HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 10 02 Village Council Regular Minutes -.. ,...... REGUI.Aft SESSION VILlAGE COUNCIL VILlAGE OF NCfRTH ORLANDO OCTOBER 2, 1967 - The aegular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North Orlanio, Florio WaS calle. to orcier at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor George Fuller. A. PIe age of A.llegiance to the Flag was led. by Lloyd. Brown. 1to11 Call: Mayor, George Fuller Vice-Mayor Lloya Brown Attorney, Tom Freeman All officials were present. Councilmen, Jay Wetz Charles Rowell Charles McIntosh Granville Brown Minutes from the Regular Meeting of. September 11th were rea<<. Oa Page 4 it shoul. reai 2 patrolmen and. 1 auxiliary, instead of 3 auxiliary. The minutes were then approve.. Treasurer's Report: ,- Balance, General Fun.., Sept. 1, 1967 Checks Drawn Deposits Balance, General Fun., Sept. 30, 1961 Road an. Brid.ge Balance, Roai and Briage, Sept. 1, 1967 Checks Drawn Deposits Balance Road. and Bridge, Sept. 30, 1967 Bills presented for approval: $2,970.86 1,035.56 1,050.14 2,990.44 2,710.74 252 .36 None 2,458.38 Panning Lumber (Road & BriEl.ge Funi) Judah's Clanton's 04..33, Gen Fun<l & 11..87 It&B) George tun.er Duane DeVoe Art DeVoe (~ phone, 4.64- 2.00 electric) Motion was made by Mr. McIntosh to pay these bills. Mr. ltowell and. unanimously approved by Council. Roai and Briige, L10~ Brown reporting: 1. On the 6th I hai Mr. Prescott haul clay fill on Tratiewinfis, Hayes between Bahama and Traiewineis, Moss road. at the corner of Moss anti Panama, at the culvert on 1405S reati north of Bahama an& at Moss and Bahama, Sunrise and Morton Lane for 8 man hours at a cost of $100.00. 28.22 31.36 46.20 3.70 8.00 6.64 Secomied. by ,...... 2. On the 16th the Road Blocks were put up at Capri and North Ecigemon ami Beverly ana North Etgemon for 6 man hours, no charge for labor. 3. On the 30th I put up two roaci blocks at Carmen and Hiway 419 and at the Village limits on Shepari Road. I have not received a bill from Panning lumber a5 yet for the posts, but for the four 30 foot wire rope cables --- - .r' t':AnE 2 CCTC:srn 2, 1967 an. fittings the price was $43.40. A total so far of $51.89 for the four roaa blocks at the ciump area. Also on the 30th I put up a 30 M.P.H. sign at South Edgemon just off the Paved. roai going South an~ one at South Eigemon coming from Seminole Bl... I, also, put two Yielci SigllS, one at Tradewind.s ani Hayes ani the other at Traiewinu anCli. Sunrise. All of Moss Road. was graciei and. the corner of Moss RoaCli. anti Lombardy was fixeci. Traciewincis anti Hayes WaS gratied. to Bahama for a total of 7l man hours, no charge. On the 28th, Chief DeVoe graded. South Edgemon bad spots, 2 man hours. On the 29th, Ciief DeVoe graded North Ed.gemon. also, the Chief and. l-Iayor Fuller erected. post guards at Hayes Culvert. Health, Welfare and. Recreation, Mr. l'towell reporting: The Recreation area has been mowed. by Duane DeVoe, for a total of 7l man hours for a cost of $8.00. ..- The Bus shelters have been hosei out. All of the lots on 434 were mowed by Mr. Dick Longcore. Lots on Nortlt Fairfax and North E.gemon were mowed by Mr. l'towell. Rightaway from Algiers to the Bus Stop was mowe. by Mr. Scheutzow ani lots of South Edgemon were mowed by Mr. LaFollette. A new radiator was installed on the tractor. Finance, Mr. McIntosh reporting: No report at this time. Fire Department, Mr. Wetz reporting: b"ires, 2 with 12~ man hours;; 1 meeting with 22 man hours; 1 association meeting, 1,* man hours; Drills, 3, 38l man hours; Maintenance 2, 2 3/4 man hours; total 87 man hours. Active members, 19. 8 Tires and 2-,0 foot lengths of Fire Hose was donated. Police Report, Mr. Wetz reporting, as submittei by Chief DeVoe: Complaints, 41, Warnings, traffic, 5; fliogs, 5. Arrests, traffic 4 trespassing, 1. r' Officer LaFollette accompanied. me on patrol, 15 hours Officer Lyon accompanied. me on patrol, 17i hours Auxiliary Officer Jenkins accompanied. me on patrol, 24t hourI!! Approximate hours on school bus traffic, 75i AOurS My hours in actual service, 323! hours Miles traveled. with Poiice Cruiser, 1,47,. ,-. - PAGE 3 OCTOBER. 2, 1967 .-.- Zoning, Mr. Gerry Brown reporting: Mr. Brown read. a letter from Mr. Cliff Jordon, Chairman of the Zoning Boar<<. Mr. Jord.on told of a corporation, the Calco Company, wlto wishes the Zoning on land. on 434 from Moss Road. to Hayes Road. aml south to the Sewer Plant. The Calco Company is the name of the company that has been formed for this particular project, not the name originally presenteci to the Zoning Boara. The Zoning Board. has markeci this land T-1. However, it must be includecl in the Orliinance before it can be presented. to the Council. This Ordinance was eiiscussed both Pro and. Con, but it will be at least 2 months before it can be accepted. A Special Meeting will be held October 16th in relation to this Ordinance. A report of the year for the Zoning Board. was given by Chairman Jordon. Copy attached. The Boundaries of the Villa.ge were explaineai by Mr. Free:ma.n. Tuscawil1a Roaei from Red Bug Lake Road to 419 is to be resurfaced.. 1.4 miles is in the limits of North Urlancio anerl the Council has been approachea in regards to helping financially. The cost would. be around. '3,000.00 and the Village tioes not have this kin<< of money. A fiiscussion was ,also, hela. on the unpaved road leading into Plante's Rendering Plant. There is about 30 foot of Roaa on Gardena Avenue. It was suggeste<< that it be vac.... back to the County. Mr. Freeman will look into this matter. I"'""" Correspondence read: .A. letter was reaci from the Floriu league of Municipalities on th.e Statement of Policy of assisting cities. to utilize Federal Aiel Programs. A thailk you note from the North urlanci.o Garden Club for the use of the office rooms. Mr. Freeman suggesteci. the name of Sid. Villlen of Sanforci for BuiluBg Inspector. Mr. Gerry Brown will have an interview with Mr. Vihlen. An amendment win have to be made as to fees for Building Permits, in oreler to take care of the fee paid to a Builcting Inspector.. Annexation was discussed. by Mr. Freeman.. From the Charter, Article 5, Paragraph 29 ani Article 5, Section 1 were rea.. by Mr. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman, 10 North l!:dgemon, reported that their son hacl fallen and broke two teeth, while playil!lg on the tennis court. They were wond.ering if our insurance covered. this matter. Mr. Freeman informed. them that unless they could. prove that the Village WaS at fault they woulcl have no claim. Mr. Rowell reported that the Lake at the Recreation Area would. be opened on October 14th. There will be a Fish Rocieo for the youngsters. The Civic Association will sponsor this every year anGl. woulfi apprecia.te help from tke other Associatioas. ,- There will ae a limit of 5 bass, no limit on bream. Please ..on't throw any fish back. No boats with motors. No fishing with live minnows. - - PAGE 4 OCTOBER 2, 1967 .~ Children should. be chaperoned. since the lake is cleep and there are snakes. It lIOuld be appreciated. if some could help clean up around. the lake. A warning that there will be absolutely no swimminglUl It would be appreciate. if parents would. keep their children from the Bus stops. A motion was made by Mr. IJ.oyd. Brown and. seconietl. by Mr. McIntosl1. that letters of thanks be sent to Mr. Longcore,Mr. Scheutzow, Mr. LaFollette, Mr. Rowell ani Chief DeVoe for keeping the lots mowed.. Unanimously approved by Council. A Resolution is to be <<rawn clesidnating October as United Fund month. A complaint was received from a resident on North Fairfax that children were trespassing through her yard.. This matter will be checkeli. Motion was ma.Eie by Mr. IJ.oyd. Brown and. seconded by Mr. Wetz that the meeting ad.journ at 9:,0 P.M.. Unanimously approveci by Council. l'tespec fully submitte;( I ~-LA_;-G./ He len F. GreeR Village Clerk Village of North Orlancio, Fla. ~ Approved: George T. Fuller Mayor Village of North Orland.o, Ina. r-