HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 04 17 Village Council Special Minutes (' ,---- r" SPECIAL tJJEETTIm VIWG:E " CO'U'NCIl VILtAGE OF HORTE m.LMmO, APRIL, 17, 1967 ,..,." FLA. The Special session of the Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida was calle d to order at 7: 30 P. H., by !vIayor Ge orge :muller. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Vice-Mayor Lloyd Brown. On Roll Call the following were present: Mayor George Fuller Vice-Mayor Lloyd Brow Attorney Orville Johnson Councilmen: Jay Wetz Charles Rowell Granville Brown Charles McIntosh The minutes of the Regular meeting of April 3, 1967 were dispensed with at this time and will be read at the Regular meeting on }fuy 1, 1967. All reports were dispensed with until the next Regular meeting, May 1, 1967. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss with Mr. Johnson, his reason for appearing at the insurance investigation. This investigation, with the State Board of Insurance Commissioners, pertained to the bids given out for the Village Insurance. ",- Mr. Johnson, gave, in detail, his reason for going to the Insurance Investigation. Although he WaS asked to attend by one of the complainents, he attended in the interest of the Village and his ~ curiosity. Mr. Johnson said that he had. never, in the past or present, represented any of the people, siDglilarq or collectively, at any time, who wre doing the complaining. A copy of the letter that Mr. John Van Eepoel had sent to State Insurance Commissioner, Browerd Williams, Deputy Commissioner, Mr. Bass, Governor Kirk and Mr. Johnson. Part of the statements made by Mr. Van Eepoel were not true. A very discussion was held, both pro and con regarding }~. Johnson's attending the investigation. l-iotion ~s made by Mr. Gerry Brown and seconded by Mr. IJ.oyd. Brown that Mr. Johnson be retained. On RollCall Vote, there were two Ayes and three nays. Gerry Brown and Lloyd Brown, "Ayetl ; Wetz, ?-1cIntosh and Rowell, "Nayft Majority Carried in not retaining Mr. Johnson. ' MR. ORVILIE JOHNSON" III, TENDERED HIS RESIGNATION, AS ATTORNEY OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH ORlANDO, FLORIDA AT 8:40 P.M., APRIL 17, 1967. The Dynatronies Corporation has given permission to use part of their land for a pistol range. Mrs. Dottie Newton is to be contacted and a letter written exonerating the Dynatronics Corporation from anything that might happen on their land, in connection with the North Orlando Police Department.> I""'" The Horse Track will be opening Friday night and traffic is expected to be hea.vy through the Village and the Auxiliary Police will be needelll. Some equipment and uniforms are needed. Motion was made by Mr. Wetz that the following items be purchased at a price not to exceed $65.00. - - Hi GE 2 SPECIAL HEETING APRIL 17, 1967 r-"" 1 cap 1 pair of trousers 2 shirts 4 Badges for Auxiliary Police Motion was seconded by Mr. Gerry Brown. approved by Council. 2 whistles 1 ammuniti~n holder 1 gun belt Discussion was held. Unanimously Mr. Wetz is to check with the Police Department about writing up tickets. An Attorney will have to be found to replace Mr. Johnson, one who will work for $600.00 per year. A Contract of Agreement must be written up for him. A new lid was purchased for the septic tank at the Recreation Area. When the septic tank wa,s checked it was found to be badly in need of a cleaning. The tank was all cleaned out and a new lid put on at a cost of $42.50 to be paid to Black's Septic Tank Service of Casselberry. Motion was made by Mr. Rowell and second.ed by Mr. Wetz that this bill be paid~ Unanimously approved by Council. Motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown and seconded by }lIr. McIntosh that 'Mr. Rowell, along with help from the rest of the Council, get the Sprayer in working operation. Mr. Rowell was given permission to spend up to $50.00 without going through the Council. Unanimously approved by Council. Motion was made by}1r. Wetz, authorizing Mr. Gerry Brown to have the revised Zoning Plans typed up, with one good, black copy. Seconded by Mr. Lloyd Brown and unanimously approved by Council. r Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and. seconded by !vir. Gerry Brown that the meeting adjourn at 9:25 P.M. Unanimously approved by Council. R:spec fu~ly SUbmit~d~! ~JJv~.d len F. Green, Village Clerk VILLAGE OF NORTH ORlANDO, FLORIDA APPROVED: HAYOR GEORGE T. FULlER VILIAGE O)!' NOR.TH ORlANDO, FLORIDA r-