HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 01 09 Village Council Regular Minutes - ( ~ r- REGULAR HEETING VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLAl'IDO, FLA. JAHUARY 9, 1967 The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Fla. was called to order by Mayor George Fuller, at 7:35 P.M., January 9, 1967. The Group joined in a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. On Roll Call the following were present: Mayor George Fuller Vice Mayor Lloyd Brown Attorney Orville Johnson Councilmen: Jay Wetz 'Char le s Rowe 11 Granville Brown Charles McIntosh The minutes of the last regular meeting, December 5, 1966 were read and approved as read. The Treasurer's Report: r- Balance 12/1/66 C~neral Fund Checks Drawn Deposits Balance General Fund 12/Zl/66 Balance 12/1/66 Road and Bridge Fund Checks Drawn Deposits Balance Road and Bridge Fund 12/31/66 ~~2,886.96 544.49 730.03 3,072.46 1,257.46 NoBS. None 1,257.46 Bills presented for approval: Dr. J. Brannon !1urphy Judah's Alnerican Service Ro oort LaFollette Notion was made by Mr. G. Brown and seconded by:Hr. bills be paid. Unanimously approved by Council. 4.50 18.74 7;) .19 Jay vletz that these Road and Bridge Report: Mr. Lloyd Brown. Some time in the middle of the month, the YIELD sign at the corner of South Edgemon and 'flradewinds was removed by some one. This is a bad corner and we should put up a new one as soon as possible. On December 30, l1r. Prescott put clay fill on South Edgemon and Moss Road at a cost of 100.00 for 7 man hours. On December 31, the County Road Grader was here and graded North Edgemon, South Edgemon, Tradewinds and Moss Road at a cost of $25.00 to the operator and $5.00 to the COlmty for the rental of the grader. /"'"' New battery cables were installed on the Village grader by Art Devoe and checked over. He said he believed that the grader needed a water pUlnp, fuel pump, rings and the valves ground as well as a new oil gauge. I talked to }~. ~ ~ PAGE 2 JANUA11Y 9, 1967 r- Prescott,; and he said he would be able to work on it some time after the 14th of January. I asked him to take it apart and then let us know how much it would cost to put it in good working order. If this work is done this month, in all probability the grader would be in operating condition some time in February. Expenses, Road and Bridge Fund, January 1, 1966 to December 31, 1966. January Fe bruary March April l-iay June $28.40 July 28.84 August 28.80 September 27.04 October 40c.00 November 2.78 December Total Expenses---$1,686.60 $2.87 399.75 138.96 632.16 Nothing Nothing Balance January 1, 1966 Deposit April 22, 1966 Balance Expenses Balance, December 31, 1966 $615.06 2,329.00 2,944.06 1,686.60 1,257.46 Mr. Brown has talked with Mr. Prescott and he said that he would work on the grader as soon as they brought it over t3ince he had some spare time now. Health, Welfare and B.ecreation: Mr. Rowell. r- The Fire Department has burned the lots on North Fairfax and South Fairfax and have tried to burn some of the other lots. Part of the Recreation Area has been burned. The dump is still in bad shape and people are still dumping trash and garbage along the side of the road. Finance Committee; Mr. }1cIntosh. Mr. McIntosh complimented the Road and Bridge Committee on what has been done with the money a1loted to them. Mr. McIntosh has not had the time to study the book, "Federal Aid to Local Government too much, but he found that most of the aid is grants and not loans and have to be paid with bonds. Most of the insurance for the Village comes up in March. Mr. McIntosh asked permission from the COJmci1 to place a bid for the insurance. "Specs!. have to be out by February 1st. Mr. McIntosh asked authori8ation of the Council to make up the "Specs'. for the Insurance and have all of the insurance with one Company and have the same expiration date. r- Mr. G. Brown reported that one member was still needed for the Zoning Board. There would be a meeting of the Zoning Board on January 19th, 7:30 P.M. The Clerk WaS advised to notify the Board. Fire Dnpatment: l5t hours of Fire Fighting, 18 hours for business meetings, 3lhours on -Civic Projects, 24 hours of cleaning and getting the. room ready for the Christmas party, 6 hours truck maintenance total of 94t hours. A new siren has been purchased for the #1 ~ire Truck. The Fire Department would like for the Village to purchase a gallon of yellow cement paint to paint the curbs around the fire hydrants. ,,~ -- ~ .... PAC'K 3 J A:mA11.Y 9, 1967 r- Police Department: Complaints, 5, Traffic, Oral Warnings 10, Arrest, Written 5, Courtesy Ticket, 6. Total hours on Patrol, 57 3/4 hours, Hours patroled by ~~. Wetz, 13 3/4. Miles traveled in Police Cruiser, 452 miles. Gas Purchased 45.9, ~17.87. 1 qt. of oil, 60i, 1 bulb 25i, plus $3.00 cash ticket for gas. }~. Wet~ said that they would wait on bids for the cruiser until we have a policeman. An application was read from Robert Hamill for the position of Police Officer. A work shop will be held Friday night, January 13, at 7:30 P.N. for the Council to interview }~. Hamill. Alnended Ordinance #40 was presented to the Council. Amended Ordinance #40 WaS then read in its entirety for first reading. Motion was made by }1r. McIntosh and seconded by Mr. Wetz that Arr~nded Ordinance #40 be accepted for first reading. Unanimously approved by Council. The Ordinance will be posted for 30 daJ~ before the final readings. r Hr. Llo;,ro Brown asked Hr. Johnson to see if Recreation Area. could be used for anything other than a Recreation Area. }tr. Johnson said that he didn't think that it could, but he would check into the matter. ~lotion was made by Hr. Brown to ;3et permisdon to take the grader to Hr. bescott to tear down and see how much the cost vJOuld be to repair the grader. Seconded by Hr. Rmmll and unanimousl;'l approved by ''Council. I-lotion WaS PJade b~ Vir. L. Bro'vm to buy a gallon of yello1rr paint. Seconded by }~. vktz and unanimously a~proved by Council. Mrs. Fairburn said that people in a new home cn the Longwood/Oviedo Road asked a Councilman where they could throw their yard trash and he told them to dump it along side the road. }trs. Br~~deburg said that 2 scooters and a car keep drag-racing up and down S. Devon and she is afraid of the lives of thE.: children. Other complaints have been received from the Ranches that there has been drag racing on the roads out there and the roads are being ruliuil.ed. I,trs. Balter reported that there were three bad holes on North Edgemon and she waS told that they would be fixed as soon as possible. 11otion was made by Nr. Wetz and seconded by !vir. HcIntosh that the meeting adjo~n at 8:40' P.rrI. Unanimously approved by Council. Respectfully sUbmitt~d,.'/ . / Village Cler~~~~ r- Approved: MAYOR