Dick Longcore
Except for the date being omitted on some of the copies of the
minutes of the last regular session, March 4th, the minutes were
accepted as presented.
Mayor, Clifford Jordon
Vice-Mayor, Jay Wetz
Attorney, Tom Freeman
The Treasurer's Report:
Balance General Fund 3/1/68------------------------$3,920.62
Checks Drawn--------------------------------------- 1,483.00
Deposits------------------------------------------- 994.25
Baiance General Fund 3/31/68----------------------- 3,431.87
Balance Road and Bridge Fund 3/1/68---------------- 2,389.97
Checks Drawn--------------------------------------- 98.48
feposits------------------------------------------- None
Balance Road and Bridge .Fund 3/31/68----------------2,291.49
Bills presented for approval:
Clanton's ~nco------------------~-------------------
Lash Motors-----------------------------------------
that thE;S0
Hotler-! ,.rss made by 'ire BrOvJD aIle seconded by :Hr.Wetz
bills b~. paid. Unanimously approved by Council.
Police and Fire Report (Old): Mr. Wetz reporting.
.fi'ire Report:
Fires and Emergencies, 5 for 23t man hours; Drills,
none; Training and School, 1 for 20 man hours; Susiness meetings, 1
for 28 man hours; Community Projects, 17 man hours; truck maintenance,
4, 23 man hours; Association meeting, 1, 4 man hours; Total 1l5!
man hours Hith 19 members. The Fire Chief, Robert LaFollette, wishes
to thank the firemen for the quick responce to the fires that we have
had this month. The Fire~en did an outstanding job.
Police Report: As submitted by Chief Hennigan.
Traffic warnings, oral-----------------34
APRIL 1, 1968
Approximate time on school bus traffic-----------------74 Hours
Time spe"1t on duty by Auxiliary as follows:
Allen Cronk---------------16 hours
James Drawdy--------------l6 hours
James Rebuck--------------40 hours
Leo Nunly-----------------24 hours
David Jenkins-------------O
Officer Lynn Lyon patroled---16 hours
Officer Lyon was called out by me to assist on three occasions
for a total of 12 hours at $1.25 an hour. Total $15.00.
Total hours in service for Chief Hennigan, 366 hours.
New Report for Police and Fire, Mr. Wetz reporting:
The Police Department has accomplished a number of things of
which they are very proud such as a new Police Chief, a good police
car, good communications with the other police departments, an
auxiliary that gives freely of their time. Things that the police
department would like for the future are: A jail and office for the
police department, a good transmitting system and a jeep for going
through the woods and swamp land.
The F:i.re Department would like a Fire House and a Building for
housing all of the equipment and the trucks. They are to contact
r'" the Florida Fore stry service to see if they can pick up a power wagon.
Road and Bridge: Mr. Cronk reporting: (Old)
A yield sign was takeg down and replaced with a stop sign at
the corner of Sherry and David. Work has been done on the tractor.
The grader needs a new crankshaft and other work done before it is
in good running order. A good reputable cOljipany is to be contacted
to see how much the cost would be to put the grader in good running
order. $5.00 is to go to the County for the use of the county grader
and $11.25 to Marion Priest, the driver, for 5 hours work, at $2.25
per hour. Some of the roads were worked down, but because of the
dryness it was useless to do all of them. The rightaways have been
mowed on some of the roads.
New Road and Bridge; Mr. Cronk reporting:
There are quite a few of the streets in the Village that need
to be pa'boch&;d. All of the right aways in the Ranch area and in
the Village proper need to be mowed. The corner of Tradewinds and
South Edgemon needs to be cleared away for it is a blind corner.
Old Finance: Mr. Jenkins, chairman:
Mr. Jenkins was absent se there was no report on old finance.
New Finance, Mr. Brown reporting:
The gain from April 3, 1967 through March 31, 1968 was only
$499.10. There will be some extra revenue received from the new
cigarette tax that has just gone into effect.
APRIL 1, 1968
Mr. Brown would like the chairman of each committee to turn in
a report on how much they figure they will need for the coming year.
Two reports will be needed, one running from April 1 through June, 30th,
the end of the fiscal year and the other one running from July 1,1968
through June 30th, 1969.
Health, Welfare and Recreation: Mr. Rowell reporting:(old)
The Little League started on March 23rd. There are three teams,
the Seniors, Majors, Minors. Mr. Rowell has not received any garba@3
complaints recently, but the Village Clerk has been receiving a few,
mainly about the carelessness of the pick-ups. The Bus stops are
still being cluttered and it has been reported that one of the Bus
Drivers has been dumping the trash from her bus into the trash barrels.
Recreation and Zoning: Mr. Rowell reporting: (new)
A merry-go-round and some slides are some of the equipment Mr.
Rowell would like for the Recreation Area so that the little ones
will have something to do while the older ones are playing ball.
Mr. Rowell would like to contact some of the residents to make
up the Zoning Board and the Board of Adjustments.
Old Election and Zoning, Mr. Brown reporting:
~ The expenses for the General Election of March 19, 1968 was
$82.00. $56.00 for the Election Board, 17.10 for legal advertising
and 9.95 for the ballots.
The Zoning Board has been unable to have any meetings for lack
of a quorum. Would like to check the Zoning Ordinance and action
taken on any violations.
The North Orlando Company is in the process of electing new
officers so it will be some time before there will be any word on
when the T-l Trailer Zoning may be cleared for the start of the Park.
A Certificate on the results of the Election of March 19, 1968
are attached.
New Health, Beautification and Elections, Mr. Longcore.
This is a new committee so there is no report for this month.
Mayor's report; Mayor Jordon reporting:
Ideas: A get acquainted tour of the Village with the Mayor and
the Council checking streets, signs, the park, the lake and the Police
and Fire Equipment. Would like for the Village to join in with the
National Realtors on a Clean up-paint up campaign, April 15 to the 23rd.
This may either be a Resolution or a Proclamation. 1~. Longcore,
of the Health, Beautification Comm0ttee will have charge of this.
Would like for a truck to be donat~d to pick up the debris and to
make the area better looking.
APRIL 1, 1968
The signs on the highways coming into North Orlando need to be
,-. repainted.
Would like to abi~e by the Zoning Code and add beauty to the
town. Contact the people owning property and have an annexation
program. Have an Industrial Park Area, laudramats and churches.
Contact Realtors and Mortgage Companies to get the homes occupied.
There is an open Housing Bill that I would like to have discussed
at a later date. Donlt hesitate to call on me at any time through-
out the year and if any help is needed I will do all I can to help.
Letters from the state Beverage Department regarding the new
cigarette tax;
Letter from the Florida League of Municipalities;
Letter from a Mr. R.A.Walters of Miami requesting election
In the future all correspondence sent to the Village will be
on the Bulletin Board, except correspondence for an individual
committeeman. The correspondence on the Bulletin Board is to be
read and initialed.
Mr. Wetz reported that the Fire Department is incorporated and
is not part of the Village so the Council would have to receive
permt~~j.ER from them before examining their equipment. They have
theirAfrom the state. The extra tanker they received from the
~ Forestry Service. A Copy of a letter that the Fire Department sent
to the Fore stry service reque sting information in regards to acquir:i.ng
a power wagen was read by Mr. Wetz.
New tires are badly needed for the Police Cruis~r. They may be
purchased from the Goodyear stores, in Orlando, for $14.07 each and
the state pays the rest. $2.00 for each wheel to balance them. Total
$56.28 for the tires and $8.00 for the balancing, complete total,$64.28.
Motion was made by Mr. vletz to purchase 4 tires and have the
wheels balanced from the Goodyear Service Store for a total cost of
$64.28. Seconded by Mr. Rowell. Discussion was held. Unanimously
approved by Council.
The cage was put in the Police Cruiser at no cost to the Village. .
The handles are to be taken off of the back doors by Lash Notors
for a small fee.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Yw. Brown appointing
Mr. Dick Longcore as an Auxiliary Policeman. Unanimously approved
by Council. All of the men on the Auxiliary are furnishing their
equipment and time with no cost to the Vi.llage.
Hr. David Jenkins is no longer interested in the Police Auxiliary
and has turned 111 all of the equipment that he has His name has
been removed from membership.
A statement released for the press, by Mr. Wetz, is attached.
The Council reaffirms the employment of Tom F'reeman, as C1 ty
Attorney and Helen Green, as Village Clerk.
APRIL 1, 1968
Mr. Freeman explained about the Beer and Liquor licenses. North
Orlando only has the one store, but the Village will be able to collect
one half of the license fee paid to the county and one half of the
license fee paid to the state. An Ordinance will be drawn up to
cover this revenue.
Mr. Sid Vihlen, Jr. the Building Inspector for the Village of
North Orlando explained the Electrical and Plumbing Code. Motion
was made by ~~. Brown and seconded by Mr. Cronk that Mr. Freeman
amend the EJectrical and Plumbing Codes, at Mr. Freeman's discretion.
The yield signs at the corner of Third and Edgemon has been
painted over by some person or persons. There are other sigl1s in
the Village that have been destroyed.
Maryanne Campbell announce0 that on April 27th the Council of
Teachers and Parents are to have a parade and they would like very
much to borrow a Fire Truck from the Village. Motion was made by Mr.
Brown and seconded by Mr. Longcore that the meeting adjourn at
9:30 P.M. Unanimously approved by Council.
Helen F. Green, Village Clerk