HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 11 06 Village Council Regular Minutes - - I"'" REGutAR MEE'rnW V1'ltACE !j()UNCIt VIt.tAGE CF tTtRTH CRtAlmO ImrnmRl1 6, 1967 T8e Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of Borth Orlando was calle. to or4ier by Mayor George Fuller at 7:30 P.M. The Pleeige of Allegiance to the l!lag WaS lea by Lloylll. Brown. On Roll Call the following were present: Mayor Fuller, Vice-Mayor, Lloyd Brow, Attorney Freeman, Councilmen, Jay Wetz, Charles Rowell, ant1l. Gerry Brown. Charles McIntosh was absent. Minutes of the Regular meeting of OCtober 2n<!l were read and. with one change were approveci as read. The Chilcd.ren are to be kept from Itplayinglt in the Bus Stops ~ from going to the Bus Stops. Minutes of the Special meeting of October 16th were reaEl. l1inutes should be changeei to read tt a ciiscu5sion of the Zoning Ordinance was helci. Otherwise the minutes were approved. Treasurer's Report: I'"' Balance General Funed. 10/1/61 Checks Drawn Deposits Balance General Fund 10/31/61 Balance Roali and Briqe Funci 10/1/67 Checks Drawn Deposits Balance ROad ana Bridge Funei 10/31/61 $2,98,.24 1,240.34 1,121.71 2,866.67 2,4,8.38 40.09 None 2,418.29 Bills presented for Approval: Jay Wetz (McDaniels -Rad.io Repair) Robert Kramer Clanton's Dr. Murphy Arthur DeVoe (Engel'S) Nationwide Insurance Lash Notors .Arthur DeVoe (Lights and phone) Tax Bill (Recreation .Area Tax Bill (Property, Fisher Roaci) 29.92 2,.00 dl.12 4.,0 12.90 92 .16 4.50 6.64 21.43 1.94 Mr. Freeman said he believed the tax bills should. not be paiei since the Municipality is supposed to be tax exempt. He asked permission to hold out the tax bills unti~ he could check on them. Motion was made by 1-1r. Gerry Brown that these tax bills be held out for the time being. Seconded by J.1r. Wetz and. unanimously approved by Council. l{otion was made by Mr. Lloycl Brown and seconded. by Mr. Gerry Brown that the rest of the billa be paici. Unanimously approveli by Council. I""" Roali and Bridge Report, Lloyd. Brown reporting:' On the 2nd, 11th, 12th, and 20th parts of Trad.ewinds and Shore, Hayes, Moss, Bahama, North and South Eeigemon were grade. by Chief DeYoe for 12~ man hours with no cost to the Village. - .~ PAGE 2 NOVENBE..1i. 6, 1967 ~ Souther.. Line Company has been contacted in regar4is to cleaing the stmrm sewer lines. The price is 20 cents foot if all lines are cleaned ana 40 cents a foot if' just the bad. areas are cleaned. Plats of Sewer lines are to be obtained from the North Orlando Water and sewer Company. The total cost for closing the dump was $80.11. Health, Welfare, Recreation, Mr. Rowell reporting: The Fish Ro<<eo was hele. on October 14th. There were 87 children registereei. Six prizes were given, two to each age group. The North Orlando Gard.en Club, The North Orlando Civic Association, The North Orlando Fire Department and the Ladies Auxiliary of the Fire Department each donateei $10.00 for this occasion. Mayor Fuller cut the "No Fishing Sign" officially opening the Rod.eo. Refreshments were served later. Dog Licenses are due for 1968. All dogs should have their tags by December 1st. The dump is now officially closed. Chilciren are bringing soft trink bottles with them to the bus stops. This is ciangerous if they are bYDken. Chief DeVoe has been cleaning up glass so no one will get hurt. Children should. be stopped from bringing bottles to the bus stops. /'- Zoning, }.~. Gerry Brown reporting. Mr. Brown turned. the reporting over to Mr. Cliff Jordon, chairman of the Zoni.1'lg Boarei. Mr. Jordon presente.. the Zoning Code, stating that the Zoning Board wished to present this coa.e as a final draft. Discussion was held on whether there woula. be connections to the present water system. A Motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown to accept this code as a final ci.raft to the Village Council. Seconcieli by Mr. Wetz anti unanimously approve.. by Council. A. ciiscussion WaS held as to when the Public Hearings would be held for the Zoning Cod.e. The subject of the sanitation fill on Tuscawilla Road was brought up and. this was explained by Mr. Jorion. Mayor Fuller and Attorney Freeman will attend the County Commissioner's meeting on Tuesday, the 7th to protest on this land fill. Mr. Gerry Brown proposed that North Orlancio object strongly to Seminole County using the property aeijacent to the City Limits of North Orlancio as a sanitation lanQ fill. Secondeci by Mr. Rowell and. unanimously approve<< by council. Public Hearings for the Zoning CoG.e will be held Monciay, November 27th and Thursday, November 30, 8 P.M., in the Village Hall. ~ Notice is to be sent to the Sanford Herald. for a legal ae. of these Public Hearings to appear in the Herald. not later than November 13th. Oppies of the Orliinance will be place in three proll'lin*nt places in the Village, namely, the North Orlancio Store, the office of the North Orlan<<o Water ana Sewer an<< on the Village Bulletin Boara, located outsicie the Village Office. ,- ~ PAGE 3 NOVEMBER 6, 1967 -- Tlie Zoning Code may be accepted. by majority vote after it is first iss.... The Zoning Code will be presented for first reading in its entirety, at the Regular J.leeting on December 4th. Fire Department, Jay Wetz reporting: 2 Fires, 3 hours; 1 Drill, 10 hours; 2 Business J.leetings, 44 hours; Community Projects" 4, 114 3/4 hours; (Halloween, Fire prevention at English Estates School); Maintenance l2{ 24 3/4 hours; Association Meeting 1, 4 hours. Fire Prevention Drills. 208 -2 hours and 18 active members. Police Department, Jay Wetz reporting, submittei by Arthu.- DeVoe: Complaints 43, Warnings, Traffic 12, Dogs 4. Arrests Traffic, 6. Officer LaFollette accompanieGi on patrol 28 '* hours, Officer Lyon accompanieti on Patrol, 21 ! nours. Auxiliary Officer, Jenkins accompanied on Patrol, 231aours. Approximate hours on School Bus Traffic, 70 ~ nours. Chief DeVoe's nours in actual service, 327. Miles traveled. in Police Cruiser, 1,563../6S. Corresponclence: Letter from Jay Wetz, acting secretary of tlie Fire Department, asking permission to use the Recreation Area for the annual Turkey shoot held by the Fire Department. /~ A letter from the Reserve Insurance Company asking for a list of any bonEls that the Village might have. The Village has none, except for the cash bond put up by C and M ReFuse. A letter of Resignation was reali from Lloyd Brown., who is planning on moving from the Village in the near future. Motion was maae by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Gerry Brown that this letter of resignation be taken unGler consideration until the next meeting on December 4th. A report of the convention of the Flori<<a League of Municipalities was given by Tom Freeman, City Attorney and Councilman Jay Wetz. They saiQ that it was a wonderful experience and they were both grateful for the opportunity to go. They hearcl wonderful speakers and Federal Assistance Center, HUn anti Police Riots were discussed. They both gave interesting reports ani something wa.s gained by both the representatives and the Council. The Ameniment Fee Schedule for Building Permits will be brought up at a later date. Mr. Freeman had information on the ~reciation of equipment for Municipalities, but will wait until l-tr. McIntosh is present since he is the one that requested this information. r-- Mr. Freeman will research further on vacating the land out by Plante's Rendering Company. The Village Clerk was given permission to bring the Tax Roll up to tate. - .-, PAGE 4 NOVEMBER 6, 1967 ~ Copies of the Plumbing Code may obtained from the Orange County Court House for $2.00 per copy. Mr. Rowell suggested that a letter be written to Mr. Mesler of G.A.C. inquiring about land. promised to the Villa.ge for a Municipal Buil<ling. A Certificate of Honor was presenteli to the City of North Orlando from the Department of Public Safety, State of Florida for a clear Safety Record, with no fatalities. A Motion was maeie by Mr. Gerry Brown and secondei by Mr. Rowell that the meeting allijourn at 9:55 P.M. Unanimously approved by Council. Re.2?c fully SUb~d, . ~.-v~)&~-?t-/ Helen Green, Village Clerk Village of North Orlando, Florida APPROVED: /' GEORGE FULLER MAYOR VILIAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO, FLORIDA ~