HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 10 16 Village Council Special Minutes
OCTOBER 16, 1967
The Special Session of the Village Council of tke Village of Nortk
Orlando WaS called. to orfier by Mayor Fuller at 7: 30 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led. by IJ.oyd Brown.
Roll Call:
Mayor George Fuller
Vice-Mayor Lloyd. Brown
Attorney Tom Freeman
All present.
Councilmen, Jay Wetz
Cha.rJe s Rowell
Charles McIntosh
Granville Brown
The minutes of the Regular meeting of October 2nd were iispersed. with
until the next Regular meeting.
The business at hand was the Zoning Ordinance, so Chairman Cliff J orcion,
of the Zoning Boarti, was callei. upon to take over the meeting.
Section T-1, of Ordinance #44, was taken from the Seminole County
Orliinance, with some changes being macie.
Article 8 of the Zoning Orelinance, Pages 33 ami 34, was reviewe.f
by Mr. Jorcil.on ane!. tlae Councii. (Copy enclosecil. for the minutes)
:Lots must be 75xllO. In Section 39.70, where central storm system
is required., it shall, also, be require.. to tie into the present water
and. sewer system.
Square footage for living area:
. lU-AA----------l,OO Square Foot
R1-.1----------1100 Square Foot.
Mr. Freeman recommend.eli that a Penalty Provision be adeci to the
Orciinance. Mr. Freeman will uaft a penalty clause into the Ord.inance after
it has been presented to the Council.
Zoning Board will holi meeting at 8 P.M., We4inesciay, October 18.
Motioli was maie by Mr. Rowell an<d seconded by Mr. Wetz tha.t the
meeting adjourn at 8:40 P.M. Unanamously approved by Council.
Mr. Richard. Amick, of Amick Construction Company, was present to answer
questions about the trailer park, but this is not for publication at this time.
George T. Fuller
Villa&e of North Orlando, Fla.