HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 03 06 Regular --\- FRED E. & HALLY I. SliLTER 171 N.DEVON AVE. NORTH ORLANDO, FLA.)2707 TO THE COUNCIL OF NORTH ORLANDO, FLORIDA. MARCH 5. 1967 AS TAXPAYERS AND CITIZENS OF THE MUNICIPAL~TY OF NORTH ORLANDO ,FLA. , WE REQUEST THAT THE ATTACHED CLIPPING FROM THE ORLANDO SENTINEL OF MARCH 5.1967 BE READ AT THIS REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING _~~D ENTERED INTO THE MINUTES OF THIS COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE BENEFIT AND EDIFICATION OF ALL THE TAXPAYERS AND CITIZENS OF NORTH ORLANDO,FLORIDA. ~~..(!!Uh~ i!..k FRED E.SALTER , 'I.~:SALTER 1 ATCH. CLIPPING ...........-. Utr!auM .&ttttiutl )(olusia-Seminole '," "Ii c~day, ~arch 5, 1961 \,.'i"-; / - - , . " , ..,': , SIOEt StoIie8',,> , ,,, ',. ; }' ? ~ ~ ~ , A dangerous situation is d eve loping in Seminole County. It is a situation that prevents citizens of various municipalities and of the, county from learning of many actions being taking by elected and .~ppointed off i6 i als behind closed doors where the ,.press is barred.. ' CONFIDENCE 'pe get s confidence-and ~,:l,>llc~~. ground to'" man':s~.s,.erious situati()ns is c~~, UP tn' secre~y 1,11 sg;~a)~~ ,work session,s~(~rso~tyd.s. cussiqn&t' and '~()~ere~tes. Any ;new,s ,released is by t i d b'itSi.~po<:iJ:1.ed tl)'the , pre s,S+~f'!lec,ti~, n9t ~~.. cause'\()f, its il11~ncer'~Q citizen.s.'.whOl?r&V~cre tax moners ,.' forop~tlll:iort of' their;.government.....but, be~, cause': of (\onvenience and seIectifl'P.'\.'.of the (officials involVed. ' ---- Suc:h 'meetings;",'dISCUS~ si 0 nS"and cO.Qf~rences, held int:offices", re~urants, , or other locatio#i'where they.might be. Ris~dPY unnotrC:,ed ,or' Wlth~tcom. ment,:are growilig ,more comniqnplace and;)to9' oft- en.";;"", :,,; ..~,~~~:~{ The, ytt~~w~~afre~dy is tax;d, so,lp.an~ times I beyonfl< lji~iabil,i " -,tR/paYI ~~~ ~::~:~~~r ", ,",' :~:f:l: I ly, should:'tettar~li.ave the pftvilege .ofD\ltafning how that m.oney i~'ised for the operation of'govern- ment;, -u' . w - so MUCH for that. --.., I ,~ .... .~ let] ~ t-l 0 ~ ::.0 . 1-3 p:: ,~ "^' 0 l\) ::.0 --.J H 0 5> --.J ~-:l>! "'-' tj 0 o o c:: ~ o H t-l o letj 1-3 o 1-3 p:: tr:I ~ I Zp"'rj O--.J!i PJP(]) 1-3 p., P::z t'j 001 ;.x:! (]) ~ t-l.qp 0>01-' ~~ ::3 I-' tj ll<;' 0;1> e'H Icrj(]) l-' (f \Xl 1).' l-' ci' "^' CD l\) Ii --.J o --.J II \ . I,: " \ \ ' ~. '. , :. ~, "> . ,. .. i'at.j"~\\ ii-'