HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 03 04 Village Council Regular Minutes
MARCH 4, 1968
The Regular Session of the Village Council, Village of North
Orlando, Florida was called to order, 7:30 P.M. by Mayor George
The group joined in a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call:
Mayor, George Fuller
Vice-Mayor, Jay Wetz
Attorney: Tom Freeman
Councilman, David Jenkins
Charles Rowell
Granville Brown
Allen Cronk
The minutes of the last regular session of February 5th
were approved as presented.
Treasurer's Report:
Balance, General Fund, February 1, 1968
Checks Drawn
Balance, General Fund, February 29, 1968
Balance, Road and Bridge .F'und 2/1/68
Checks Drawn
Balance Road and Bridge Fund 2/29/68
2,40l~. 82
Bills presented for approval:
Sanford Herald (Election Notice)
Sanford Herald (Insurance Bid)
Sentinel (Insurance Bid)
Dr. Murphy
Jud ah ' s
Jay Wetz (Shell Station,{gas for cruiser)
LASH Motors
Allan Cronk
Zaidinski (part for tractor)
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell and seeonded by Mr.
these bills be paid. Majority. carried.
Road and Bridge, Mr. Cronk reporting:
February 20th clay was put on South Edgemon and a spot on
Hayes Road. The grader isnft fixed yet as the part that was or6ered
has not come in yet. The tractor was leaking water and Mr. Cronk
,-. repaired same. However, the tractor still isn't working right.
,..- Health, Welfare and Recreation: Mr. Rowell reporting.
The Bus stops are still being cluttered, and things at the
Recreation Area are still being destroyed. The grass needs to be
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March 4, 1968
,-. Sorry to report there was an accidental death. 4 year old,
David Derum drowned in the lake at the Recreation Area.
Finance Report, David Jenkins.
Mr. Jenkins was absent so there was no report for this month.
Election, Mr. Brown reporting:
131 registered out of a possible 360.
Candidates for Election.
Mayer, 2 Years
Cliff'ord Jordon
Jay A. Wetz
Group 2, 2 Years
Granville Brown
Group 4, 2 Years
Harold V.(Dick)Longcore
Group 3, 1 Year (Unexpired Term)
Allen Cronk
David Jenkins
Of'f'icials have been appointed and paper ballots will be used.
Zoning, Mr. Brown reporting.
There are 3 members left on the Zoning Board, only 2 show up,
not enough to make a qu~um. It is the business of' the council to
see that these posts are f'illed. A~onlng Board and a Board of'
Adjustment . is needed in anticipation of' a growing
community. The Zoning Board meets the last Thursday of' the month
so any business they might have may be turned over to the Council
on the f'irst Monday of' the month. The people are still interested
in putting in the trailer park.
Police and Fire, Mr. Wetz reporting:
Fires, 4, 62 man hours; business meeting 1, 22 man hours;
ways and means project, 2, 42.:man hours; maintenance 4, 6 man hours;
Total 132 man hours. 21 active members.
Complaints 29; Traf'fic warnings, oral 7, written
Juvenile 1; Approximate time on school bus traf'f'ic
Of'f'icer Lyon accompanied me on patrol
Hours in actual service
Total Hours
Miles traveled in police cruiser
3; Arre sts, 2;
60~ hours
296 hours
312 * hours.
Mr. Brown resolved that a letter of' thanks be sent to David
Tilson, Jim Drawdy Qnd Larry Fitton (son-in-law of' Mr. Rorie) f'or
their Pa~t in help~ng in the emergency that arose when we had the
Motion was made by Mr. Brown to place on the Agenda f'or
second reading, by title only, Ordinance #46, "Bird Sanctuary".
Seconded by Mr. Wetz and majority carried.
March 4, 1968
Mr. Freaman read Ordinance #46, the Bird Sanctuary, by title
only, ror second reading.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Br.own that
Ordinance #46, the Bird Sanctuary, be accepted ror second reading.
Majority carried.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown that Ordinance #46, the Bird
Sanctuary, be placed on the agenda for third and rinal reading,
by title only. Majority carried.
Mr. Freeman read Ordinance #46, the Bird Sanctuary, ror third
and rinal reading, by title only.
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Cronk to
accept Ordinance #46, the Bird Sanctuary, ror th~d and final
reading, by title only. Majority carried.
Palms are dead along 434 and the North Orlando Garden Club
would like permission to have them removed.
Invitation for Insurance Bids were published in the Sentinel
and the Sanford Herald. Only one bid was received and that was
rrom the Insurance Center, Fern Park, Ralph Knoblock, associate.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown that the opening or this bid be
delayed 2 weeks to give others a cha.nce to get their bid in.
Seconded by Mr. Wetz. Discussion. Mr. Freeman explained that the
bid could be opened and it wouldn't necessarily haVe_to be accepted.
It was also explained that the present Insurance expires March 8, 1968.
Mr. Brown with drew the motion and Mr. Wetz with drew the second.
Mption was made by Mr. Brown to open the one bid presented.
Seconded by Mr. Wetz and majority carried.
The Insurance Bid from Mr. Ralph Knoblock was read.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wetz to accept
the Insurance Bid submitted by Mr. Knoblock. The Council would like
ror the payments to be broken down into 3 payments. Majority carried.
Florida Industrial Commission concerning wage law.
Orfice or comptroller, Bulletin for Tax Assessors.
Florida League or Municipalities, Tax increase on Cigarettes.
Urban Research Center, Meetings relating to local government.
Chief Hennigan was commended on his action and the manner in
which he conducted the trag~dy at the lake in the Recreation Area.
There are some bad spots in the asphalt on same of the streets.
Mr. Cronk is to contact Mr. Lavendar, County Road Department to see
.r- about getting the county grader for the Ranch roads. The Bus
Transportation Department of the School System said they would prefer
~ to have Moss Road and Tradewinds rixed rirst. It has been reported
that the rirst bus driver in the morning drives too fast and partieularly
in Coronado. The Mayor requests that a stop sign be placed at the
corner or David and Sherry instead or the YIeld Sign.
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March 4, 1968
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Wetz that
this sign be changed. Majority carried.
A letter was read from Chief of Police, Tom Hennigan, requesting
a good used typewriter and a filing cabinet to keep better records
for the Police Department.
A request to form a reserve in order to have better coverage
particularly for the summer months. The reserve would furnish their
own equipment and not expect any monetary remuneration.
A request to promote Patrolman, Lynn Lyon to the position of
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz that the Village purchase a new
typewriter for the office and turn the old typewriter over to the
Police Department. Seconded by Mr. Cronk. Discussion. Motion
with-drawn by Mr. Wetz. Second with-drawn by Mr. Cronk.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz that the Police Chief and the
Villa.ge Clerk purchase a filing cabinet and a used typewri ter with
a cost not to exceed 200.00. Seconded by Mr. Brown. Majority carried.
Mayor Fuller attended the Mayor's breakfast at the Fairgrounds
in Orlando.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz to accept as Auxiliary Police,after
their prints have been returned from Washington, Allen Cronk, James
~ Rebuck, James Drawdy and Leo Nunley. They will have to have 200
hours, in addition to their schooling, before they are qualified
for the position of patrolman. Seconded by Mr. Rowell. Discussion
was held. Three accepted the motion and one voted against. Majority
carried. The request for promoting Patrolman Lyon will be handled
at a later date.
Mr. Freeman is to be contacted to investigate the legality of
collecting taxes from the sale of beer and wine at the North Orlando
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wetz that the
meeting adjourn at 9:05 P.M. Majority carried.
C R1Z1~llY .u~itted.
~ ~I-IIJ
Kelen F. Green, Village Clerk
r "ILLAo.~ Oll' MORTl1 u.tlLANDO, FLA.