HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 08 07 Village Council Regular Minutes - -, ."...... REGULAR MEETING ~JI1LAGE COmiCIL VILlAGE OF NORTH C1J..A?>ffiO, I<'LORIDA AUGUST 7, 1967 Lloyd. thanked the Council and Helen for the flowers sent to Ilalinois for his Mother's funeral. The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North Orlando WaS called to order by Vice-Mayor, Lloyd Brown at 7:30 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Lloyd Brown. Roll Call: Mayor Fuller, absent, Vice :fI1ayor Lloyd Brown, Attorney Tom l'""reeman, Councilmen, Jay ~letz, Charles Rowell, Gerry Brown, Charles McIntosh were all present. Minutes of last Regular Meeting of July 3 were read and except for the one correction,IIRecreation !reali, notlfCamplt, the minutes stand approved as read. Treasurer's Report: ,- Balance, Road and Bridge, July 1, 1967 Checks Drawn Deposits Balance Road and Bridge 7131/67 $3,,99.64 1,029.02 1,639.5, 4,2l0a7 2,776.47 22.48 None 2,753.99 Balance, General Fund, July 1, 1967 Checks Drawn Deposits Balance, General Fund, July 31, 1967 Bills presented for Approval:' Clanton's, 8.51 G.F. and ,.7, R&B Judah's Robert Kramer Engel's Florida League Municipalities (Dues) Arthur DeVoe(Shotgun cut down) Dr. J. Brannon Murphy Arthur DeVoe .2.00 electric, 4.64 for! phone) Duane DeVoe (Rec. Area) Duane DeVoe (Road and Bridge) Jay Wetz (Prager Gun Shop) Jay Wetz (McDaniel Radio Service) Town of Altamonte (Copies of Zoning Ordinance) Motion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Wetz that these paid. Unanimously approved by Council. 14.26 38.34 60.00 33.65 55.00 2.00 9.00 6.64 5.00 7.50 4.41 16.33 3.00 bills be Road and Bridge, Lloyd Brown reporting. r- 1. On the 3rd, Chief DeVoe graded bad spots on North and South Edgemon for 3~ man hours. 2. On the 6th, Chief DeVoe graded bad spots on Panama and Moss Roads for 2! man hours. 3.On the lOth Duane DeVoe mowed Village right.ways for 7~ man hours at a Cost of 7.50. .~ - -, rAGE 2 AUGUST 7, 1967 4. On the 12th, Chief DeVoe graded baa spots on North and South Edgemon for ~ 3 man hours. Health, Welfare and Recreation: YJr. Rowell reporting. Nr. Rowell and Chief DeVoe removed the blades from the Nower and had them sha~ned at a cost of ~2.00. C and M Refuse is now back in service after the trucks broke down. Letters have been sent to all of the residents announcing renewal of garbage service with C and M Refuse for another year. Also some regulations of the company. Recreation Area has been mowed by Duane DeVoe, lei hours at a cost of $5.00. The Dump is still in sad shape. Fire Department Report: Jay Wetz reporting. /..- No fires, no drills, Training school, 1 for 18 hours, business meeting 1, for 16 hours, COlillnunity projects, 2 for 15 hours, County Association meeting for 12 hours. Total hours 73. Total active membership, 18. Hydrant at corner of North Fairfax and SR 434 is in need of repair. Members of the department have tried to open it but have had no success. Request the Council look itno this and see ifrepairs can be made. This is one of the most vital hydrants in the Village since it would support, not only the Village Hall Building, but would be needed in case of a fire at the store. Request the Council purchase a It City' tag for the number 2 Fire Truck. At present there is no tag on it. It would be cheaper if purchased in the name of the Village. Crystals have been ordered for Fire Department radios (Channell) . Finance: l1r. McIntosh reporting. Mr. McIntosh gave an excellent report on the financial status of the Village at the end of the fiscal year. Source of report was from the Auditor and the ledgers and books in the Village Office. Charts were presented Showing the past, present and future financial standing of the Village. Copies of the Exhibition Charts and a copy of }~. McIntosh's report are enclosed with these minutes. Zoning: Gerry Brown reporting. A report, prepared by YJrs. Brandenburg, Secretary of the Zoni~Board, WaS read by}'f.r. Brown. However, the report was with-drawn, since it w~ incomplete. Copies of the Zoning Code are to be posted in three places in the Village, namely the Village Bulletin, the North Orlando Office and the North Orlando General Store. ~ A public hearing ~. this Zoning Code will be held on Wednesday, September 6th, 7:30 P.N., Village Hall. Notices of this hearing will be published in the Sanford Herald and the Pink Edition of the Orlando Sentinel. More members are needed for the Zoning Board and a Board of Adjustors is also needed. ~ - -- PAGE 3 AUGUST 7, 1967 - Correspondence: Card from the farrdly of Margaret Brown (Lloyd's Mother). Announcement from the Florida Ieague~of :Hunicipalities of the Annual Convention to be held October 22,23,24, at the Diplomat Hotel, Hollywood, Florida. A letter from the Florida State Board 5f Health concerning Sewage treatment. The letter is to be posted. Letter from National Pre-Schools, Inc. asking about requirements of the Village for this company to establish a child care center. A reply is to be sent. Motion was made by Mr. Wetz to place on the Agenda, for second reading, by title only, The Criminal Code, Ordinance #42. Seconded by Nr. McIntosh ami Unanimously approved by Council. Vice-}-layor BroWl rea.d Criminal COde, Ordinance #42~ by title only, for second reading. Notion WaS made by Hr. Gerry Brown and seconded by Mr. Wetz to accept for second reading, by title only, Ordinance 1142. Unanimously approved by Council. r10tion was made by Mr. Wetz to place on the Agenda, for third and fina.l reading, the Criminal Code, Ordinance #42, by title only. Seconded by Mr. Gerry Brown and unanimously approved by Council. Mr. Lloyd Brown read Ordinance #42, by title only, for third and final reading. "... I Motion was made by Mr. vletz ane seconded by }~. Rowell, that Ordinance #42, The Cr~i~l Code, by title only, be accepted for third and final reading. Unanimously approved by Council. Ordinance #42, The Criminal Code WaS passed and accepted this 7th day of August, 1967. Hr. Litke of Longwood, who has been serving as Building Inspector for the Village of North Orlando, is resigning because of ill health. Some one will have to be found to fill the vacancy. A set of plans will have to be presented by anyone applying for a building permit. The Building will make up a fixed set of rules to be followed. A copy of the building permit fees used in Casselberry are to be obtained. }-lotion was made by l-1r. Wetz to place Ordinance #43, The Dog Ordinance, on the Agenda for first reading in its entirety. Seconded by Mr. McIntosh and unanimously approved by Council. ~~. Lloyd Brown read Ordinance #43, the Dog Ordinance, in its entirety. Motion made by l-~. Wetz and seconded by Mr. HcIntosh that Ordinance #43, the Dog Ordinance, be accepted for first reading. Unanimously approved by Council. ,,-., Motion waS made by Mr. McIntosh that the Council instruct the Village Clerk to transfer $1,000.00 from the Genreal Fund to the Savings Account of the Building Fund. Seconded by Mr. Wetz. Discussion was held. A question arose in regards to putting a percentage in the Building :Fund each month. Mr. McIntosh will have figures at a later date as to hO"VT much, if any, can be placed in the Building Fund each month. The motion WaS unanimously approved by Council. -..1111.1;;-'" ~ - PAGE 4 AUGUST 7, 1967 r" Police Report submitted by Chief Arthur DeVoe: 42 complaints" 17 warnings, 8 arrest. Officer laFollette accompanied on Patrol, 30 3/4 hours. Officer Lyons, 47 3/4. During my vacation July 14 through July 27th. laFollette, 34 hours, Lyons, 19 hours, Jenkins, 22 hours. As agreed they were all Supposed to be paid l.25 rer hour. Total 75 hours at a cost of 93.75. My hours in actual service, 1432 hours. A Riot gun and chemiQal mace has been purchased. Moti~n Was made by ~tr. Wetz authorizing the Auditor to prepare schedules of depreciation for the fixed assets and be instruct.ed to set up proper reserves to pay for these items as they wear out. Seconded by Mr. Rowell and unanimOUSly approved by Council. The name of George Duquette was submitted to become a member of the Zoning Boar'a. Motion Was made by Mr. McIntosh and seconded by 11'r. Rowell that Mr. Duquette be accepted as a member of the Zoning Board.. l-Ir. Duquette is to be notified. Also Mr. Jordon is to be called informing him of Mr. Duquette's appointment. t""" The Fire Hydrant on the Northeast corner of Hiway 434 and Fairfax cannot be opened and. it is an absolute necessity that it be fixed. Motion was made by Mr. Wetz that the Council authorize him to have the Hydrant fixed. Secondecl. by YJr. McIntos'~. Discussion was held. A suggestion WaS made that maybe a new Hydrant could be purchased as cheap as having the old one fixed. Motion was ~.,de by Mr. Wetz that the Council authorize him to have the Hydrant opened ani ~hecked at a cost not to exceed ~~50.00. Seconded by Mr. l1cIntosh. If the hydrant can be completely fixed for 50.00 or under, fine. If the cost is more than 50.00, a special meeting will be called. Motion unanimously approved by Council. Motion Was made by fiIr. Gerry Brown to send Jay Wetz, Councilman and Tom Freeman, City Attorney, to the Annual Convention of the Florida League of Municipalities. Allowing 16.00 a day for a double (both), at the Diplomat West in HOllywood, Florida. Two nights will be spent at the hotel for a total of $32.00 for both. 35.00 for each is to be sent to the Florida League of Municipalities for registration fees. Seconded by !1r. McIntosh and Unanimously approved by Council. Notion WaS made by Ylr. Rowell that the allowance of 25.00 permonth for the Health, Welfare and Recreation be raised to 50.00 for this month so the School Bus Shelters may be fixed up before school starts. Seconded by Hr. lvetz and unanimously apJ?roved by Council. A thought for the future is a Bus Shelter for the Ranches to be placed at the corner of Noss and Panama. Motion was made by Nr. Rowell to raise the salary of the Village Clerk. Seconded by :Hr. McIntosh. },Irs. Green thanked the Council for the offer and the appreciation shown. However, Mrs. Green declined the offer of the raise, at this time, and idll wait until the Village is more in the black. Motion was ..1ithdrawn by }'fr. Rowell and the second by Ylr. NcIntosh. "....., ""',' ~ ./ ,.-.. -.., - - PA(}E 5 AU:1UST 7, 1967 Mr. Freeman discussed "Liens on Propertyll in regards to cutting the grass on the vacant lots. Motion was mad.e by &. McIntosh and seconded by Hr. Wetz that the meeting adjourn at 10:45 P.H. Unanimously approved by Council. ~" e:pe ti'ully sUfmi~ed, ,..~/~/ ". Helen Green, Village Clerk Village of North Orlando, Florida j ~APPROVED:</ . / 1{LLJ!AYOR , . VII.LAGE OF NORTH ORIMmO, l"LA .