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1966 11 07 Regular
FtO:1IDA r,:AGU": 15~ 66 -~CITI":~:.rTr (1.7 - ~''11J!\J=- t:.T.'L TtrT~:'t ,~.....~ -"'\ ";' '"f"I..~.,,,,,: .1".1.'..., 'l. L-, .L t, TO: GEORGE FULLER G.G. LLOYD B~1.C'~J:-~, Gruil,,~ ;/IJ.Jl~ D~~v~ii,rJ, ~~-...t;..a.IES i~O:.~~1L, Cl-ii~~l.L.lSS :'-:::;I~,~TCS='l joj'TD AT'.L'C~~ITEY 0_:_ '~\!IIj~ J Olii~SO=I . I'}-?'Cl'-I: Ji\.Y A. .LSTZ SCiEJE CT: 40th l\:'r'; LJAL '~('~,T'vE:_~TI C~'T, Ii'LC1~IDj~ LSAi}~rs 0=,' .. u iT-r- '~I? ALITTES. This Report <Jill fol101.J subject b~l suL,ject, Kith the ",[riter's comments at tl1e en,d. S~'jJE/--;T: lIT.AX :1~';FC..n' 80"-;iSSICT:". It H::,)3 cencrally decided th"t all cities, larGe and sTila11, had the same problem. A stead:U.y jncreasing perc8:",ta:e of cost to ocer:::te, but not as high a percer,t of income. For examl,le; S~Ta8cta, in the 12ft ten 'TC'''rs, cost to operate i"c,',,;p,:::ed 6ercent, "\J11:ile the income only increased 2 ercent. This T.,,] ItefOnl ~ornnj.ssion lJ"S 8cd:.ab1ish,c to ajd t?,.Lc: lJI":1.tsrs C~~ t~l,e 1";8~~T 1"~C':'1stituttcn. liS c.fl ~,1(}TJ n.ct:" ~~,::~ ein;:ll. SUSJr~CT : ft1967 J~~_~'-~..T.S! ~,q--'!t The r(~.;;5J~r'?-lt c-r t~I('; S:?~"12tC ,?~!JJS:--'PCll:c;!, of t}~_:::_, ~tOllt .('C'J~.t}~ ~'(''Ynjnr-' I.;c s'::"~i~{- S(~~~;iorl. T!.lJ_~~ .S,-:c:~l:~e]:'" r:T" t.eE;: :::t,;t;:=.c1, -;~.r;_cc o:~ r~';'~")~.~'l-'crt5.orr;"'-~?it, th~ 1~~CL1SP -:'.JCU!"_~~ 1:~,(,~ r1cr':~~ rr-"::T.,~-~~-:=;l-:tn_t:-. VEJ ;.?~:ce 8. - l';_~,e re~:~=:_ ::::11t cf ('1""-' Cr::'T' .te (::1_f:r-ll~:"-',~(,~ t.';~r'F;=;(~ "~:,'.':,'-:-'4f': -~,.~-;..~t, House HOUSE"; of 0:l,'""'[. .. ~ i.....<.! .-...+ t -;c (' C'-^(_~ t' J'r .- l-, ~ ,..., ,.'l.... 2-'>(' ,:~;,l '~~,"'r(: ~:~,'V'C;:17":'. :;_':~'"::-; crl~~ r:'CT .y;-.r 1:,~c=. 2;~.C' rl:'lllJ.'~~, '-'''_=Lt,~L_~~S ~,.',t,~-~ll ._ . _:',~..~~; v- ~ .: ..... v " ,-',.-:t ')''''1~) . , c:-:': ;,T~") " :3 ~_:::J;. T!'~~~_rcJ, r: l1(~ .'.:', ct" th~t ~o 2~or~ ~Jrc:cy Tl'l;-,t :i:~, ;.:;",,,n~2~j.:_'T.c'r rnJ.s.G C~E;:'G ;1~iS C"hTrl veto. .__ct.," C_~L:.:; re~,'j_d~l;l1t ~ -' .-' , 0...;. -0;'-1(:; ~-::)~:'~[_~l,U Ul'~ i I ~.i '-_ ...." ec~;:ce.l-' . t.~'~.~'~ Iiousc Dr(-_~ }_C'.C i:1tsr cn;~ll~:~2. c,=~li t2jT L,'j ~G-'~fe (J 1.'1 [-) t~, tc: ,-=: (: ;wc:,ld. 211G'b""G :;;. .:;oulc;. .,i(;r:~ ~.L.L,-"' lccal rG-G:Lr(2ri~,-~;:lt <i~(J 11S . 'li":., ~ C' ,J....LL...I...I-' .:~cr .~~~:\)i ",:o"'I/~,:'::rYlr:~011t ai"~~~-l(~~~ G~-J. :-:.t ~las 3. r 3t:__~-'c:;~<~.11t ..._,larl cL1,J. :1ot - . " . , ..LC:~~'C ;,llS r(;0lr-~;r:~GrlTI ;.; ;;- r:tc fron cit~/ to (_:it:.r ()r COl,.}'rt.:r to-'()illlt:r or co-~~t . , "GC C.i-'0~.'i, 2liC. S. -i~.\. _=-" Gill: iI}'EDEllAL i~IJ!t fh.i~:; ~:~.c,sior-l 1128 -..... qu.'cC-G}.I.):-l anc ~-::.r.~S-'.-:2r SSSSiU!l ~"Titl1 five ':.J801.;,18 froLl diffcr~:;llt ~?.,-:_.'I~::~C:~s l-'(~~__res'2rrt:::;c_. T~-iOS8 ;.;rcsc:rlt ~-Jere, -'\J7inc,,3.r'~ct, Connor, Ur:.:a2'l 3.t;11e~.I3.1 DiviE:j..C:lj JeroT18 Co:'~nor,(:C'Tl:TJJ1::' :j'C1(~il=_t:i:~f~ AdriinjRstratioI1; jJil1iarn , L~ealth, Ej~Jcation ctnd del.fare JJe.:.,_a:ctr::i3nt; lLJ_r\iis ~~~ot.ertE, :~,1ar:-:~ers :Hcne Ad::;'::LrrLs-~l'"'ation; arlcl ThoTG.as :Cutl\~r, SlrLall l-3u.s:i.r:er:s ;...dvin_i:~tra-c~Lcl1. (.2118;1 all stated l~lOTJ cities could Fec\:;Y'al FLJ.nds Ul11:-er .iL,lleir Sr:eci.al Del~'a t-,'"!_ents. TIle ~~i-ve l"i.cn were UT1&,nir10us ill statirlE: tJLlt Dl1 <:ornrnuni tier: sl1culo C..et t}lsir E;hart 0" Federal Aid. One v-ra"{f vlculCll. bi' by pettine; .:,'--.:: beok from the I'ec';,eral Gover:1F,(~nt on "Aid:=: to 10c21 Govern:;(;nts~ Since He ar,:; a nerriber oi' t,}C, Florida J.J3a[;ue of !'iunj..:':i.palities, tJ:O"'ost i-lOuld be ,;2'1.:-)1) a pear, b,.It accordin:; to everyone, they are ';J811 ":cort!^'. it. 5:.,.:?r.f"S':T: u ~Ir0r P....TTr-;.1"'rs~rt S ~:-'j~)r:~I}t !"rLl~}l time "Til~? s on SAT \! (!;orn.!1l0n .Antenn,~j Tel.svic,ion). This'-?;Y'~e3r:=- to b'" c' major p1'ob1,"", in l"r"'? ~:it:ies. T:10 I/:'ai~ue' s ~oull.cil f21t s'ure tll?t ~ccfo:re 3n~T cle~:i.8~ (;~1 r-O.JJ/1 1--",0 Y!2C)C~ 23 tc ~l,E"cu!_aticn, }'ees, Jur:isc1:ict:i cn, ete, th(? ;',rO[)lETl T.KU~_C: ".0 to tIle CTluTerne :~ourt. The last n~rt of th:.:3 -:.~211.Gl 'S"l?S devot:::;d to n m-_lnj..,-':iI->:11 T'-.r-c:_", n.ts UY1(~8r R'?V.~~'l~_lC R.uli..n~~1t63-20. This tJ0S :'l?~r ovC?r rr'~l 1~Cl '-1, t:ut an,T j_nfo:r~n;:::tion ~"nr?\" 1...)(~'1 ot--tained f:r'cm our SCU!1~j 1, :R.2.1~.:,h 1/'tJrs5_c~~:1.c. ? :..: ~~: I_Ji~ ... 1>66 ""l,.... c~~ l:U::I"~I~'~ '~_I,,:rlr~S . ~,.:. ~ .1. "'~J :. , ,J.'J.'l ~ .AGE 2 SUBJECT: 'tCmOLiF DISGuSSImJtt The time talwn up Q;.U'ing: this hOell' ",as sl:ent on larger ci-c.ies anc tllei1~ ,~:OFmlon IJroblerils. Sui,J:iZ7l': II GC;'$TITUTICITAL IE 'JIS:': UIlI The cain theme of Gil,,; Hcvision is bome Tule. Tha.t is, not h2,vi:-lC; to :,:0 to the IB~:is12_tGrc faT 'ever,;rbh:;ng. It "\iculd Give counties FC1.ver to en2c:t Ordinances vJhich the'l do not 'J8. E3l'Y cha'lges ,'ler"3 tall:cc3 a'oout, but 'l,:lese:hanr:c~c r,'lLlst be 3.:;::r;roved by the ~,::vision I:o;ll'd, and. t-l-len j)cl,ESed b;/ the LGgi312.tl.lre in 1967 anc fj_.rlally. by. tll:2 v';'oter n.f'xt ~TO'l8F~b(~r. '[he }?lcrjJ"Ja C cnsti.tutJ.on 1J(},S lJr-5_tten j..n t]F: J_Ettc la(}r:' r s so a r18l'J one j.E', 81..11"'e1"\:'" il1 or(er. The Gcnv'2Yltion strt~sE~ed t...,{O lJo:L~:l.ts over (?X~C; o1.rer. .s.nc~ seconcl, ttlIomG :~llllea. I.Test ;?;"'l;.rc'r:'/D!lC~ -: 1~~.I"'~ C' ort':> l:j'ir~.t: "Fc:'eral Aidll , ' -i ~(~ re ~0-':~ :~irl ts . I tal,ked to t~';c ;\~ljC',:-::'''''h.~Lc)-'~'S .As'r:ic'~,'"!t~:C'n,-::nr:' :~,r:1:ec~ ~_: the:,: :;~e:"t. C-:l record of rct:5_rsc3 offj,cC'rs t~1,'?t r':l:l l'J~lnt TTorlc E'l](:11 2 f.' ~T2 ~~1.2-.'Ie. The",' st3tec1 that they (lid not, l.ut it ems a good ic1cD. Cords ,'lere '~nssc'3 out to tilern ~-Jith the" 11c-:~le t:'1t't ~..;e ';'(12._','" ~-~c,:'_r ~rcrl t}l_r~'T': ::'1:,'rllt t',} r(~~ti:r(?d oflfi0er. All in 9.11 the :;cnvcl~ticn Wee 'Jer'- :inF'orr:ative. BreDe ~'Jere ShC1'"ffi 2_n se,rlC tll',;? ~"C ~>Jere ~,:~CK. I.f '~phl~ets :~rC~l vn ious ~'JO do net 'Ie tIle list of com~:)iJ_ed ~..,,' iJ:L:.11ic z:;.l~:"tj"(::-s tiCY1S frc"C~ j. ~:~Li~ C TLIE t:-L Cl1 , , T:J.Ll,:'::' ,-Ie ~ ., ..~ r:,nOl::L': ,t j,t. T1~e E~.I;:: :;::.~] (; =:.1<..,;, ;~.J.i::: '~'" '-' ,,~, ,..~- <_J..-'. (,t ~ :LE,.:~'2:', .'C().:;'0 _~ v....J ,:,,1'--' C,;' ',J ~~c - C_ ;:. 'wi. It Vic;'.~_ c :"-"c,--,(~;s.c,-::c. vli.e.; '..J 1.-~ Cc;-\/c , ,:',11t rc-L.....c. E~Cl, ~3(~rct.ar~l, L L '1~_: J__~ C, ;.1(; "LI.J.,- vU ~t:l-I.>3U =T orth CT'L :lCO. t~l:-'~ t i.=' 1;(: ~-lO :_~ld I"ll.... "j'Ci."Q011 ....i\..I.'010r, ~l-J.c. L~;a~:,'-ucs 1 ~:::2Cl;;.\~j_Vt:; 3","1'.. a l:::tGl::. l'{l uL,-,.; ~~=L'Gll L_:Lc~tw~:":S cf j,"O.ctll ~,,-,Ju~ C~; .si ell ltr\lc'_2~('~a ,.'Ctl.lC :::::2 t:L;t it ;ct a1 .L ...'.... ;-. l=;l-,~'_'i. it 1 ~:'Jic:. , : ~:" I (=: c' Ul~ (; 5.1 r C=C' ~. -:;,i :.~ \.'~ :;. ,~C:l'I,.- :~ti()11 r::-l'.j~ , ~':~.11 .,; ~ .....'~.....,_... , r. ." ........l, t:.l, ~'J .'_ v":'. i..l':,,~,~..-~.~i:~_.~E~ ' .' -..,-' 1 J\,., '_'''';';'' . .'. _.... .,..." ____ '....' L;l,~, .I. \"";Cl -() }_'J0 - f' ~LC ~.:l.~- ,... , . ;-v~~.r:",2::':;:.v . JAY. i. ...., ::r-'lf7 .L'.Jlw ;c"-,~'''~rI~ ./~~. 'TTTI,Ar. ,-,'-', ~ ..:....-) i-:'~7 1" '~T~~l.- '1JC <II "T t'. '" +;_.JJ-:.