HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 01 08 Village Council Regular Minutes
J Al.TUAR Y 8, 1968
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North Orlando was
called to order by Mayor George Fuller at 7:30 P.M.
The Group joineci ~~th a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
On Roll Gall the fOllowing were present:
Mayor,George Fuller
Vice-Mayor, Jay Wetz
Attorney, Tom J?reeman
Councilmen: Charles Rowell
Granville Brown
Allen Cronk
Corrections or adSitions to the minutes of the regular meeting of December
4, 1967 were called for. The only correction was on page 2 and it should have
read. "feett instea<<. of "permit", otherwise the minutes were approve..
Treasurer's Report:
Balance General Fun.
'Checks Drawn
Bal~nce General Fund
1. 73
Balance Road and Bridge
Checks Drawn
Balance Road. and Bridge
Mayor Fuller presented. the name of David Jenkins for appointment as CounCilman,
in Group 3, to fill the unexpired term, until the March Election, of Lloyd Brown.
Motion Was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded. by Mr. Brown to accept this appointment
of Davi. Jenkins. Discussion was hele. Majority carried.
The Oath of office Was given to David Jenkins by Attorney Tom Freeman.
The Chairman of the RoaEil. ami Bricige was given to Allen Cronk, formerly hehi
by Lloyd Brown and the Chairman of the Finance Committee WaS given to David Jenkins,
forlnerly held by Charles Mclntos~.
Bills presentee. for approval:
Clanton's (General Fun4ii, ;ai58. 24, Road. and Bridge, 7 .6d)
ABC Fire Equipment (From Fire Dept. FUJiui)
Arthur DeVoe (i of phone bi~l, 2.00 for light bill)
National League of Cities (Renewal for 'tHUD")
Motion was macle by Mr. Brow an. secon€i.eci by Mr. Rowell that
paili. Unanimously appruved. by Council.
these bills be
Road. and Bridge: No report this month.
HeUth, Welfare and Recreation: No report this month except that the water was
off for 4 hours Saturday and 4 hours Sunciay because of a broken valve.
Fire Report: Mr. Wetz reporting.
Fires, nons; Drills, none; Training School, none; Business Meeting, 1, 22 man
hours; Community Projects, 1, 53 man hours; Association meeting, 1, 2 man hours;
JANUARY 8, 1968
r Maintenance on the truck, 7, with 3 3/4 man hours; Total man hours 80 3/4, total
active members, 18.
Police Report, Mr. Wetz reporting:
The yearly report submittec.i by Chief DeVoe from Feruary 1, 1967 through
December 31, 1967 is attached. The report for December, 1967 follows:
Complaints, 42; Warnings, Traffic, 12 oral and 3 written; dogs, 4; Arrests,
Traffic, 3.
Bfficer LaFollette accompanied me on patrol, 25~ hours.
Officer Lyon accompanieci me on patrol, l6t hours.
Auxiliary Jenkins accompanied me on patrol. 17 hours.
Approximate hours on school bus traffic, 45t hours.
Approximate hours grading roads, 13 hours.
Hours in actual service, 285l/
LaFollette's hours in actual service, 10.
Hours traveled with Police Cruiser, 1,471 miles.
Zoning, No report for this month.
Election: Mr. Brown reporting:
The Election will be held on Narch 19th. Seats to be filled.: Mayor, 2 years;
Councilman for Group 2, 2 years, Councilman for Group 4, 2 years a.nd Councilman for
Group 3, 1 year unexpired. term. Other than the regular office hours, the office will
be open for registration on Wecinesday night, February 21 and. February 28 from 7 to 9;
Saturday, February 24 from 10 until 3 and Saturday, March 2 from 10 until 4, when
the books will be closed until after the election.
Motion WaS maie by l'Ir. Wetz that Orunance 44, the .Zoning Cocie, be place. on
the Agenda for 2nci reading, by title only. SeconGied by }'ll'. Brown and unanimously
approved by Council.
Mr. Freeman read OrCinance 44, the Zoning Code, for 2nd reading, by title only.
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell and secomied by Mr. Wetz to accept for 2nd reaciing,
by title only, Ordinance #44. tje Zoning Code. Unanimously approved by Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown to place on the Agemia, OrGiinance #44, the Zoning
Colie, for 3rd- and .final reading, by title only. Second-en by Mr. Wetz an. unanimously
approved. by Council.
Mr. Freeman read Oriinance #44, the Zoning Coae, by title only, for third and
final reaeling.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz to accept Ordinance #44, the Zoning Code, by title
only, for thir. and final reading. Secomieti by Mr. Brown and. unanimously .pproveci
by Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown to place on the agenUa for second. reaung,
Orliinance 1145, Fees for Permits, for seconllli read.ing, by title only. Secondeci by
Mr. Wetz ana unanimously approve<< by Council.
Mr. Freeman read OrQinance 1145, Fees for permits, for seconcl read.ing, by title only.
JANUARY 8, 1968
Motion waS made by fir. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Brown to accept OrGiinance #45,
Fees for permits, for seconde reading, by title only. Unanimously approvei by
Motion WaS made by Hr. Brow to place on the agenG for thirGi and final
reading, Ordinance, #45, by title only. SeconaeQ by Mr. Wetz and unanimously
approved by Council..
Mr. Freeman read Ordinance #45, by title only, for third and final reading.
Motion WaS made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wetz to accept for thira
and final reading, Ordinance #45, Fees for Permits, by title only. Unanimously
approved by Council.
Letter was read from Mr. Lloyd Brown, returning the keys and the material
gp.thereti while he WaS a member of the Village Counci1. A resolution of thanks is
to be drawn up thanking him for his help while on the Village Council. A resolution
is also to be drawn up for Mr. McIntosh.
Letter WaS read from Mr. Sid Vihlen, Jr. accepting the appointment of
Building Inspector.
Letter was read from G.A.C. Credit Corporation accepting the Franchise
that had. already been drawn up between the Village and the North Orland.o Company.
A note from ttt$. Thomas Freeman thanking the Council for the flowers sent to
her when she had the baby.
}[otion WaS macl.e by Mr. Brown to allow 25.00 to be spent for a sweeper for the
office. Seconded by 1'iI'. Rowell and unanimously approved by Counci1. The Village
Clerk deeply appreciates this purchase.
A letter had been written to Mr. Karou, president of &JI.C. Corporation,
asking for some land on which to build a Municipal Building. In answer l1r. Karou
suggested the purchase of the Village HaIr. Mr. Freeman is to make the negotiations
between the Village and Mr. Karou.
The Grader is badly in neeti of repairs. An estiIl1.ate had been received, but
it was vague, for it ran from 1.00 to 75.00 and probably more repairs would be
needed when the gracler was torn eown. Motion WaS made by Mr. Rowell and seconded
by Mr. Wetz that the grader be fixed in running order. Motion and second. was
with-drawn. Motion was then made by Mr. R.owell authorizing the Road. ani Bridge
Commissioner, Allen Cronk, to get the grader repaired at a cost not to exceed
$200.00. Secomied by}fr. Wetz and unanimously approved by Council.
The North Orlando Garclen Club is still very anxious to have North Orlando
established. as a Bird Sanctuary. Motion was :l'M.de by Mr. irletz amI seconded by
Hr. Cronk to have Mr. Freeman Giraw up an Ordinance. Unanimously approved by Council.
The renewal of the Police Chief's contract is due in February. Chief DeVoe does
not wish to renew his contract, but he will stay on until June, if no replacement
is found before then. Mr. Wetz asked authorization to place ads in the local
papers for a Police Chief.
Mayor Fuller thankeci the ,Council for the flowees sent to him while he was in
the hospital.
JAN DArtY 8, 1968
Mr. Rowell said that the Civic Association and the other organizations in the
Village would like permissipn to draw up plans to see if they coulli afford. to add
on to the Recreation Building and make a c~unity building out of it. This matte.
will be brought up at a later date.
The Village is badly in need of a Maintenance man. Plans are to be worked out
to see if this can be taken care of in the future.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by ~1r. Brown that the meeting adjourn
at 9:20 P.M. Unanimously approved by Council.
~tfullY su itted.,
, H~-len Green, Village Clerk
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