HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 02 05 Village Council Regular Minutes
Yb;Bli.UAIU 5, 1968
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North Orlando
WaS called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Y~yor George Fuller.
All joined in a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
On Roll Gall:
Mayor George Fuller
Vice-Mayor Jay Wetz
Attorney Tom Freeman
All present. David Jenkins WaS
Councilmen: Charles Rowell
Granville Brown
Allen Cronk
Any corrections or additions to the minutes were called for. 1<1inutes
approved as presented.
Treasurer's Report:
Balance General Fund 1/1/68
Checks Drawn
Balance General Fund 1/31/68
Balance Road and Bridge 1/1/68
Checks Drawn
Balance Road and Bridge 1/31/68
Bills presented for Approval:
Arthur De V oe
Centr21 Florida Battery (1~ Fund)
Notion wa s made by !vIr. Rowell and seconded by Ylr.
be paid. Unanimously approved by Council.
51. 35
14.85 (132.48)
Cronk that the above bills
Road and Bridge, Mr. Cronk reporting:
Work has been done on Shore Road. Posts have been installed, 3 man hours.
Nevi battery purchased for Tractor and the oil changed. There has been trouble
l~th the starter. The motor for the road grader has been checked. Mr. Cronk
was .advised that the Village should repair the one they have instead of
purchasEing a new one. The motor "viII need a new crank shaft, rings and
bearings. :r-fr. from Coronada will be able to purchase parts at a discount.
Health, \felfare and Recreation, M..r. 3.owe11 reporting:
The Recre~tion Area has been burned off. KioR are shooting out windows
at the Recreation Area. Bus Stops are still being cluttered.
Police ;:;nd Fire, Hr.\i tz reporting:
Fire Report: 3 fires, 32~ man hours, no drills; 1 training school, ~ hour;
1 business meeting, 24 man hours; 5 community projects, 110 man hours; 2 truck
maintenance, 1 man hour; 1 association meeting, 4 ma.n hours. Total 13, 171 3/4
man hours, 21 active members.
FEBH.UARY 5, 1968
A yearly report on the activities of the Fire Department were given. It was
a good report and a copy of the report is attached.
Police l'leport, }ir. Wetz reporting: The final report by Arthur DeVoe, former
Complaints answered 33
Warnings, Oral Traffic 7
Warnings Oral, Dogs 6
Arrests, Traffic 3
Officer LaFollette Accompanied me on Patrol
Officer Lyon Accompanied me on Patrol
Auxiliary Police Jenkins accompanied me on Patrol
Approximate Hours School Bus Traffic
Hours in actual Service
l1iles traveled Police Cruiser
14 Hours
l5t Hours
:5 Hours .
7J:l. Hours
276i Hours
1,303 Miles.
Thom Hennigan WaS sworn in as Chief of Police of North Orlando by Attorney
Tom Freeman.
Finance, Mr. Jenkins reportingr
Mr. Jenkins WaS absent so there WaS no report for the evening.
Zoning and Election, Mr. Brown reporting:
More members are needed for the Zoning Board, since there are only three
,..- members left.
~~s. Mary Hyatt, Mrs. Libby Atchison and Mrs. Kathleen Memory were named as
Inspectors and Mrs. Helen Green we Clerk of the March 19th Election.
The following are hours for Office to be open:
Monday through Thursday, 9 to 12 noon
Friday, 1 to 4 P.M.
Weanesday nights, February 21st and 28th, 7:00 to 9:00 P.M.
Saturday, February 24th, 10 A.:N. to ap.H.
Saturday, March 4th, 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. when the Registration Books will close.
Anyone, qualified, wishing to pick up applications to run for office may do
so any time when the office is open from li'ebruary 20th to 29th, inclusive.
Deadline for applications will be 4 P.M. on the 29th. Office will be open
that day 9 A.M. to 12 noon and from lP.M. to 4 P.M.
A letter of Thanks for the donation to the <<hristmas lighting contest WaS
read from the North Orlando Garden Club.
... motion was ma.de by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. ~vetz that 2 copies of the
1965 Loose Leaf Binders of the Southern Standard Building Code be purchased. If
,..- this binder does not contain pamphlets of the 1967 Amendments, then two copies are
to be ordered. This motion waS unanimously approved by Council.
,'-' Nothing has been heard about the Trailer Park. Mr. Brown suggested that Mr.
Jordon be conta.cted and have him s~t up a Special Meeting with the princiibiJ.s
of the Trailer Park deal.
FEBHUARY 5, 1968
A motion was made by Mr. Brown that Ordinance #46, Bird Sanctuary, be placed
on the Agenda for first reading. Unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. F~eeman read Ordiaance #46, Bird Sanctuary, for first reading.
Insurance for coverage of the Village is up for renewal in Harch. lISpecsll
should be out liS soon as possible so that the bids will be returned by the March
Meeting, Harch "4th. Nothing has been changed from the "S::::>ecll of last year, except
for the new Police and Fire coverage, which \ull have to be added to the Specs of
last year.
lV'JI'. and HI'S. John Cromwell wish to purchase property at the end of Hayes
Road (2'~ acres), providing they can use a trailer as a "base" and add a Florida
Room, Utility Room and a swinmdng pool. Trailers are not allowed, but with this
set-up plans will have to be submitted to the Building Inspector first and then
to the Zoning Board, for maybe a variance.
}tr. Rowell reported that little League will be starting soon. The Recreation
Area is badly in need of some repair work to benches, etc. Hotion was made by
Y1I'. Brown and seconde by }1r. Wetz to allow $50.00 for repairs and fixing up the
Recreation Area. Mr. Rowell has been alloted $25.90 a month during the summer
for mowing and ma.intenance of the Recreation Area. Unanimously approved by Council.
Paper Ballots will be used for the Election of March 19th.
Hot ion waS made by Hr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Rowell that meeting adjourn
at 8:40 P.M. Unanamously approved by Council
filA. YOR