HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 04 03 Village Council Regular Minutes
Al"lUL 3 ~ 1967
The Regular Meeting of the Village Council of the Village of North Orlando,
Florida ~s called to ord.er at 7:45 P.M. by Mayor George Fuller..
The minutes of the Regular Heeting of March 6th were rea.d and with one
correction were approved as read. Page 2, 8th paragra.ph should have rea.d, "Mr.
Williams liioes not pay Village utility Taxes.1t
The minutes of the Special 14eeting of March 22nd were read. and approved as read..
The Treasurer's Report:
Balance General Fund 3/1/67
ehe cks Dra'WIl
Balance General FunEl 3/31/67
Balance Road and Bricige Fund 3/1/67
Checks Drawn
Ba~ce Road and Bridge 3/31/67
Billa presented for approval:
r- Clanton's Enco (Tire ~pair and tractor gas) 3.60
We had the slips from JuEiah's American tota.ling 47.90, but
they were to held until we received the statement.
Statement received April 4, 1967, and with discount total was 45.50
Motion was maG.e by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Lloyd Brown that these
bills be paid. Unanimously approved by Council.
Road and Bridge Report: Mr. :tJ.oyd Brown reporting:
On the 11th the. 'rightaways on the following streets were cut.
a. 3rd Street
b. Bombay
c. North and South Cortez
d. North and South Devon
e. North and South Edgemon
f. North and Soutn Fairfax
g. Lombardy Road
This work was done with the Village Tractor and 3.5 man hours.
The Road Grader has been repaired and is ready to go except for a little
problem with the rMiator boiling over. Mr. Prescott is trying to correct this
and will let us know as soon as he is finished. A new IIlead for the motor is
needed. A used one cost 60.00 and a new one can be purchased for 54.00., Mr.
Prescott was told to go ahead and ordr same. If it has to be ordered from the
North it will take about a week.
Health, Welfare and Recreation, Mr. Rowell reporting:
The Recreation Area cut for 4 man hours. The Bus Stops are in baa shape
by not being kept clean. There is always glass and trash around. Would like to
APRIL 3, 1967
have the parents co-operate by not letting children bring bottles to the bus
stops. Mr. Rowell would like Volunteers for a Recreation Committee to have
to h;:JV'e programs for the summer starting next month. The children need adults
to supervise.
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell that he be authorized to draw 25.,00 per month
for six months, to keep the grass mowed, septic tank fixed, new light bulbs and
some things for the pleasure of the children. Seconded by Mr. Gerry Brown and
unanimously approved by Council. As yet no bond has been received from C and M Refuse.
There have been less complaints than in the past.
Finance Report, Mr. McIntosh reporting:-
Mr. McIntosh will give a report at a later time.
Zoning Board, Mr. Gerry Brown reporting:
The new regulations of the Zoning Board have been received from Mr.
Johnson. It was thought at first that l1r. Rickwood wanted lots 50,51,52 on the
ground north of the Sewer Plant, but he also wants lots 48 and 49. Nothing more
has been heard from Mr. Rickwood at this time.
Election Data, Mr. Gerry Brown reporting:
Ad in the Sanford Herald
Ballots printed
Election Board
56.00 Total of $81.70
Fire Report, ~1r. Wetz reporting..
2 Fires, 6i hours, School, 15 hours, Busines s meeting, 24 hours, 4 Community
Projects, 46, 5 hours for maintenance of truck, total of 2l~ hours, 1 Association
meeting, 10 hours making a total of 122 3/4 hours. 18 Active members.
Police Report, Jay Wetz reporting, submitted by Chil.f Arthur DeVoe.
Complaints, 32, ~varnings, Traffic 10, Dogs 6.
Approximate time spent on School Bus Traffic
Officer LaFollette accompanisa me on patrol
My hours in actual service
Miles traveled with Ford Cruiser
Miles traveled with :my own car (DOdge)
Miles traveled with new Cruiser (20 miles on gauge to start)
Total miles traveled
Gasoline purchased 116.3
1 Qt. of oil
2 tires changed (old car)
76f Hours
37- Hours
326! Hours
1,881 miles
Memo was received from Chief Arthur DeVoe submitting two names, whom he
believes to be qualified to become Auxiliary Police for the Village. They are;
r David L. Jenkins, 121 N. Devon and Lynn Iwon, Jr. 44 S. Fairfax. Applications
were read from each of these men and they are on file. Chief DeVoe asked fmr
prompt consideration of these men in order that they might attend the free police
APRIL 3, 1967
",......., school training offered starting this week. The men have already been finger-
printed and their prints sent to Washington. Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and
seconded by Mr. Rowell that the applications of David Jenkins and Lynn Lyon, Jr.
be accepted to train for Auxiliary Police, and that Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Lyon
remain in training until Chief DeVoe believes they are qualified enough to be
released as Auxiliary Police. Unanimously approved by Council. There will be
no pay while they are in training and if they ride on their own there will be no
pay, but if an Auxiliary Policeman is called out by Chief De V oe he will be paid.
Mr. Wetz reported that Yield Signs were needed at Eawin and Alber, Bahama and
Moss, Bahama. and Hayes, Moss and Tradewinds and Edwin and Sherry. Speed. Signs
are needed at North Fairfax and 434, North Edgemon and 419, South Fairfax and 434
(this one should be closer to the corner), and Moss R.oad and Sunset Drive and Moss
Road and 434. These signs should be 30 mile an hour signs.
Motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown that Mr. Lloyd Brow.n, Road and Bridge
Commissioner, put the order for the signs out for bicis, 10,30 mile and hour signs
and 10 Yield signs. That Mr. Lloyd Brown be authorized, without going through the
Council, to pick the lowest bid and the fastest delivery, and order according.
Seconded. by Mr. Wetz and unanimously approved by Council.
Since there is a yellow line turning left out of Algiers, it WaS reported to
be illegal. The "Resume Saf"e Speed" sign is on the crest of the hilL Both of
these matters are to be taken up with the State Road Department.
A letter was read from Bureau of Economic and Business Research with an order
blani for copies of the Florida Statistical Abstract of 1967. Motion was made by
Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. McIntosh that the Village order a copy of the
Statistical Abstract, at a cost of $2.50. Unanimously approved by Council.
Mayor Fuller met Friday with the other Mayors at a meeting in Sanford. The
refund from Road and Bridge, gasoline and race tracks was discussed and a
resolution 'Will be presented to the legislature. However, it is cioubtful that
anything will be received but the Road and Bridge Fund, but all will be tried for.
Mr. McIntosh reported that the policies have not been drawn up on the new
insurance bids, but they will be here soon. Mr. McIntosh reported that it coula
be set up with Nationwide to pay 30% dow.n and the balance in 9 monthly payments
ldth 1.00 per month service charge. The case is closed on the Insurance investigation.
Any Special Meeting that the Council might have, Mr. McIntosh would like to be
on the Agencia to explain the new policies.
Mr. McIntosh had charts and explained why the Fire Department was listed on
the pay roll, although they do not receive any pay.
General Acceptance Corporation owns the Village Hall, but the North Orlanao
'Company owns the furniture. The North Orlando Company wants to sell the furniture,
but at this time no one knows if G..A.C. is going to buy the furniture. The
Village does not want to buy the furniture that is in the office so Council will
wait until some word is received from wither G.A.C. or Mr. RickWood, of the North'
Orlando Company.
The Street Signs need painting, partieularly in Coronado. Mayor.Fu1ler
offered his serVices, along with Mr. Ferguson's, when Mr. L. Brown said that the
other work would hav.e to come fir st. Motion was made by Mr.. Gerry Brown and
APRIL 3, 1967
seconded. by Mr. Wetz that Mayor Fuller buy enough black enamel to paint the street
signs. Unanimously approved by Council.
In the Coronada section there are several big holes in the streets. Mr. L.
Brown said that he would. see about getting the material to fix these holes.
Motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown and seconded by Mr. Wetz that the meeting
adjourn at 9:05 P.M. Unanimously approved by CounciL
Respectfully s~tted,
~en, illage Clerk