HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 02 06 Village Council Regular Minutes ,- ~ 1""'"'. REGULAR MEETING VI LUGE COUNCIL VILUQE OF NORTH CrtLANnO~ ru. FEBRUARY 6, 1967 The Regular session of the Village Council was called to order by Mayor George Fuller at 7:30 P.M. Vice-Mayor Lloyd Brown led the Group in a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. On Roll Call the following vere present: Mayor George Fuller Vice-Mayor Lloyg, :Brown Attorney Orville Johnson Councilmen: Jay Wetz Char1e s Rowell Granville Brown Charles McIntosh Minutes of the Regular meeting of January 9th, with one correction, were approved as read. In reference to the paragraph about ltFederal Aid. to Local Government", the paragraph should have read "most of aid is "loans" and not "grants" . Minutes of the Special meeting of January 13th were read and approved as read. A check was received from the North Orlando Company for the Building Fund. of $401.47. r- The Treasurer's Repo~ Balance aener8.l Fund 1/1/61 'Checks Drawn Depasits Balance General Fund. 1/31/67 Balance Road and Bridge Fund 1/1/67 Checks Drawn Deposita Balance Road and Bridge Fund 1/31/67 $3072.h.6 466.40 1355.38 3961.44 $1257.46 130.00 None 1127 .46 Bills Presented for Approval Robert Kramer Clanton's Esso Robert LaFollette Jay Wetz McRoberts Tire Shop 25.00 3.00 68.19 11.59 22.11 Road and Bridge-LloyG Brown reporting: Yield sign that had been reported missing at the last Council. meeting was founcl. by Mr. LaFollet~, in the middle of South Edgemon, while he was making a turn through the Village after the Council meeting.. r Mr. Brown has had a talk with Mr. McClure, Commissioner of Roads in Casselberry. He agreed to co-operate with the Village in helping to keep up the roads bordering North Orlando. ,~ -, ~ PAGE 2 FEBRUARY 6, 1967 .r'. The County Grader was not available during January. Mr. Prescott, has the Grader belonging to the Village torn down. After checking it completely Mr. Prescott reported it would take approximately $250.00 to put it in good shape. Motion was made by Mr. Lloyd Brown to have Y..r. Prescott put the road grader in top shape at a cost not to exceed $300.00. Seconded by Iv!:r. Gerry Brmm and unanimously approved by Council. Oak tree to the Finance Director- Mr. McIntosh reporting. The bids for Insurance 'Will be coming up. Mr. McIntosh advisecil. the press to advertise it in the papers. "Specs" for the bids win be in the office, Wednesday, February 8th and o~n to all Insurance Compan~ies. Expiration date on the present insurance is March 3rd. .~ Mr. McIntosh reported that the present billing on Water Bills is 243, the highest in quite a few years. Mr. McIntosh gave an excelletn report, comparing the Revenue, before and after the raise in Utility taxes. Of the $9,265.27 in 1965 expenses, $2,288.30 was in non-recurring expenses. The per~ntage increase of Revenue using base Df November, 1966. Novem.ber 1-----100% December 1------104% January 1-------109% FigureS are on file in the Village Office.. ~~ Board--Mr. Gerry Brown reporting One more member is needed. for the Zoning Board. The Board bas had two meetings and they believe the Ordinance has been worked out to the satisfaction of Mr. Johnson. Fire Report---Mr. Wetz reporting! 20 hours of fire including 1 in Longwood, 8 hours of drill, 30 hours of training, 102 hours of communit~Iojects, 7 hOur. s dedication of Fire Truck by Forestry Service. 23 hours--Jll!(..' 10 hours~, total 200 man hours for the month of January. r Police Report------Mr. Wetz reporting Submitted by Robert LaFollette, patrolman; Complaints answered-------------1 Traffic Violations t Oral Warnings-----------9 Arrests (written)-------3 Courte~ Tickets--------3 Total hours on Patrol 42 hours Hours patro1ed by Mr. Wetz 17 3/4 hours r r r ,,-. ---.. FAGE 3 FEBRUARY 6, 1967 Miles traveled in Cruiser 334 miles Gas purchased 45.5 gallons total $15.69 Motion was made by lob:-. Wetz to place on Agenda. for second reading, ~ title only, Amended Ordinance '40/ Seconded by Mr. Lloyd Brown and unanl.Jnouly approved by Council. The Clerk read Amended Ordinance 1140, by title only, for second reading. Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. McIntosh ~o accept the second reading, by title only, of Amended Ordinance 1140. Unan:un.ouslyapproved by Couneil. Motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown to place on the Agenda for third. and final r'eading, by title only, Amended Ordinance #40. Seconfied. by Mr. Wets a.nd unanimously approved by Council. The Clerk read, by title only, Amended Ordinance #40, for third and final reading. Motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown to accept, by title only, the third and final reading of Amended Ordinance #40. Seconded by Mr. Wetz and unanimously approved. by Council. HI'. Macek of C and M Refuse has not presented a Performance BOBd. The Council has received many complaints concerning the Garbage Service. If. Mr. Macek does not comply with his contract with the Village the Council will be forced. to terminate the Franchise and get another Garbage Service. A Special meeting will be held Friday-February loth, to get things straighten,ecl out with Mr. Macek. A. suggestion was made to paint the letters ttQU on the lias for garbage and "Tit for trash. HI'. Wetz reported on the cost of repairs to the present Police Car and the estimated cost to bring the Police Car into usable conditiOl1. In 1965 repairs tiere 363.65 or an average of 30.30 per month. In 1966 repairs were 507.07 or average of 42.25 per month. To bring Police Car to usable condition the cost would be $704.75. This does not cover parts that may be needed. in transmission or miscellaneous charges. Bids received for new 1967 Police Cruiser. Dodge-----seminoleCountyMotors---------------$2~399.85 with trade. C~01et-----Ho1ler's of Sanrord------~------~ ~,345.00 with trad e. Ford---------8trickland-Morrison-------------,,:2,155.,O with tratie. Plymouth------Lash Motors of Sanford------------2,040.00 with tr~de. Dodge-------Orlando Motors---------------------2,194.00 with trade. Rambler-----Reed Motors-------------------------2,164.60 with trade. The estimated monthly payments on a loan from the bank for three years. $1,500.00--------------$49.89 per month 2,OOG.00--------------$63.36 per moath 2).$O.fr.OO"'---------- 82.83 per month Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. IJ.oyd. Brown to a.ocept the lowest bid. from Lash Motors of Sanford.. Discussion was held. EllItimateci repairs were broken flown. Suggestion was made by Mr. Hudson to lease a. Police Car. Mr. Tilson told. of the problems that would come from leasing a car. ~ ~ PAGE 4 FEBRUARY 6, 1967 r-- Motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown and seconded by Mr. McIntosh to table the motion regarding the purchase of a Police Car until the Special Meeting on Friday. Motion was made by Mr. IJ.oyd Brown, authorizing the Clerk to buy stationery, when needed, from Bergere's at a much cheaper cost than the regular printers. Seconded by Mr. Rowell and unanimously approved by Council. So that we may have a light outside on meeting nights, motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown to pay the liorth Orlando Company $2.00 per month on the electricity for the Big light and purchase the bulbs, if the Fire Department does not. Seconded by Mr. Rowell and unanimously approved by Council. Instead of the plug-in for the light HI'. Wetz will install a sn tch at no cost. Motion was made by Mr. Gerry Brown to appoint the following to the Election Board.: Inspectors: Louise Owens, Fran Brandeburg and Baston Bouchez, and Clerk, Helen Green. Secondeci by Mr. IJ.oyd Brown and unanimously approveci by Council. Mr. Johnson read the qualifications for the candidates wishing to run for the open offices. r Mrs. Fairburn reported that there was someone in the ~1iLlage who is not chargeci for utility taxes since the party had refused to pay the taxes. Mrs. Fairburn refused to give the person's name. Mr. McIntosh was applauded by the Council when he said the person who refused to pay the small amount of taxe. we have in the Village and accepts the freedom we have in the United States., and then goes around bragging about it was not much of a citizen. The Clerk was advised to contact the Utility Companies. Questions were asked about Dog Ordinances, Tags and Shots. Regarding the Tavern, Mr. Bage spote of putting in next to the Store. Mr. Hage has made no more contact with this office. Mr. G. Brown, as a member of the Zoning Board, said that the area where the store is is Zoned as a Commercial Block and 9- Tavern was permissable. However, the Council could refuse to give him an Occupational License. There were several strong protests from the group and other protests have been made since this matter was presented. Mr. Rowell reported that clay and sand was needed around the Bus Stops. One truck load for each shelter. Mr. Lloyd Brown said that Road and Bridge will take care of same. Although Mr. Litke, our Building Inspector, has retired from Longwood. we have had no wor4 that he will retire as Building Inspector in North Orlando. r Mr. Rowell reported that 2 nets are needed for the Basketball Court at a cost of $3.00 each. Two concrete slabs are needed to cover the Septic Tanks in the Recreation Area, before some one falls in. Mr. Rowell is to purchase same from amount alloted for Recreation. The Little League will be open for Registration at 10 A.M., Saturday, February 11th at the Recreation Building for boys, ages 9 to 15. $3.00 is neecied for insurance and cap. A letter was read from the Seminole Cou:ntyChamber of Commerce, inviting the MayOr to a luncheon ina.ugurating the new Metro Phone System. ... r' r r- ,-- ~ PAGE 5 FEBRUARY 6, 1967 Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by 1>1r. Gerry Brown that the meeting a.djourn at 10 P.l4. Unanimously a.pproved by Council. Respectfully submi tted.,..,:)' /' I /! ,7/ /-~-~::,'.; ;~ Helen B. Green Village Clerk Village of North Orlando, Fla. APPROVED : GEORGE T. FULIER MA lOR VILIAGE OF NORTH OR!AJ.'mO, FLA.