HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 06 05 Village Council Regular Minutes
'v!tLt\GE OF l!C:RTH CRtA}j'i)(', 'FLA.
JtrnE 5, 1967
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida met in regular
session on June ,,1967. The meeting was called to order by Mayor George Fuller
at 7:30 P.H.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag waS led by Vice-l4ayor Lloyd Brown.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Mayor, George Fuller
Vice-Mayor, IJ.oyd Brown
City Attorney, Tom Freeman
Councilmen: Charles Rowell
Granville Brown.
Councilmen, Jay Wetz and Charles
McIntosh were unable to attend.
The minutes of the regular meeting of May 1st were read and approved as
read. Mr. Rowell advised the Council that the date for opening the lake at
the Recreation Area for fishing had been changed from October to August.
Mr. Gerrv Brown introduced Mr. Cliff Jordon, Chairman of the Zoning
Board. Mr. J~rdon stated that it would be for the best interest of the community
for the 60uncil to accept the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Jordon stated that North
Orlando had better Zoning Ortil.inances than any other community around. Mr. Jordon
read several changes that had been made in the Code. The Zoning Board picked
out. several items ~hat needed to be in the Code and Article 9 was added. The
Zonlng Map was revJ.ewed and is to be put on the wall of the Village Office
The Z?ning Code was discussed both pro and con. There will be a workshop ·
sometJ.me later when Mr. Wetz and Mr. McIntosh will be able to attend and a
S~ecial meeting somet~e between now and the next regular meeting in July to
eJ.ther accept or declJ.ne the Zoning Board Code.
l-1inutes of the Special Meeting of May 15 were read. and approved as read.
Treasurer's Report:
Balance General Fund, May 1, 1967
Checks Drawn
Balance General Fund., Y~y 31, 1967
Balance Road and Bridge Fund, May 1, 1967
Checks Drawn
Bal~~ce Road and Bridge, May 1, 1967
Billa presented for approval:
Arthur DeVoe (~ phone 4.64-2.00 on electric) 6.64
Lash Motors (Oil Change) 2.27
Dr. J. Brannen Murphy 4.50
Duane DeVoe (Mowing and Cleaning Rec. Area) 13.00
Clanton's Enco (Gas and Oil for Machinery) 22.49
Judah's American Service 60.04
Engel's (Badges for Police Dept.) 23.,0
Nationwide (Payment of Insurance Premium for Village)92.l4 (224.,8)
Motion was made by ~.r. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Lloyd Brown that these
bills be paid. Majority carried.
JUNE " 1967
Road and Bridge, Mr. L. Brown reporting:
I.> The speed and yield signs were received at a cost of $68.26.
2. I put up a 20 MPH sign on North Fairfax and 3rd Street, East of
Edgemon and a 30 ~WH sign on Moss Road just off of Hwy. 434, for
one man hour.
3. On the 11th, I graded North Edgemon, Moss Road, Bahama Road from
Moss to Hayes and Panama from Hoss to Hayes with the Village grader.
4. On the 20th, I lettered the street sign posts on South Fairfax and
Lombardy, South Devon and Lombardy, and part of the one at the corner
of South Edgemon and Lombardy. I could not finish this post because
the resident has a large bush planted next to it and it will have
to be cut down before this post can be finished.
5. On the 25th, Arthur DeVoe graded bad spots on Moss Road, Tradewinds,
Bahama and Panama with the Village Grader, 6i man hours.
6. On the 27th I cut the rightaways in Coronado area and on the side
streets, North and South side of 434, for three man hours.
7. On the 28th I graded South Edgemon with the Village grader for
three man hours.
Health, Welfare and Recreation, Mr. Rowell reporting:
The Water Fountain has been received from the North Orlando Garden Club
for the Recreation Area and it w.i.ll be installed just as soon as some pipe
is received. A note of thanks is to be sent to the Garden Club. Duane DeVoe
has mowed the recreation area and cleaned up around the tennis courts. The
yard at 220 North Fairfax has been mowed and a bill for 5.00 is to be sent to
the owners~in Ca!ifornia.
Zoning, Mr. Gerry Brown reporting:
Mr. Brown stated that Mr. Jordon had covered the Zoning and. he had
nothing more to report.
Police and Fire Report, (Read by Clerk in Mr. Wetz' absence)
Time spent mowing vacant lot and yard around vacant house on North Fairfax,
1 hours.
Vacant lot corner of S. Fairfax and Lombardy, 1 hour
Vacant lot corner of S. Fairfax and Lombardy, 1 hour
2 vacant lots corner Lombardy and S. Devon, 2 hours total of 5 hours.
This work was done b.Y Arthur and Duane DeVoe at no cost to the Village,
just our thanks.
Complaints, 34; Oral Traffic, 5; Oral, dogs,6; .<<itten, traffic,2;
arrest, traffic, 3.
Hours for Chief DeVoe, 329t
Hours for Lynn Lyon, Auxiliary, 42i
Hours for David Jenkins, Auxiliary, 1, 3/4
Hours for Robert LaFollette, Patrolman, 30 Total 4l7t Hours
,- -
JUNE 5, 1967
~ Fire Department:
Fires, 106 Hours
Drills, 24 Hours
Business Ymeting, 19! Hours
Community Projects, 25 Hours
Truck Maintenance
Association Meeting
Total Hours
Active Members
45 Hours
6 Hours
22.5i Hours
Fire Chief LaFollette would like to thank all residents for their cooperation
during the dry spell. We had no fires in our area.
}^'a'. Lloyd Brown showed a so called "toy' that Mr. Hage, of the North
Orlando Store, is selling. It is evident that Mr. Hage is not aware of the
danger of this toy. It resembles a book of matches and part of it is matches
and the rest of it is supposed to be the toy, but very dangerous for children
to have. The Fire Department will contact }~. Hage and ask him to please remove
the said toy from his shelves, before some child is hurt.
Finance Report (Mr. l-1cIntosh conveyed a request through Mr. Fuller, since
he was unable to attend the meeting.) Mr. McIntosh requested that 25% of any
revenue that was left over and above the expenditures would go into a Building
Fund. Motion was made by Mr. L. Brown that 2,% of any revenue left over and
above, the expenditures would be put into the Building }"und. Seconded by Mr.
G. Brown. The motion was defeated. This matter will be discussed at the
work-shop and brought up at the next Special or Regular meeting.
Flashers are needed for the School Signa and Mr. L. Brown said that they
;- would be purchased by the Road and Bridge before school starts again.
The present Garbage Contract is to expire on June 30th. Mr. Chet Macek
of C and M Refuse was present and said that he had sent a letter to the Village.
I had not been received, but Mr. Macek had brought a copy of the letter. (Letter
was received today, the 6th.) The letter expressed wishes to continue service
for another year. The question of the performance was brought up, since Mr.
Macek had never fulfilled that part of the contract. Hany complaints had been
received in the beginning, but from all reports the service is satisfactory now.
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell that the contract not be renewed since l>1r. Macek
had not given a performance bond and Hr. Rowell felt that the Council should. not
subject the people of the Village to an inci&ent such as the one that took
place in 1966, when the garbage was not picked up for almost a month. Seconded
by Mr. G. Brown for matter of discussion. Discussion WaS held both pro and con.
an Roll Call Vote, Rowell, Yes, Mr. G. Brown and Hr. L. Brown, No.' The motion
lost due to lack of majority vote.
The payment of $250.00 cash or a bond was discussed. A new contract will
have to be written. 110tion was made by 11r. Gerry Brown that a New contract be
drawn up with the only change being, Item 11, and that should be changed to
$2;b.. cash. Second by Hr. L. Brown. A discussion was held and then both the
motion and the second Has wi thdra:wn.
Motion was made by 11r. G. Brown that either a $500.00 bond or $250.00 in
cash be posted. Seconded by Mr. L. Brown. On Roll Call Vote, Brown, Yes;
,-.., Brmm, Yes; and Rowell, No. Majority carried.
Motion was made by Mf. Gerry Brown that the garbage contract with C and
M Refuse be renewed, as per the present contract except for the change in
Item 11. The Bond or Cash to be posted when contract is signed. Roll Call
Vote, Brown, Yes; Brown, Yes; Rowell, No. Two to one in favor of the motion.
JUNE 5, 1967
In regards to the small gas companies operating in the Village, they will
be accepted since they d.o not have any underground pipes. The check from Sarns'
Gas Co. for an Occupational License will be accepted..
'Court for the Village of North Orlando will be helci the 3rd Monday of
each month at 7:00 P.M.
Motioll was matie by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. G. Brown that Mr. Thomas
G. Freeman, the new City Attorney for the Village of North Orlanao be sworn in.
Majority carried. Mr. Freeman was sworn in by Mayor George Fuller.
Motion was made by Mr. IJ.oyd Brown and secondeci by Mr. Gerry Brown that the
meeting adjourn at 10:10 P.M.
Respectfully submi te~ ~
. ~~."G
Helen F. Greea, Village Clerk