HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 05 01 Village Council Regular Minutes ,- .- Rl~GUIAR NEETING VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE CF NORTH C2.WIDO, FIA. }1!Y 1, 1967 The Regular Session of the Village Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor George Fuller. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Vice-Hayor Llil1yd Brmm. On Roll Call the following were present: Mayor George Fuller Vice-Mayor Lloyd Brown Councilmen: Jay ~letz Charles Rowell Granville Brown Charles HcIntosh ~~. Wallace Hall, associated with the Law Firm of Hutchison and Leffler, in Sanford, WaS introduced to the Group by Mr. Rowell. l'1r. Hall sat in on the Council meeting, since he is interested in the vacancy of Village Attorney. The minutes of the Reorganizational Meeting of April 3rd were read. }1r. McIntosh's name should be added to the list of Commissioners. ~~. McIntosh was not running for office in the Election, however, he will retain his office as Commissioner of l"inance, as the ones who were elected will retain their respective offices. Otherwise, the ~inutes were approved as read. /~ The minutes of the Regular l-leeting of April 3, were read ".'l.th one correction Page 3, paragraphs 2 and 3, should have 20 mile an hour signs along with the 30 mile an hour signs. Hinutes were then approved. The minutes of the Special Meeting of April 17 were read and approved as read except that the name of the Seirer Disposal Company should be Burke instead of Black. Treasurer's Report: Balance, Beneral Fund, 4/1/67 Checks Drawn Deposits Balance, General Fund 4/30/67 Balance Road and Bridge Fund 4/1/67 Che cks Drawn Deposits Balance Road and Bridge 4/30/67 Bills presented for approval: - Duane DeVoe (Mowing Rec. Area) Panning Lumber Co. (Light Bulbs Rec. Area) Wills and Wills Battery Co. (Battery for Sprayer) Clanton's Enco (Gas and Oil for Machinery) Arthur DeVoe (2.00 Electric and! phone bill) Engel's (ammo cases, chains and wlistles) W.W. Prescott (parts and labor for repairing grader) Robert Kramer (Auditor) $4,131.40 808.27 652.00 3, 97 5.13 1,047.46 73.58 2,050.00 3,023.88 5.00 7.59 19.65 11.62 6.64 8.00 278.87 25.00 ,~- PAGE 2 ." lt6.Y 1, 1967 /'"' Judah's American (Gas ~Dd Oil for Cruiser) 46.00 Dr. J. Brannen Murphy 4.50 Nationwide Insurance (Down payment & Service Chg.9mos.) 300.51 Jay Wetz (Emblems from Engel'sl.80, Prager Gun Shop, 6.29) 8.08 Motion was made by Hr. Lloyd Brown and seconded by Hr. iietz that these bills be paid. Unanimously approved by Council. Road and Bridge Report, Fir. IJ.oyd Brown reporting: 1. On the 7th, I filled all holes on the North side of 434 with Cold Patch for three man hours at a cost of ~5.l5. 2. On the 8th I removed and replaced the 20 m.p.h. signs on South Devon and South Fairf~~ closer to the corner 434~ for It man hours. 3. On the 11th I had the radiator cleaned and repaired on the road grader at a cost of $9.79. 4. On the 22nd I painted all street sign posts on the paved streets and ranch lands white inpreparation for new black letters. 6 man hours. 5. I installed a new stop sign at the corner of Noss road and Tradewi.nds and put two ref!ectors on the power pole on the South side of Tradewinds facing Hoss Road. % of an hour. 6. On the 24th and 26th I worked 3 hours painting street signs for Coronado. .- 7. On the 26th I replaced old battery for a new one on the road grader at a cost of 4p2l.60 for a 6 volt heavy duty battery. I believe the starter will alsa have to be worked on before we can really put the grader in operation. 8. On the 28th, }~. Prescott hauled and leveled 30 loads of clay fill on South Edgemon at a cost of ~125.00. 9. On the 29th, I had the County road grader grade North Edgemon, South Edgemon, Moss Road and Hayes Road ironl Bahama road to Hiway 434, at a cost of $25.00 for the operator and $5.00 to the County for rental of the grader. 10. The r~~ch lands roads are still in very bad shape and Moss road, Tradewinds, Sunrise Road, Morton Lane and Fisher Road are in need of clay fill. I have taL~ed to l'Ir. Rrescott and showed him the bad places and he will try to work them in between other jobs. 11. I~ote five different Manufactors about the street signs needed and only received three quotations back. After going over the three I asked the clerk to call the Specialt:r Sign Co. LD Grand Prairie, Texas and tell them that we would accept their quotation of about $59.54. 12 . I wrote the State Road Department on the 23th and asked them to look into the possibility of putting fill at the interf:~ections on 434, about changing the speed to 45 mph from the Village limits to 17-92 and lowering the Stop sign at - 434 and 419. 13. On the 29th I lettered the sign posts in the ranch lands for 4 man hours. We are in need of about seven or eight new sign posts in the ranch lands area, which are missing. I hope to be able to finish the other street signs at night after work, this month. ,- PAGE 3 HAY 1, 1967 r Health, Welfare and Recreation, l1r. Rowell reporting:. The North Orlando Garden Club has donated an American Flag to the Recreation A A note 0'<> ....hanks is to be sent to the Garden Club. The Garden Club has ",rea. 1. lJ . A~ d . t ill be received approved buying a water fountain for the Recreatlon ~ea an l w shortly. The grass has been mowed and Duane DeVoe will be paid ;;p,.OO for mowing in the Recreation Area. The Spraver is 1, or king now and the solution for same is ~~ be purch~sed this week. The solution is expensive, 8.05 for a gallon can, and H you buy It by the barrel it is 8.30 per gallon. With the Village Tractor all of the trash around the dump has been pushed into the hole. People have been fishing and svnumning in the lake at the Recreation Area. They have also taken dOhTI the signs that were posted. The fish are getting to be pretty good size now, but they are spawning, and if people fish out the lake it would have to be restocked. Therefore, there will be NO FISHING until October or later. Parents should not let their children go swimming in the lake as it is dangerous, not only with snakes, but with debris that has been thrown in the lake. Zoning Board, ~~. Gerry Brown reporting. ~ The Zoning Plans have been typed, but there are still a few mistakes in the Plans that have to be rectified. Mr. Lloyd Brown will m~{e copies of the Plans for each member of the Zoning Board. A letter of resignation was read from ~~. Gerry Bro.in, resigning from the Zoning Board as a working member. However, Hr. Brown .rill sit in as a Council Advisor. Motion was made by YlI'. Lloyd Brown and seconded by VJr. ~vetz to accept ~fr. Gerry Brown's resignation. Unanimously approved by Council. Mr. Cliff Jordon was introduced as an interested party in be-:omi1'"l~ 3. member of the Zoning Board. Hotion \-las made by Nr. Gerry Brown nominating Hr. Jordon as a member of the Zoning Board. Seconded by }w. McIntosh and unanimously approved by Council. A Special Meeting of the Zoning Board will be held Thl~sday evening, May 4th, 7:30P.N. Vir. Jordon thanked the Council for being nominated. He said that he felt that since he was in the Real Estate Business he would be able to help the Zoning Board a great deal. Finance Report, Nr. McIntosh reporting: Mr. McIntosh explained the new insurance policies. All of the policies are in one folder and they will all expire at the same time. lk. McIntosh thought ,- it advisable to make a 30% do"m payment and payoff the rest in 9 monthly payments rather than pay it all off at one time. The dOvm payment is 300.,1, which incluaes the installment fee for the year of 9.00. The monthly payment .rill be 75.58. Hot::1:.on was made by Mr. McIntosh and seconded by 1>1r. Gerry Brown to make the down payment of 300.51 and 9 monthly payments of 7,.,8 each. Unanimously approved by Council. - 'tc'I""":' I. .l.. J1\_T(.'; L.f. N.A y 1, 1967 ~ There is more than enough money in the checking account to take care of the monthly needs. Hr. :HcIntosh suggested that a worJdng account system be set up and that a certain amount be put away for the building fund. Notion was made by Hr. Gerry Brovm and seconded by Nr. Lloyd Brown to allot 15.00 for the Auditor to meet with l1r. McIntosh to set up this system. Unanimously approved by Council. The Clerk was given the Voluntary Audit for the \<lorkmen's Compensation, Claims sheets, cancellation and rewrite of the workmen's compensation. Police and Fire, Mr. Jay Wetz reporting: FTItE: Fire, 1, 8 hours; drills, 1, 14 hours; Training school 4, 24 hours; Business meeting" 1, 20 hours; Association meeting, 1, 10 hours, maintenance 3, 11 hours; connnunity projects, 3, 11 hours. POLICE: Suhnnitted by Chief Arthur DeVoe - Complaints, 3" Warning, Traffic 8, Dogs 5,. Total 13. Approximate time spent on School Bus Traffic Officer LaFollette accomprolied me on patrol Officer LaFollette patroled ~ himself (Sunday) Auxiliary Lynn Lyoh accompanied me on patrol Auxiliary David Jenkins accompanied me on patrol My hours in actual service Miles traveled with Police Cruiser Gasoline purchased 148.7 gallons 70 3/4 hours 50 3/4 hours st hours 85:,~ hours 23~ hours 296 3/4 hours 1,521 miles 50.00 A letter was read from the Chamer of Commerce of Sanford informing us that the Village may purchase front tags for the cars at a cost of 20~ each, but they must be purchased in lots of 100 or more. Motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown and seconded by Hr.Wetz that 100 tags be purchased at a cost of $20.00. Unanimously approved by Council. At the request of the Town of Belleaire Shores, a letter is to be ~itten to Governor Kirk, requesting him to veto the bill to abolish the Town of Belleaire Shores. There are several gas companies operating in the Village. Notices have been sent in regards to occupational licenses and utility taxes, but word has only been received from one. Suburban has a franchise in the Village and they do not like for the smaller companies to be in the Village. This matter will be tabled until it is more clearly understood. - :r.1r. Rowell had talked to ~.1r.. Hall and asked him to s it in on a meeting if he could. Mayor Fuller explained the job of Attorney and told l1r. Hall that the pay would be 600.00 per year. Hr. Wetz explained the Police operation to Mr. Hall. Two checks have been received from Mr. 1-racek of C and M Refuse. One fOD 6.70 received in August, 1966 had a note attached, 115% of monies taken in in July,1966lt and the other one was fro $20.00 vrith no note nor anything written on the check. ~fuen the contract was draan up the rebate agreement was deleted from the contract, at V.tr. :r.mcek's request. The agreement for the performance bond lias left in, but it has not been paid as yet. !'lotion was made by Hr. Rowell and seconded by Nr. Ll6yd Brown that the checks be returned to }~. Macek. Unanimously approved by Council. - - PAGE 5 j>TAY 1, 1967 ,"-' Motion was made by }~. Gerry Brown that 100 letters be printed by Bergere's for the Welcome Wagon Hostess, }tr~.Virginia Petroski, to give to the newcomers, along with a card with the emergency numbers on it. Seconded by Hr. McIntosh and tL.'1animously approved by Council.. :Hr. Wetz presented a sheet covering the 2 year planning objectives of the Fire Department and the estimated cost for the Police Department for one year. Copy attached. }~. Johnson is to be contacted to get the large Zoning Map that he has. Monday night, May 8th, 7:30 P.M., there will be a workshop meeting to interview IJr.r. Thomas Freeman, another prospect for the vacancy of attorney for the Village of North Orlando. 1'1r. \va11ace Hall was thanked for attending the meeting and was told that he would be notified of the decision of the Council. Being no further busi..."1ess a motion was made by Mr. Lloyd Brown and seconded by I:Ir. l\'1cIntosh that the meeting adjourn at 9:40 P.N. - Respectfully submitt~, ~d~~~tc.J Helen F. Green, Village CJe rk Village of North Orlando, Florida APPROVED: YAYOR GEORGE T.. FUI...LER VILLAGE OF NORTH ORL.....~fDO, FLORIDA ,-