HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 09 11 Village Council Regular Minutes
SEPTEMBER 11, 1967
The regular session of the Village Council of the Village of
North Or1an.cio, Florida, Wail called to orcier by Vice-Mayer, Lloya Brown,
at 7:35 P.M.
Roll Call:-
A Pletige of Allegiance was givftto the Flag.
Mayor, George Fuller, absent. Vice-Mayor, IJ..oyd Brown,
Attorney, Tom Freeman, Councilmen, Jay Wetz, Charles Rowell, Charles McIntosh
and Granville Brown -were all present.
The minutes of the Regular meeting of August 7th were
rea.. Corrections were:
Page 2, Village Bulletin ttBoardtt
Page 3, ItBuilding Inspectortt will give out a fixed
set of rules.
Page 4, "Jay Wetzlt read the report submitteci by
Arthur DeVoe. With corrections the minutes were
Treasurer's Report:
Balance General Fund., August 1, 1967
Checks Drawn (1,000.00 in Bld.g. Fund)
Balance General Fund, August 31, 1967
Balance '-oa.d. and. Bridge, August 1, 1967
Checks Drawn
Balance Road and Bridge, August 31, 1967
Bills pre sante Ii for approval:
Juuh' 8
Sanfora Heralei.
Sargent-Sowell (Read Bridge)
Southsastern Supply
Dr. J. Brannon Murphy
lash Motors
Duane DeVoe
Art DeVoe
Motion was marie by Mr. Wetz ani secondea by Mr.
be paid. Unanimously approved by Council.
Gerry Brown that these bills
Road ana Bridge Report, Mr. IJ.oy& Brown reporting:
1&: On the, 19th the following work was aca:
The-County Roadgracier graie4 North Eagemon, South Edgemon,
Traaewinds, between' South Edgemon and Fisher ROlli, Bahama Road between Hayes
Page 2
September 11, 1967
/- Road. ant South Ea.gemon ani all of Moss ROad., fixing the corner of MOSB alul
Lombard.y. 8 man hours at a cost of $25.00 for the operator ani i5.00 to the
County for the rental of the graaer.
b. With the help of Chief DeVoe and. his son, we repairea a wash-out at the
South Culvert on Shore Road with san. bags and broken block. 3 man hours
no charge.
c. With the Village grad.er I graded. Sunrise to Morton Lane, Morton Lane to
Fisher and started Fisher for 3.5 man hours, no charge.
2. On the 21st after checking the prices from two other firms, I haci the
clerk call the Sargent and. Sowell Company and have them ship to us the
follOwing material:
on white baked enamel, at II. cost of $2.95 each.
b. Two ItDETOUR" on white, arrow signs pointing right, 48xl8 baked. enamel at
a cost of $7.95 ea.ch.
c. Two "DETOUR" on white arrow signs pointing +eft, 48x18 bakeci enamel at
a cost of $7.95 each.
d.. Two "Flashers" with 7" leu at a cost of $16.10 each.
,~ e. Four 6 volt batterys for flashers at a cost of $1.05 each.
Total cost of materials ord.ered. from the Sargent and Sowell Company $78.47
1. On the 10th Chief DeVoe grad.ed. several baa. spots on the Ranch Laaei Roacis
for four and. one half man hours. No charge to the Village.
2. On the 11th aIlEi 12th, Duane DeVoe mowa Village Parkways with Village
tractor for 6i man hours, at a cost of $6.50.
3. The materials are coming in now and thr roaeis to the clump area shoullli
be closed. off some time in the month of September.
He.., Welfare and Recreation,. Mr. Rowell reporting:
The three bus stops were cleaneli and the grass mowea aroun4 them. The
Recreation Area has been mowed. twice by Duane DeVoe at a cost of 20.50. One
complaint about the garbage man not shutting the gates. Thanks to Joe Scheutzow,
Dick Longcore and Robert LaFollette for mowing'right aways along 434.
Finanee, Charles McIntosh reporting:
Financial Reports will be given quarterly, no report at this time.
Police Report, lIubmitteci by Chief DeVoe, Mr. Wetz reporting:
Complaints, 49, Oral warnings, 10 for traffic ana 18 for ciog8.
Officer LaFollette accompaniea me on patrol, ~ hours
Officer Lyon accompanied me 01'1 patrol, 7! hours
Auxiliary Officer Jenkins accompanied. me on patrol, 9i hours.
Appro:tima.te hours on scho9l bus traffic, 15 3/4 hours.
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September 11, 1967
My hours in actual service
Miles travelei with Police Cruiser
302 hours
1,3,3 miles
Fire Report, Jay Wetz reporting.
Fire. 2, llman hours; Drills 1, 26 man hours; Training an{ft School 2,
32 man hours; business meetings 1, 20 man hours; maintenance 11, 24 man hours;
Association meeting 1, 6 man hours. Total man hours, 119 and total active
members, 19.
A tag has been purchased. for the #2 Fire Truck. The Fire Hy8rant in
front of the Village Hall, on. 434, has beea opened. an. is in working order.
No bill has been receive., as yet, but it is expected to be aroWld. 10.00.
ZOlling Boar t, Mr. Gerry Brown reporting.
Zoning Boar.. met in Regular Session. .A.n open hearing was hel.. on
September 6th. There will be two more public hearings, one on September 27th
and. one on September 28th. Bothe meetings will be mii4 at 8:00 P.M. in the
Village Hall. Poperty on Moss Road. and. 434 has been zoneci T-l by the Zoning
Boar.. (South to the Sewer Plant and. East to ). Interested. parties wish
to buy the land. and aevelop sail. land into a Mobile Home Park. The Park will
cater to a high class clientile. The lots will 75x1l5. and. lanliscapeli. A
trailer must be at least 45x10 to qualify. There will be 340 lots in 120 acres.
Motion was maae by Mr. Rowe1i. alui seconde<< by Mr. Wetz that Oriinance
#43, the Dog Ord.inauce, be placed on the Agend.a for second reaciing, by title
only. Unanimously approve.. by Council.
Mr. Lloyd Brown read Ordinance #43, the Dog Ord.inance, for second. reacling,
by title only.
Motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown to accep:!! Ordiuace #43, the Dog
Or4.inance, for seconci reating, by title only. S contiecl by Mr. McIntosh ani
unanimously approve. by Council. -
Motion WaS made by Mr. Rowell to place on Agenda, for thirci ani final
reatiing, by title only, Ordinance #43, the Dog Orciina:nce., Seconied. by Mr. Wetz
and. unanimously approve. by Council.
Mr.. IJ.oyQ. Brown rea., for thirGi. anli final reaciing, by title only, Ordinance
#43, the Dog Ornaance.
Motioa WaS made by Mr. Rowell mci seconciei by Mr. McIntosh to accept for
third and. final reading by title oaly, Ordinance #43, the Dog Ordinance.
Unanimously approved. by Council.
Orciinance #43, the Dog urclinance, was passeli and a<<opted. this 11th uy
of September, 1967.
The posts and chains are in and the aump will be closed. some time this
",..... month.
Corresponcience reait
I'age 4
September 11, 1967
Subscription notice, Government Guiie
Letter, Mr. Charles Rex, Floricta Turnpike, Labor Da.y Safe Driving Day
Gabor ana Company, regarciing i.surance require. by law for Police Officers.
Letters from Senator Elrod, Senator Plante, Senator Guntor, Representative
Shatley, thanking the Council for sena.ing a telegram requesting them to a.opt
amentment for exemption from taxation for municipalities. Also a letter of
thanks from the Flori.. League of Municipalities thanking the Council for
semiing the tiiegram..
A letter from Mr. Beckwith, Clerk of Circuit Court, with application for
renewal of :lease for the County Roai Grader. This roaa. grater is ba.cUy neeGie..
by the Villa.ge when ever they can get it. Motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown
and. seconieci. by Mr. vltz tha.t this lease be reneweci. Unanimously approved.
by Council.
Senate Bill 1769 passe. July 13 and House Bill 1243 passei July 14 requires
all Governmental Units in the State of Florio to provicie $10,000.00 compensation
to the survivors of certain law enforcement men. This law will cover the Chief
of Police ani the ~iYYirt-r~iG'ltf(. This law becomes effective October 1,1967.
A rier may be aiieel to our present policy at a cost of $10.00 each per year,
total of $40.00 per year. Motion was maie by Mr. Gerry Brown to acia these
requirements to our present policy with a check for $40.00. second.e.. by Mr.. Wetz.
l-fr. McIntosh ..id. not vote arui majority carrie... A letter is to be written to
Natio:n.wi4ie re;questing this rider be acl4e~ to our .pre~ent policy, with a check
for $40.00. ,two patrolmen and one aux1l1ary po11ce.)
r The Bounciariel of North Orlanio were discussed., the Tuscawilla, Gardena
Farms, the L.D. Plante areas in particular. Legally the Village aoes not
have to grate the roads, however, the Village will occaisonally gratie them,
if they are within the limits of North Orlan..o.
Motion was macle by Mr. Gerry Brown, appointing Floylll Greem, temporary
Builung Inspector, until the Village is able to fin. a permanent one. Seconuel
by Mr. Wetz an. unanimously approve.. by Council. The COUJlcil is to help fin.
a Build.ing Inspector ani a plum.bing inspector.
The rauator OD. the tractor was completely worn out al'l.Q ha4i. to be taken
off. Three bias on cost of a new one were: Prater's, 44.00, .1..1..1., 48.,0
an<iCohen'. of San! ort", 42.50. Motion WaS mate by Mr. Gerry Brown aad se coaaeel
by Mr. Wetz to purchase a new ratiator for Cohen's RaGiiator Shop for 42.50.
Unanimously approveci by Council.
The Sprayer will not work as a fogger, only spray mist comes out. The
lease r\ij1S one more year.
A letter was rea.. from Chief LaFollette of the North Or1an4io Fire Department
announcing Fire Prevention Week, October 8th to 14th. Chief LaFollette, also
requestea. use of the Recreation Area for fire drills 4iuring tha.t week.
Permission granted. ant a Resolution will be trawn up to cover same.
Having Bingo Games in the Village, sponsored. by the Fire JlepartmeJlt, was
iiscussei, both pro and COlt. J.. 'lI$cision will be made at a later oyas to
whether Bingo will be helli in the Village.
Page 5
September il, 1967
Since we have so few Court Cases, Mr. Freeman, will con.tinue as CitY'
Juige, for the time being.
Motioll was mate by Mr. Wetz an.. seconcted. bY'Mr. Gerry BrOWl'l that the
meeting aajourn at 9:50 P.M. Unanimously approved. by COUlllCU.