HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 03 06 Village Council Regular Minutes
HAReR 6, 1967.
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North OrlanQo
was called to ordec. by Mayor Fuller at 7:30 P.M.
The Plefiige of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Vice-Mayor Brown.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Mayor, George Fuller
Vice-Mayor IJ.oyd Brown
Attorney Orville Johnson
Councilmen: JayWetz
Charles Jfowell
Granville. Brown
Charles McIntosh
The minutes of the Regular meeting of February were read with the following
corrections ::
On Page 2, paragraph 3 the name should be "Mike" Rumble insteai of Hal.
Page 2, paragraph 5 the expiratiOR Gate of the present insurance should be
March the 8th instead of March Jrei.
Page 3, paragi-aphs 3 anli 6, there was one nay vote ana it should. have been the
Itmajority" instead. of ltunanimously'l.
:Page 4 paragraph 1, "unanimously approved by COlDlcil" should. be aQaed. to the ena
of the paragraph. With these corrections the minutes were accepted.
The minutes of the Special meeting of February 10th were rea.d. and approved.
~ as read.
A letter VaS read by Mayor Fuller from Fowler, White, Gillen, Hurnkey aDa
Trerupa, a law firm in Tampa armouncin.g that General Acceptance Corporation hat
purchased the North Orlando Utilities Co, effective March 1st.
The Treasurer's Report:
Balance General Fund. 2/1/67
Checks Drawn
Balance General Fund. 2/28/67
Balance Road ani Bridge Fund. 2/1/67
Checks Drawn
Balance Road. and Bridge 2/28/67
Bills presented for approval:
Dr. J. Brannen Murphy 4.50
Judah's American Service 63.23
Sanford Herald. 14.35
Sargent and S01l!l1l 14.45
Eagar Smart (2 Used Tires) 10.00
Arthur DeVoe a. phone bill, 2.00 Electric & cle-.ing) 9.34
Lloyd. Brown (Gas for tractor) 2.47
Nationwide Insurance (Bal. on Workn:en' s Compensation) 21.50
Nationwide Insurance for Police Cruiser 82..50
:2,A02 2
IvIARCH 6, 1967
It was suggested that anyone doing work for the Village be paid 1.00 per year
so that the,- woula. be completely oovered by insurance. Motion was made by Mr.
Wetz and seconded by Mr. Gerry Brown that these bills be pai<U Unanimously
approved by COlmcil.
Road and Bridge Report, Mr. L. Brown reporting.
On the 14th I called the County for the road grader for Saturday the 18th and
was told that it was to go to AltaMOIl:te Springs. I again called on the 20th
and had it set up for the grader to work on the 25th.
On the 23rd the Chief of Police brought two YIElD signs to my home that someone
had pulled out from the corners of Tradewinds and South Edgemon and Panama and
South Edgemon. He also reported that the culvert pipe under South Edgemon just
off the hard road was caving in. On checking this out I found that the 36ft rounti
corrigated pipe was bent down at one of the joints and cracking open. There
was a very bad hole in the middle of the road. This was apparently done from
heavy loads on this road.
On Sat.-tI:a7, the 25th, Mr. Prescott brought his loader and truck to fix the
culver". pj.pe on South Edgemon. With the loader he bent the pipe back up into
position and hauled in eleven loads of clay, at a cost of $50.00 for hauling
and equipment. One load of clay was put at each bus stop.
The County road grader grated North Edgemon, South Edgemon, Tradewinds, Moss
Road, .Bahama from Hayes to Moss and Pana:ma;. from Hayes to South Edgemon, at a
cost o;f :!li5.oo to the County for rental of the grader, and $25.00 to t,he operator.
The Village borrowed Mr. Prescott's tractor and box blade on the 25th to level
Sunrise, Morton Lane, Fisher and Arnold Lane at a cost of 2.47 ;for gas.
On the 26th the YIEID sign at the corner of Lombarciy and South Fairfax was put
back in place and the signs at Tradewinds and Panama were also reinstalled.
l-1r. Roger Williams, of Apopka, who owns Lot 4, Section E in the Rancu., requested
the Village to clear the road by his .property so he could sell it. Request
denied since Mr. Williams does not live in the Village nor pay taxes.
Health, Welfare and Recreation, Mr. Rowell reporting:
2 loads of clay, one for each of the Bus Stops at North Devon and South
Edgemon, were dumped and then leveled out by Mr. Rowell, Jay Wetz, IJ.oyd Brown,
anQ. Forrest Stratton for a total of .3 hours.
A letter has been received by the Council from C and M Refuse, but it will be
heli in abeyance for a later reading.
Material needed to block off the roads to the Dump l..ould cost 25.00 for each
Financial Report, Mr. McIntosh reporting.
There was to "report at this time.
Zoning, Mr. Gerry Brown reporting:
The ZoniJlg Board had a meeting the last Thursday of F~ruary (23rd) and a
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MARCH 6, 1967
Qiscussion was held in regards to bringing small business into the Village.
A golf course was also discussed, but a good course would require 160 acres..
Registration, Mr. Gerry Brown reporting:
There liiere 202 registerea out of 341 Who~- were eligible. The ..(;,.., '.::ost for
paper ballots would be 11.25 and for a voting machine it would cost 30.00.
Motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown and seconded by J.~. IJ.oyd. Br9WI1 that the
paper ballots be purchased for tIle General Election of March 21et. Unanimously
approved by Council.
The candidates that have filed for the Election are:
Group 1, (Two Years)
Ray Bradshaw and Charles Rowell
Group 3 (Two Years)
Lloyd. Brown ami Robert Key
Group 5 (Two Years)
John VanEepoel and JayWetz
Group 2 (One Year}
Granville Brown and Henry Fa.irburn
All petitions were checked by the Supervisor of Registration and there was a
discrepancy in the petition of Mr. Fairburn due to the question of beag a
free-holder. Mr. Johnson checked with the Recorder of DeeGls and found it to
be legal.
Police Report, Mr. Wetz reporting.
Complaints 25, Traffic Warnings 14, dog warnings 8, Time spent on School Bus
Traffic 75 hours, Officer LaFollette with Chief 14 % hours, Mr. Wetz 3 i. My
hours in actual service 246 3/4 hours. Miles traveled with Police Cruiser 1,148.
Gasoline purchased, 147.4 gals $55.85. 2 qts of oil 1.30, report submitted by
Chief Arthur DeVoe.
Fire Department, Mr. Wetz reporting.
25 hours of fire fightin~, 26 hours for meeting, 69 hours for eomm.unity projects,
8 hours area meeting, 3(}2 hours truck maintenance, 5 hours ~licity, total l63i.
Two seale<< insurance bids liiere received by the Vj.1lage, 4 specifications hac. been
picked up. The four who picked up the "Specs1t were Mr.Flle41 Staly of Orlanclo,
Mrs. Mary Lou Barrow of DeBary, Mr. Hulen from Courtney Insurance in Orlancio anci
Mr. Charles McIntosh~ Altamonte Springs. The biti from Courtney's, Hr. Hulen
aubmitting, was for $1,688.50 for complete coverage. The other bid receiveGl was
from Nationwide, Mr. McIntosh submitting, and that bid was for 958.42 for complete
coverage. Motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown and secon_ed by Mr. Wets; that the
low biG! from. NationwiG!e be accepted. Discussion was helci. On Roll Cill vote:
Wetz--Aye, Brown, .lye, Brown, Aye, and Rowell, Aye. Mr. McIntosh clid not vote.
Majority carried.
. ,.
'tvjARCH 6, 1967
A letter was read. from Knox Development Co. stating that they did not mainta.in
an office in the Village and therefore were excused from having an Occupational
License. A letter was read from Fred and Mally Salter requesting that the
letter and an enclosed clipping be entered into the minutes.(Letter enclosed).
The clipping was just part of an article appearing in the Sentinel of March 5, 1967.
The complete article was read and attached to the letter. Motion was ma€il.e by
Mr. Gerry Brown and seconded by Mr. Lloyd Brown that the Salter's letter and.
clipping be entered into the minutes. There was one nay *te by Mr. Wetz and
the majority carried.
A le'C-ter was read by Mr. Johnson from }1r. l~cek (letter on file) in argument
against the complaints made against him, stating that, he was not making a
performance bond, and that he did not know that the ranches were to be
includei in the contract., The C and M Refuse should be checked out carefully
and the subject should be brought up at the April and May meetings.
Motion Was made by Mr. Wetz and. seconded by Mr. Gerry Brown that the meeting
adjourn at 9:15 P.M.
!v1.A YOR