HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 05 15 Village Council Special Minutes
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NAY 15, 1967
The Special meeting of the Village Counciiliwas called to order by Mayor
George Fuller at 7:40 P.H.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Vice-Mayor Lloyd Brown.
On Roll Call the following lriere present:
Mayor George Fuller
Vice-Mayor Lloyd Brown
Councilmen: Jay \~etz
Cha2les Rowell
Granville Brown
Charles HcIntosh
The matter of the Attorney was turned over to lvIr. McIntosh. !lir. McIntosh
had talked to Hr. Freeman and Hr. j?reeman is very much interested in becoming
City Attorney for the Village of North Orlando. The law firm with whom he is
associated, Stenstrom, Davis and McIntosh, are, also, interested in having }~.
Freeman become the City Attorney for North Orlando. Mr. Freeman has agreed to
do the necessary work for the Village and sit in as Judge once a month for a
retainer of $600.00 per year. V!r. Freeman told !4r. McIntosh he would do the
very best he could for our community. The Council still had questions to ask
so Hr. Freeman waS called and asked if he could come to the meeting.
The Zoning Board will attend the next regular meeting on June 5th. Dogs,
,,-.. cats, fo1iil.. and other pets '-Jill be the subject. Article 6 of the Zoning Plans
will be taken up.
Mr. HcIntosh and }"lrs. Green had an appointment on the 3rd with Jvlr. Kramer,
the Auditor. Hr. ~lcIntosh stated that he felt that the Village had a very good
book-keeper and that the books were in very good shape. Mr. Kramer said that
because our Village was so small that we were in no position to make up a
budget, however, he did say that lrre could keep the books just as we are now,
but to keep a separate small ledge breaking down the expenditill~es for each
month. After all bills are paid, take 25% of any of the revenw left over for
the month and put it in a separate fund. ]v1'rr. McIntosh will pre8~ a complete
picture at the next regular meeting.
}~. Freeman arrived and had a very interesting discussion with the Council,
trying to answer all questions presented to him. l1r. Freeman stated that the
financial aspect was not important, but his main purpose would be to help the
community in every way that he could. There would be a charge for all Ordinances
drawn and any other matters that 1tlould take time aWay from his firm, but he
would give freely of his time where it would not interfere lnth his firm.
!vIr. Gerry Brown stated that North Orlando was not up with the financial
standards of Casselberry and Longwooi so we were unable to pay over 600.00
per year.
Hr. Freeman does not believe in having a City Attorney sit in as a
Municipal Judge. However, he consented to act as Judge for the next six
months or until the Council feels they are financially able to hire a Judge.
HAY 15, 1967
Hotion vlaS made by lilT. HcIntosh to retain Attorney Tom Freeman as the City
Attorney for the Village of North Orlando at a retainer fee of $600.00 per year.
Seconded by}1r. Gerry Brown.. On Roll Call Vote, VIT. Rowell, "YEA", Nr. L. Brown,
"YEA", :rIT. Gerry Brown, "YEA", and Hr. 1JlcIntosh, "YEA". Nr.\vetz, "NAY".
Majority Carried.
A lease was read from the North Orlando \'later and Sewer with a charge of
$25.00 for rent on rooms 6 and 7. The lease was effective as of May 1st. 10.00
has already been paid on the first for room 6. A balance of 15.00 is to be paid.
A motion was rl1~de by Hr. Gerry Brown to accept the lease. Seconded by Hr.
Wetz. Both the motion and the second "Tas withdrawn.
Motion was made by }w. Gerry Brown to accept the lease, but only after
negotiations have been made to clarify certain provisions, such as fire
insurance and the hold l",.armless clause. Seconded by Nr. Wetz and unanimously
approved by Council.
11rs. R.N. Sheffield, 130 North Devon, wishes to open up a nursery on a
small scale, since Mr&. Singleton has closed her nursery. Mrs. Sheffield's home
has already been checked by the County Health Department. Hrs. Sheffield was
told that after getting the consent of the Council she would have to have the
house checked by the Fire Department and purchase an occupational license.
Motion was made by l1r. irJetz authcrizing Hrs. Sheffield to open a nursery
in her home if all requirements are met. The license will be $12.50 per year.
Seconded by l1r. Gerry Brown and unanimously approved by Council.
Motion was made by fiw. Il1}'etz and seconded by Ylr. McIntosh that the meeting
adjourn at 10:20 P.H. Unanimously approved by Council.
Helen Green, Village Clerk
Village of North Orl~~do, Fla.
George T. Fuller
Village of North Orlando, Fla.