HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 02 10 Village Council Special Minutes
FEBRUaY 10, 1967
A Special Session of the Village Council WaS held on Frid.ay, Feb. 10,1967.
The meeting WaS called to order at 8:05 by Mayor George Fuller.
A pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Lloyd Brown.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Mayor George Fuller
Vice-Mayor Lloyd :Brown
Attorney Orville Johnson
Councilmen: Jay Wetz
Charles Rowell
Granville Brown
Charles McIntosh
Mr. Macek of the C and M Refuse was present for a discussion about the
garbage service, Mr. RowelJ. taking charge. Many complaints were read against
the C and 101 Refuse. The regular times of pick up have heen fine, but what they
piok up and the attitude of Mr. Macelcand U1e helper have been the com.plaints.
Discussion was held between HI'. Macek and the Council. The pick up in the
Ranehes is once a week and that is on Saturdays. There. are only 9 out of 16
in the Ranches taking Garbage Service. Mr. Macek has not posted a performance
bond aDd the tera of his contract is balf over. Motion by HI'. Rowell that Mr.
Macek's contract be terminated as of February 28th. Mr. Johnson suggested
that Mr. Macek be given 10 days (February 20th) to get his performance into
the office. Mr. Rowell with-drew.his motion. Motion was made by Mr. Rowell
that Hr. Macek be given 10 days (February 20th) to bring in the performance
bond. Seconded by Mr. IJ.oyQ Brown and. unanimously approved by Co~cil.
Mr. VeliZ con1iacted all firms leasing cars and when asked about a Police
Car the answer was a definite "NO", except for the firm handling Fords. The
price was llO.OO a month plus all maintenance on the car and the gas and oil.
The lowest bid received for the Police 'Car was for a Plymouth Belevedere
trom Jim Lash Motors of Sanford. Mr. Wetz read a complete description, of the
car that had been accepted as a low bid. The cOJllP?i~.e cost of the car was
$2733.lS~th $690.00 oft for the old Police Car, ~~i.ng the final total
to $2043.35. Delivery would. be from 30 to 50 days.' Mo~ion was made by Mr.
1iata that the Council accept the bidot Jim. Lash Motors of $2043.15 for a
Poliee Cruiser . Seconded by Mr. L. Brown. Discussion was held. A third
down paytD!nt will be needed which will be $221.15. The Mayor stated that
there will be no increase in taxes to pay for the Police Car or anything
else, as he had heard rumored. The motion WaS unanimously approved by Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz that the eash necessary for a down payment
be takeR from the General Fund and the car be financed on a. time payment plan.
The monthly ~nts shouli also be taken trom the General 'Fund. Secol'uled
by M.r. Gerry Brown and unanimously at.PPJ"oved. by Council. -
Emb~ will be needed for the Police Car. Motion was made by Mr. Wetz
and seco... by Mr. McIntosh that these Emblems be purchased. at a cost not to
r exceed. $20.00. Unaaiaously approved by Council.
It was suggested. that the dUJllp be closed. Some people do not take garbage
service and they are taking their garbage some place. The ci.ump is a health
FEBRUARY 10, 1967
hazard and measures should be taken to block it off since so many abuse the
use of it. Motion was made by Mr. G. Brown and seconded by Mr. L. Brown to
block off the dump. Mr. Brown will look into the cost of posts to block the
roads. Unanimously approved by Council.
The Town Hall has been designated by the County Commissioners as a
permanent precinct for voting the Shack that was adjacent to the Building waS
just for temporary use. The Commissioners would like the use of the Village
Office as a Voting Room providing they are not forced to use the temporary
building due to legal requirements. Motion waS made by Mr. IJ.oyd Brown to
give the County permission to use the Village office as a Voting precinct if
they do not have to use the tempory one. Seconded by Mr. Rowell and unanimously
approved by Council.
Motion was made by Mr. L. Brown and seconded. by Mr. G. Brown that the
meeting adjourn at 9:55 P.M. Unanimously approved by Council.
Village Clerk
Village of North Orlando, Fla.
."......,. APPROVED: